Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 769

Shangguanning three people are not locked in the same place. When jingyichen finds them, shangguanning just wakes up.

Before she knew what had happened, she had been taken into her arms by jingyichen.

"Do you feel any discomfort?"

"A little nauseous, dizzy and dry throat."

Shangguan Ning's voice was slightly hoarse, and she gradually recalled what had happened.

She remembered that Yang Muyan appeared in front of the three of them. Before she could call people, she had lost consciousness and fainted.

Physical discomfort is far less frightening and helpless than the feeling of coma and darkness.

Shangguan Ning doesn't know how jingyichen found her. She looks around and finds that Zhao an and Zheng Lun are not here.

Her heart all pulled up, urgent ask: "an an and Lun Lun? How are they both? "

Jing Yichen held her out and whispered, "it's OK. Don't worry. Zheng Lun is OK. She has been found. Now an an is the only one who has not been found. She should have been taken to another place, but there will be no danger to her life for the time being. Mu Qing has gone to find her

Zheng Lun was the first to be found, because she was not very important to Yang Muyan, so she was the least guarded, and she was not deliberately hidden.

Perhaps, Yang Muyan has too much faith in "the God of death", and thinks that with him, Zheng Lun is the same no matter where he is hidden. She will eventually die here.

If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of the fawn, "death" could not have left here.

Unfortunately, even though Yang Muyan is gifted and resourceful, she is still a person after all. She can't predict all the unexpected situations.

Jingyichen takes Shangguan Ning to the car, and after checking her up and down, she finds that there is no other injury except slight bruise on her body.

"I'll take you to the hospital for a comprehensive examination first."

Jingyichen whispered with the officer Ning, then told the front of the tiger to drive.

"I'm ok. I don't have to go to the hospital. I'd better take me home! Make time for Ann. "

Shangguan Ning felt that in addition to a little nausea and vomiting, there was no other discomfort.

Jing Yichen put her hand on Shangguan Ning's wrist and felt her pulse: "An'an has MuQing and Li Feidao. She will be OK. There is something wrong with your pulse, but I haven't been able to diagnose your pulse for a short time. I'd better go to the hospital first

He had examined Shangguan's pulse so many times that he almost knew her pulse like the palm of his hand. He immediately noticed a change.

However, although he learned a little about pulse diagnosis, it was only aimed at pregnant women at that time, and the rest was not professional.

Jingyichen is afraid that Zheng Lun is the same as shangguanning, but she is not aware of it. She also asks her car to take her to Mu's hospital.

Went to the hospital, the patient is Mutong.

Mu's Hospital, in addition to Mu Qing, is the highest level of traditional Chinese medicine Mu Tong.

His traditional Chinese medicine is to learn from wood, so many years down, has accumulated rich experience.

He gave shangguanning and Zheng Lun a pulse diagnosis for five minutes, and then said with a dignified face: "both of them should have been poisoned. What kind of poison are they? They can't be diagnosed by pulse diagnosis. Now go to take blood for a detailed test. The toxin spreads quickly! At the present rate, they will not wake up for a long time. In another hour at most, they will fall asleep. Their physical condition is a little like that of animals hibernating! "

Shangguan Ning was anxious and grabbed Jing Yichen's hand and said, "Yi Chen, quick, find An'an! She must have been poisoned too. Lun Lun and I are in the hospital now. What should she do? "


Zhao an from coma to wake up, just wake up, directly vomit up.

When she finally vomited, she found that she had explosives on her body!

There was no one around, and there was no sound. In the dead silence, only the timer on the explosive could be heard to ring one after another.

Zhao an's fingers were shaking. She carefully turned the timer to her side. Then she saw the red numbers on the timer beating.


It took Zhao an several seconds to figure out that 300 seconds is five minutes.

She is so nervous now that she can't even count 300 divided by 6!

What she's wearing is a time bomb that only appears in movies! And now it's only five minutes. No, no, no, it's only four and a half minutes!

Zhao an's forehead was covered with sweat, a huge threat of death, so that she completely ignored the discomfort of the body, regardless of nausea and vomiting.

How could this happen!

How could she have a time bomb!?

The scene before coma flashed away in Zhao An'an's mind, and Yang Muyan's delicate and flawless face appeared in her fragmentary memory."Damn Yang Muyan!"

Zhao an, pale and low scolded, but now she does not have the strength to swear, and there is no time to curse.

She didn't know what the power of this big bag of explosives on her body was, but the firecrackers she played with when she was a child could blow up children's fingers and arms. She thought that the explosive hundreds of times larger than firecrackers could directly blow her to dust!

"Help! Is anyone here? Brother, where are you? I'm dying. Come and help me

Zhao an suppressed the intense panic in her heart and began to shout for help.

In her heart, jingyichen is a universal cousin. As long as she has something to do, jingyichen can always appear in front of her and help her settle everything.

She was used to relying on jingyichen since childhood. At the moment, under the crisis of life, her first thought is jingyichen.

The three words "help" echoed in the open darkness, and the word "ah" formed a strong echo, which intensified Zhao an's fear of death.

For death, Zhao An'an thinks that she will be very calm, because she knows that with her own kind of physical condition, death is sooner or later.

She did not tremble when death came!

The time on the timer, as time goes on, decreases little by little.

She can clearly see her own death countdown!

"Brother, come on! I'm so scared. I'm going to die! Help


In a desperate echo, suddenly appeared another familiar voice!

Zhao an was overjoyed and cried out, "MuQing, I'm here!"

She didn't know when. She was in tears.

In fact, the most eager to see her is green wood. , the fastest update of the webnovel!