Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 762

"Oh, I don't want to be angry! Ha ha, we will still be good sisters in the future

With that, Zheng an Lun shook his wrist.

Her wrists are thin and smooth, like the best suede jade. She feels very good.

Zhao an touched it for a few seconds, and then she suddenly remembered that Zheng Lun had committed suicide. She lifted up Zheng Lun's two wrists. It was white and delicate, crystal clear and perfect. It was like two pieces of art. Where was there any scar!

She looked at Zheng Lun suspiciously and wanted to ask Zheng Lun how he committed suicide, but this question is not easy to ask.

Where does someone go to expose other people's scars like this!

This kind of suicide, the party must be the most taboo, Zheng Lun good easy not angry with her, she can not mention that to let her sad.

Did Zheng Lun commit suicide by swallowing sleeping pills?

Zhao an thought for a while and thought it was very possible.

She didn't dare to ask more questions. She just held Zheng Lun's hand with some guilt and made up her mind to help Zheng Lun and treat her better.

Zheng Lun is also guilty to Zhao An'an.

Her relationship with Zhao An'an is not as deep as that between Shangguan Ning and Zhao An'an. After Shangguan Ning pits Zhao An'an, as long as she is happy, she will not blame herself. Even if Zhao An'an knows the truth and quarrels with her in the future, she won't worry too much. If they make trouble again, they will be just like sisters.

Zheng Lun pit Zhao an, has been a little uneasy, worried that Zhao An'an will be angry with her, so has always wanted to be better with Zhao An'an.

Both of them are humble and considerate to each other, and their relationship is even closer than before.

Shangguan Ning and Zheng Lun help Zhao an pick the wedding dress, and then give Zheng Lun a bridesmaid dress.

Zhao an's Bridesmaid can only be Zheng Lun alone. Shangguanning is married, so she can't be a bridesmaid.

Zhao An'an, one of the bridesmaids, is very satisfied. She is just a little worried. When Zheng Lun gets married, who will be the bridesmaid for her!

Three women are excited to pick up wedding dresses here, but the atmosphere there is dignified.

Lijing community, Shangguan Ning home, Jingyi Chen arms holding Jing Rui sitting on the sofa, the two sides of the sofa sit jingyiran, deer, Zheng Jing and MuQing.

Mu Qing was originally in the wedding dress with Zhao An'an, but after Shangguan Ning and Zheng Lun went, he was directly called by jingyichen.

"Yang Muyan's activities are very frequent recently. She has killed 11 people in Ji's family. Jibo hired four killers in succession, all of them died at her place, and none of them came back alive. According to the conjecture of fawn, it is the world's number one killer, the God of death, who has been following Yang Muyan to protect her safety

As soon as Jing Yichen's voice fell, Mu Qing and Zheng Jing took a breath of cool air.

In fact, none of the killers on the global rankings have ever seen their true faces. They usually use code names and wear human skin masks when performing tasks. Now, human skin masks can be made very lifelike.

Code named "death" killer, people only know that he is a man, the real name and appearance is what no one knows.

In fact, it's not only death that nobody knows what he looks like, but so does the fawn.

If they didn't know fawn, they wouldn't have known that angel, the world's second top killer, would be a baby face and baby voice. It looks like a teenage Lori.

Fawn is not very familiar with the detailed identity information of "God of death". Just as her identity is absolutely confidential in the killer world, the identity of "Death God" is also absolutely confidential.

"I don't know death either. I just think his killing techniques and style are very similar to death. If Yang Muyan's people are really him, we will be in trouble."

The deer's light mouth.

During this period of time, Jing Yiran recovered well after the operation.

He has been trying to contact Yang Muyan, but Yang Muyan is very cautious, only saw jingyiran once, and the time is very short.

Her appearance changed again, even her voice changed, so that jingyiran was not sure whether the person she saw was Yang Muyan.

He took the deer with him. This time, the deer saw the man beside Yang Muyan.

Her intuition immediately produced a dangerous signal, and her defense against that man was raised to the highest level. She was extremely sensitive. The killing intention on him was too heavy and too heavy to be common people.

In addition to the strange death of the Ji family, fawn can basically conclude that this man is the "God of death".

Only he would be so paranoid like to kill, so easy to escape, and let the dead suffer torture in his lifetime.

"Death" must also have special abilities. Fawn is not sure whether his body has been transformed, but she is sure that his ability is extraordinary.

None of the top ten killers in the world are ordinary people. Everyone has his or her own unexpected advantages.Jingyichen asked faintly: "deer, how many% are you sure about him?"

Deer hesitated for a moment, conservative way: "should be able to have 50%, he has never lost from his debut to now, can be ranked first, strength can not be underestimated."

Jing Yiran looked at Jing Yichen with displeasure: "let's talk about it first. You can't let fawn take risks. You can't deal with a woman. Let fawn go, don't you let her die? I won't do it

Jingyichen didn't even look at him, but chose to ignore him directly. Then he said to Mu Qing and Zheng Jing: "after Yang Muyan killed the Ji family almost, he will certainly seize the huge assets of the Ji family. This period of time is the best time for us to kill her. If we miss this opportunity, Zheng Lun and An'an will be in danger. "

Yang Muyan in the hands of the Yang family assets have been squandered by her, so she began to play the idea of the season home.

Moreover, she has transferred the assets of those killed Ji's family members to her own name through illegal means.

However, the assets of those people are only tens of millions at most. To Yang Muyan, this is just a drop in the bucket, which is not enough.

She has been forcing Jibo to hand over all the assets of the Ji family, and she will stop killing people.

Jibo only controls a small part of the assets of the Ji family, most of which are in the hands of Mrs. Ji. It makes her angry to let her hand over the huge wealth accumulated by several generations of the Ji family, which is more than killing her.

But the old lady is also very decisive, she directly let Jibo contact jingyichen, the Ji family can spend a lot of money with the Jing family to get rid of Yang Muyan. , the fastest update of the webnovel!