Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 768

"Oh, by the way, and Zhao An'an, she is Mu Qing's woman. Mu Qing has made me almost unable to be a man. You should solve her woman first and give me a bad breath! The dead girl, who was imprisoned for half a year last time, has no memory at all. When she sees me, she makes sarcasm at me. She is still more relaxed when she dies

"As for that Zheng Lun, I don't care whether she is dead or alive. However, since you have killed both shangguanning and Zhao An'an, you don't care about having another Zheng Lun. Anyway, it's useless for her to live. If she dies, it will make Zheng Jing's criminal policeman sad. As long as others suffer, I will be very happy! "

Jing Yi Ran seems to take Yang Muyan as his own hand, commanding her to kill this and that, it looks like a good prestige!

Yang Muyan is a very conceited woman. When she heard jingyiran speak to her in such a tone, she could not help but feel a little gloomy.

"That's what you're here to tell me? I don't know what to do

She looked at jingyiran's beautiful face, and suddenly a strong desire for destruction rose in her heart.

"Do you think you can get out of here alive?"

Yang Muyan picked up a bottle of open red wine and gave himself a glass. He drank it comfortably and looked at jingyiran with disdainful eyes: "the owner of this villa has been killed by me. His body is upstairs. Would you like to visit it? So you can know how miserable you look when you die. Maybe, you don't know, I have a gay killer around me. He will be very satisfied with you. I can pay him a lot less! "

Jing Yiran was not surprised at all. She raised her eyebrows and said, "Oh, what I know is the world's No. 1 God of death?"

Yang Muyan did not think that his biggest card was Jingyi ran through at a glance!

"You're not stupid! Since you know that it is the "God of death" who has never failed to kill people, you dare to come alone. You are not timid

"Who said I came alone? Well, my brother and my woman are out there! However, we have been talking for such a long time. I think you may try to contact your God of death. I don't know whether he is God or not, but he is probably dead now! "

Yang Muyan doesn't believe Jing Yiran's words. "Death God" is the best killer. He is good at hiding and killing people. Moreover, he has amazing intuition about danger. This is the most important reason why he has been a killer for so many years.

It is very difficult for a man like him to die unless he is specially targeted.

In fact, Yang Muyan originally wanted to ask the top three killers in the world to serve her together, but the third killer was not willing to work with the top one, because it was easy to expose his strength.

The killer organization said that the reward she gave was too low, the killing cycle was too long, the number of people was too large, and the distance was too far, so Angel didn't take the task.

When Yang Muyan heard the news, he was extremely shocked.

Because she can even invite the first one, she used a reward of five million more than the first. Second, angel thought the reward was too low!

Who is the first in the world!

Yang Muyan doesn't know that the mentally retarded fawn she once looked down upon was the angel she spent a huge amount of money on.

Fawn is now out of the killers' organization. Even if they take on the task, they are no longer accepted through the killer organization.

However, killer organizations don't want to reveal to the outside world that angel is out of their business, so as long as someone asks angel to do something, they will refuse it with various reasons and excuses. So far, the second ranked one is paid more than the first.

Xiaolu doesn't know that Yang Muyan once wanted to ask herself to be a killer for her. She is not like Jing Yiran. She is waiting outside with Jing Yichen. In fact, she has already entered the villa, earlier than Jing Yiran came in.

Her task is to protect jingyiran's safety, and then kill Yang Muyan immediately after shangguanning's three people are rescued.

However, "the God of death" is not dead now, he is still alive, Jing Yichen and Ji Bo are sending people to attack him with all their strength. There is basically no truth in Jing Yiran's words, and Jing Yichen is not here at the moment. The person who stays here is Zheng Jing.

He's the one with the most firepower.

Jing Yiran has been talking nonsense with Yang Muyan, but it is just delaying time.

Although there are many people to protect Yang Muyan, these people will not pose any threat to the deer. Only the "God of death" is the most threatening person.

At the moment, however, this is a stalemate.

The fawn hid himself in the dark, took out his mobile phone and logged into the killer system of the killer organization. With the special code of the killer, he sent a message to the "God of death" and sent his own location.

Soon, she received a reply: "to fight with an opponent like you can show my value."Deer smile, and then put away the mobile phone, quietly waiting for "death" to appear.

In fact, she has always wanted to fight with "death", similarly, "death" also wants to fight with her, even eager to fight with her.

Because there have been rumors in the killer world that her strength should be the first in the world, and that "death" ranks first, not by quality, but by quantity.

It's a shame that a proud killer can't tolerate.

He has always wanted to kill fawn himself to prove his strength. Now that there is such a good opportunity, he will not care about Yang Muyan. He will give priority to killing the person he wants to kill.

What's more, the contract he signed with Yang Muyan was that he would kill whoever she appointed. Now she didn't specify, so jingyichen's people, he would not.

To kill a person, there must be a huge reward. Otherwise, the killer will never shoot easily, because shooting at the rest of the people is reducing his own value.

Jing Yichen soon found out that the killer in black was missing!

It is impossible for the "God of death" to escape. He has brought many people to guard here. The victory or defeat is not obvious. He has no need to escape.

If it's not to escape, it's that he has something else to do temporarily and let him give up staying here.

Jing Yichen frowns slightly, thinking of a possibility.

He immediately called Zheng Jing: "Zheng Jing, the God of death, has gone to your side. I guess his target is fawn. If you do well in the reception of fawn, she will be in danger." , the fastest update of the webnovel!