Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 778

Death is dead.

He died at fawn's gun.

It wasn't long before the killer world knew that angel had killed death. The ranking of killers has not changed for five years. Everyone's strength is fixed on a horizontal line, and the ranking is based on a very scientific basis. Therefore, it is not easy to change. Unless one of the killers is killed, the following talents will automatically rise one.

The fact that angel can kill "the God of death" shows that her comprehensive strength has really surpassed "the God of death". The first place of "Death God" is indeed accumulated with numerous white bones. The number of people he kills is far more than that of angel, but his strength is not as strong as that of angel.

The rumor has finally been confirmed. Since then, angel, the world's number one killer, has been replaced by angel.

Her reward has been rising to a prohibitive high price.

However, since she killed "the God of death", no one can ask her.

Mu's Hospital, deer lying on the operating table, Mu Qing with a scalpel, cut her skin has been healed, take out the bullet in her body.

"You're healing too fast. The bullets are all in the meat. You can resist it. The meat around the bullet has been worn out. The inflammation is very serious. The meat around the bullet needs to be cut off! "

"It's OK. Cut it."

Deer for this kind of operation is not in the heart, anyway, has been given anesthetic, also can not feel the pain.

"Where is jingyiran?"

Mu Qing carefully took out the bullet for the deer, and then cleaned her wound: "you don't have to worry about him, he has great ability, even Yang Muyan died in his hand! It's a cruel thing to start with. I'm afraid Yang Muyan's mother can't recognize her! "

"Yang Muyan is dead?"

This is good, Xiaolu is also very afraid of Yang Muyan. She is not good at calculation, and Yang Muyan's mind is too terrible.

Mu Qing takes cotton ball to wipe the blood of the wound for the deer. Seeing her blood, she has a flash of light in her mind!

Deer's blood contains the world's most unique virus, they are very aggressive, can devour normal cells and abnormal cells in human body, then, can we use her blood to make antidote?

As soon as the idea came out, MuQing couldn't control it.

After obtaining the consent of the fawn, he took ten milliliter blood samples. After finishing the operation for the deer, he took those blood samples to Mu Wensheng.

Mu Wensheng also thinks that this may be a huge breakthrough.

Two days later, muwensheng's antidote was developed, and its reaction in animals was very good, and the side effects were minimized.

He came to the hospital with the medicine. After checking the bodies of shangguanning three people again, he said to Zheng Jing: "because only ten milliliters of blood were extracted from the deer, the medicine made is very limited. To see the effect, it is best to detoxify Zheng Lun first. The risk should be low and not cause too much damage to her body. If there's no problem with the potion, she'll wake up soon. "

These days, Zheng Lun has been in a coma. Zheng's father and mother come to see her every day, and Zheng Jing has been guarding Zheng Lun's side.

She was the least poisoned of the three and the most likely to wake up.

If there is little medicine, it is most reasonable to use it on Zheng Lun.

This means that Zheng Lun wants to do the experiment, but if she succeeds, she will benefit the most.

Zheng Jing believes that the master's medical skills, if not 99% sure, Mu Wensheng will not easily try, his medical ethics and medical skills are as excellent.

"Grandfather mu, just give my sister medicine! It's a good thing that she can take the medicine first! "

Zheng Jing has been guarding Zheng Lun in the hospital for several consecutive days. His face is a little tired, but the light in his eyes is bright, and his expression is also somewhat firm and persistent.

With Mu Wensheng, Zheng Lun will surely wake up!

His sister has been sleeping for several days, and every day is a torment to him.

Mu Wensheng originally thought that if Zheng Jing didn't agree, he would be well advised by Mu Qing. However, Zheng Jing trusted his medical skills so much.

His tired face is full of smile: "good, old man, I will not let your sister have an accident, and I will return you an original Zheng Lun!"

The process of detoxification was very smooth. After Zheng Lun injected the antidote, plus Mu Wensheng personally gave her acupuncture and detoxification, the values of her body quickly returned to normal.

Gradually, the blood flow became slow.

Zheng Jing keeps close to Zheng Lun. When the sky is light, he is tired and sleeps beside Zheng Lun's bed.

A soft and familiar voice awakened him from his shallow sleep.


Zheng Jing suddenly raised his head and entered the target, which was Zheng Lun's confused and delicate face. Her eyes were still the same as before, misty, beautiful and full of vitality."Lun Lun, you wake up!"

Zheng Jing was surprised and pleased. He held Zheng Lun's face in his hand and said with red eyes, "you've been sleeping for five days and five nights. I'm so worried! Do you feel any discomfort now? Does it hurt? Do you have nightmares? "

A series of questions made Zheng Lun settle down from his confusion.

Five days and five nights?

Is that a short time?

Why does she feel that time has passed for a long time, not like five days, but like five years?

Zheng Lun doesn't know what happened. She always feels that her memory has become a little fuzzy. She doesn't remember the things before her coma. However, the impression of Zheng Jing, which she loved deeply, is unforgettable and vivid.

"Brother, I'm thirsty. I want water."

"Good, good, I'll give you water to drink!"

Zheng Jing quickly released her and went to give her a cup of warm water.

After drinking two glasses of water, Zheng lunlian felt a little more comfortable. However, her throat hurt so much that she could hardly speak.

"Brother, I have a sore throat. What's going on?"

As soon as she spoke, she coughed violently and coughed up a big mouthful of black blood.

Zheng Jing was shocked and immediately called Mu Qing: "Lun Lun wakes up, she coughs up blood!"

Mu Qing only took a minute to run from Zhao An'an's ward to Zheng Lun's.

I asked, soon.

He took a look at the blood stains Zheng Lun coughed out and relaxed his mouth and airway: "this is a good thing. Most of the toxins in her body have been discharged. These are the blood stasis in the viscera."

He put his hand on Zheng Lun's wrist, examined her pulse for a while, and asked, "girl, do you feel any discomfort? Or do you think there's something wrong with your body? "

Zheng Lun said softly: "I just have a sore throat, and then I seem to have forgotten a lot , the fastest update of the webnovel!