Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 777

"Look, these oppressive people all want the lives of our parents and grandchildren. It doesn't matter if they want my life, but they dare to make your idea. How can grandfather let them live? Ruirui has to remember that cutting grass must be done without benevolence. Otherwise, they will come back to revenge one day. "

Jing Zhongxiu looks at those people in the night and starts to panic. He teaches Jing Rui calmly.

Huang Lihan couldn't see it any more. He turned a white eye at Jing Zhongxiu and said with dissatisfaction, "it's not good for you to teach children like this? Yi Chen was taught cold, you should not want to Rui Rui also teach an iceberg? He doesn't like to talk at all. If you continue to teach like this, ruiruirui will not even call his grandfather! "

It's a bit magical. Jing Rui doesn't even ask his parents. But every time he sees Jing Zhongxiu, he always calls "grandfather" and makes Jing Zhongxiu so happy that he even walks under his feet.

Jingrui has never called him "uncle and grandfather" so far!

Huang Lihan has always been worried about this. Whenever he has time, he will teach Jingrui to call "Uncle".

Jingzhongxiu smiles and holds Jingrui's small hand and says, "I've been successful in educating Yichen, and I'm sure there's nothing wrong with teaching Jingrui in the future. However, I have also made a lot of improvements. I didn't speak to Yichen so kindly before. There's nothing wrong with ruiruirui becoming cold and cold. The king family will be handed over to him in the future. If he is kind-hearted, he will surely suffer a lot. "

When it comes to the family education of Jing family, Huang Lihan has no voice.

Although the education methods of Jing family will be improved in each generation, the general direction remains unchanged. They are committed to cultivating all-round top inheritors, and the training method has been very mature.

He really has no say in such matters.

The fact that the Jing family has been able to stand up to now and become a giant shows that their way of cultivating successors is correct.

This has been proved by practice.

Jing Rui is destined to be brilliant all his life, and his life will be extremely brilliant. The responsibilities he undertakes and the dangers and difficulties he has to face are far beyond ordinary people.

Huang Lihan suddenly felt a little distressed for this little guy.

He just snatched Jing Rui from Jing Zhongxiu's arms. He held him in his arms and said in a low voice, "I'd better hold you more when you're young, or I won't let people hold you when you grow up."

Jing Zhongxiu was robbed of his grandson by Huang Lihan. He was very dissatisfied, but when he saw how he loved Jingrui, he did not take Jingrui back.

He began to call his people and give orders.

Half an hour later, the people in black, who came, closed their eyes forever and could no longer threaten them.

Jingzhongxiu turns on the lamp in the villa and takes Huang Lihan, who holds Jingrui in his arms, to the kitchen on the first floor and makes fish soup for Jingrui himself.

Huang Lihan's servants went back to their hometown for funerals. They didn't come to work these two days.

Jing Zhongxiu takes on the responsibility of a chef. He can't help it. Jing Rui and Huang Lihan wait for him to cook food every time.


Deer and "death" face to face in a mess of living room, two people at the same time holding guns to each other's forehead, the atmosphere is strange and nervous.

"Death" in many places are bleeding, his high-quality human skin mask has fallen to where, revealing his true face.

He is a very handsome man, with long eyebrows, deep eyes and nose like all European and American people. He is very tall and makes Asian people envious.

His skin was originally very white, at the moment because of blood loss, has been pale, like a long time no sunshine vampire.

Although the deer was also embarrassed and had blood stains, her wound was obviously much smaller, and her face was more beautiful than death.

I don't know how long it took before some surprise and panic in the eyes of "death" dissipated. He said in raw English: "it's impossible! Your body is not a human body at all

The deer looked at him quietly and said faintly: "each other, your perception is not what human beings can have. You can predict the future. This is a super power stronger than my ability."

Yes, the ability of "the God of death" shocked fawn. He could foresee the future. This kind of thing can only be found in novels and TV! In real life, she never met!

No wonder that every time he killed a person, he was able to retreat calmly!

He is not far away from God!

Even if the deer can't predict the future, it's still very dark!

Her comprehensive strength is too strong, speed, strength, perception, endurance, all far exceed him! The functions of her body have completely broken through the category of human beings!

In their duel, fawn has hurt him many times in a row, but he only hurt fawn once!

This gap in strength has already explained the problem.

His predictions of the future are all fragmentary predictions, and most of them are when he is in danger. Only a few critical fragments will appear. He can not predict the whole future!And because the future is changing, his behavior has changed, and his future results will also change.

So he couldn't predict exactly when and where the fawn would shoot.

Every time he was brushing the bullet that was flying by, he was very dangerous to avoid the vital point. However, where did he avoid the deer's gun? He had been shot several times. If he didn't treat him, he would bleed to death.

In the face of absolute power, even if he can predict the future, he can't change the future at all!

Death can't accept the result of losing to the second place in the world at this moment!

He wants to fight to death, pull the fawn to die together!

The deer saw his idea, and she said faintly: "you can't kill me. My gene has been highly modified, and the muscle density is much higher than normal people. This makes me fast like lightning in a short time. Even if you shoot me at a close range, I can also escape. If we don't believe it, we'll shoot at the same time to see who dies first. "

"God of death" has always felt that his special function has been very powerful. He thinks that the name of death is very suitable for him, because it seems that God sent him to harvest human life on earth.

However, today's fawn, let him realize that his special function is nothing great. Angel, the second largest in the world, has been genetically modified!

In this contest, he lost the first place in the world, at the same time, he is about to lose his life!

He has seen his end through time and space. , the fastest update of the webnovel!