Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 794

Jingrui doesn't know that an old man who is completely unfamiliar is still worried about his safety in the cold wind. He strolls around the street alone and comes across food stores, clothing stores, jewelry stores and so on. He also goes in to have a look.

Because dad said that these stores can reflect the current economic situation, and can also find a lot of business opportunities and crises.

Although Jing Rui has no interest in starting a company, it doesn't prevent him from learning a lot of things.

He looked at many places happily and found that the local conditions and customs in Germany were very different from those in China, such as buildings, language, cultural customs, eating habits, etc.

It's a pity that he is too young to be allowed to go to Germany's subway or bus. He wanted to experience it.

The last time I took the bus in a city, my father took him with him. As a result, as soon as they got on the bus, there was a riot on the bus!

is mainly because he and his father are too handsome. There is no way. Now it is a burden to grow up too handsome. Those daughters with strong perfume are trying to squeeze him to his father. There are still women who want to kiss him.

I can't stand it!

Zhao an an's kiss is not enough. She is his cousin at all. If she is kiss by another woman, he will collapse!

The only thing he didn't repel was that his mother had kissed him. His mother's fragrance was light and smelly. He still liked his mother's arms.

Like father is the same, except for his mother, he does not let anyone touch him, let alone kiss him!

After that experience, Jingrui doesn't want to take the bus any more.

However, I don't know what the German bus looks like. Will it be as crazy as those women in a city?

As Jing Rui thinks, he stops outside a playground.

Compared with other places, it is very lively. There are many children playing with their parents. Of course, many children are crying.

His little one, standing outside the gate of the playground, was very attractive.

People kept asking him if he was separated from his parents. Even the police officers found him and asked him if he needed help to send him back to his parents.

He politely refused.

Just turning to leave, a little beggar about ten years old came up to him and asked, "Hey, do you have anything to eat? I'm so hungry. Can I have something to eat? Or give me more money. "

He is too small. Jingrui needs to hold up his head to see the face of the little beggar.

The little beggar, dressed in his old clothes, which was obviously a size larger, stretched out his dirty hands and asked him what he wanted to eat. In other words, he was asking him for money.

The little beggar looked very calm. He often begged with others. There was no shame or embarrassment on his face.

Jing Rui has no money with him. Shangguanning is in charge of his daily life. It is impossible for him to put money into his pocket when he is dressed. After all, he is too young to buy things by himself.

He thought about it and gave all the sweets that people in the hospital gave him to the little beggar.

Anyway, he doesn't eat sweets. Just send them out.

Less than two years old, Jing Rui has not experienced any setbacks and storms in his life. Although both Jing Zhongxiu and Jing Yichen are teaching him to be indifferent and cruel, he is still too young, and his heart is soft and kind.

He loved his parents, and the little beggar was only about ten years old, and he came out to beg. His life was much harder than him.

He felt compassion.

However, his kindness gave him a blow!

After the little beggar got the sugar, he didn't even say a word of thanks. He pushed Jing Rui, who was a big part shorter than him, to the ground. Then he went to pick up his down jacket, which was worth more than 10000 yuan. He took off his down jacket, but he also used his dirty hands to touch his body for change.

He had long been lurking aside to observe for a long time. He was sure that Jing Rui was alone and no adults followed him, so he started on the "little fat sheep".

Jing Rui is only over one year old. How can he be an opponent of a ten year old boy!

Pushed to the ground, he has no power to resist!

He hated the little beggar touching him!

A tall and cold figure appears in front of Jing Rui, kicking the little beggar out for more than ten meters.

He picked up Jing Rui, who had no down jacket and was covered with mud all over his body, wrapped him in his coat, and then coldly faced the two black clothes behind him: "kill."

The little beggar is soon taken away. Jingrui doesn't have to think about his ending.

"Dad," he whispered in a tender, slightly panicked voice

Jingyichen low "um" a, but did not comfort his son, he just use a white pad to help his son wipe off the soil on his hair and small face.

Jing Rui lies down in his father's broad and warm arms, feeling very bad.

"I hate being touched!""Well, I know."

"I feel sick."

"Well, I know."

"But, father, do you have to kill him?"

"Yes, certainly. I will never let go of anyone who dares to move you. You don't understand now. You'll understand later. "

"He died because of me."

"It's OK. You can get used to it. There will be more people who will die because of you in the future."

Jingyichen's voice is faint, vaguely suppressing his anger.

Under his protection, Jing Rui has never had a problem. Today, it is the first time.

He hates other people's touch more than anyone else. He can understand Jing Rui's disgusting feeling.

However, the reason why he didn't kick the little beggar away for the first time was to let Jing Rui remember that he could not help others easily, but should keep a vigilant heart to the outside world.

Although he is a child now, he is destined not to be an ordinary person in the future. He can't do things like an ordinary person, or he will lose his life soon.

"It's a good thing to see the dangers of human nature earlier. There will be thousands of times more dangerous things waiting for you in the future. A lot of people are good to you if you don't treat them well. What those people are good at is stabbing you in the back. So don't trust anyone but yourself. "

"In addition, you should remember that people in the Jing family don't need to be sympathetic to anyone."

Warm embrace and cold sharp words form a strong contrast.

Jing Yichen and Jing Zhongxiu both said these words to Jing Rui, but he had no deep understanding before. Only now did he feel that his father and grandfather were right.

"Dad, I was wrong."

Jing Yichen heard his tender voice, felt his small body shaking slightly, as well as his depressed look, and his heart hurt badly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!