Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 761

Fortunately, Mu Qing's earning power is also very strong. Zhao An'an can afford to buy things like helicopters as long as he doesn't want to buy them.

After a week's marriage, MuQing has already bought a pair of rings with Zhao An'an, and after half a month, he takes her to pick out the wedding dress and dress.

Zhao An'an once saw shangguanning wear wedding dress. She thought shangguanning was the most beautiful bride. She thought she would never have a chance to wear a wedding dress in her life. She didn't expect that she could wear it too!

Although she doesn't like dresses like skirts, the meaning of wedding dresses is too special. She unconsciously falls in love with such pure and gorgeous clothes.

Although Zhao an's dress is very beautiful, it's not very different from Ann's.

She called shangguanning and Zhenglun to help her pick clothes.

This is the first time that shangguanning saw Zhao An'an after she got married.

Her face was ruddy, her complexion was very good, and she had gained a little weight. Her chin was sharp some time ago, but today, I saw it, she was a little mellow.

Shangguan Ning can't help feeling, Mu Qing is really a good husband, Zhao an raised so well, not afraid of her into a pig?

She laughed and joked with Zhao An'an: "Oh, Miss Zhao, you are so red. You have been very moist recently. I didn't contact me for such a long time. I thought you forgot me!"

In fact, she did not dare to contact Zhao An'an, because she was afraid of exposing the previous events. Zhao An'an knew that she had cooperated with all the people to pit her in the past, and she would be killed by her!

However, Zhao An'an seems to have no doubts about the past and asks her nervously whether Zheng Lun is still angry with her.

Now I see Zhao an's life is very good, just like MuQing, who is very happy every day. Shangguanning is relieved.

All her efforts were not in vain. Zhao An'an married Mu Qing, which was the most correct choice.

Zhao an an can't help feeling guilty when she hears shangguanning's teasing.

Since she got married, she has forgotten all the others. She has only been with Mu Qing every day. In her eyes, Mu Qing is the only one in her heart. She seldom comes back to the Zhao family. Where can she remember who shangguanning is and who Zheng Lun is!

Of course, she would not admit it.

"When did I forget you? You are a heavyweight now. It takes a lot of effort for me to call you out. My brother treats you like an eye, and my nephew needs his mother. How can I call you out! "

Zheng Lun could not help laughing when he heard that Zhao an was making a harrow, and what he said was so reasonable.

Zhao an's words are not exaggerated at all. Jingyichen really protects Shangguan as if she is an eyesore. He almost follows her wherever she goes. If she can't protect her in person, she will send many people to protect her.

Once she went shopping with shangguanning, and there were more than 20 bodyguards in the dark and in the open. She was very unaccustomed to it. Shangguanning had been used to it for a long time, and bought drinks for those bodyguards for fear that they would be thirsty after a long time.

Shangguan Ning shook his head helplessly: "forget it, they are playing very well now. I am disliked by my son. His IQ is on the same level with his father's, and it doesn't matter how many walnuts I eat."

Zhao an suddenly burst out laughing: "Oh, at last, you also realize the kind of pain I used to have! You don't know, when I was a child, as long as my brother went to my house, I would be despised by my grandmother and my mother. I don't know anything, my brother knows everything. I always feel like an idiot in front of him, you know! And he doesn't know what modesty is at all. He always looks at me with a look of contempt. I hate him very much before

Think of the past, Zhao an an feel funny.

Jing Yichen is cold and reticent, and never willing to talk much. However, she is a chatter and likes to ask questions from the east to the West. In jingyichen's opinion, the questions are very mentally retarded, which annoys him. Later, she simply refuses to go to the Zhao family.

Hearing Zhao An'an's "misfortune", Shangguan Ning was very happy.

A good girlfriend gives up her own pain and makes her happy. Of course, she is very supportive!

Jingyichen's IQ is really very high, but he seems to be able to crush others mercilessly, but he has never crushed her. In front of her, he is often naive and gentle.

Although Zheng Lun and Jing Yichen have met many times, but since they have known each other for so long, they have said no more than five sentences in total!

She is thoroughly aware of how cold a person can be!

In the past, when she met other men, they would be very warm to her, very fond of talking to her, and would always revolve around her.

Zheng Lun knows that her appearance is soft and sweet, which easily arouses men's desire for protection. It is normal for men to chat up with her.

Jing Yichen is the only man who sees her like the air!

He is too cold and indifferent, and when his eyes are swept past, his back feels cold!

Zheng Lun has always been very timid. She has always been afraid of strangers. When she sees jingyichen, she is even more afraid. She hides far away.She couldn't understand how shangguanning, such a gentle and quiet woman, could marry an iceberg like jingyichen. It's too stressful to live with such a man!

Contact more, she gradually understand, the original jingyichen treat shangguanning and treat others is completely different.

Jing Yichen is indifferent to Zhao an's sister. Only when facing Shangguan Ning, can he show his unique tenderness.

Shangguanning is the happiest of the three of them. She married the earliest and soon gave birth to a son. Now his son is smart and clever, which Zheng Lun envies very much.

She is a very, very fond of children.

It's a pity

Zheng Lun was slightly depressed, and Zhao An'an soon found out.

She hugged Zheng Lun's arm and said affectionately, "Xiao Lun Lun, are you still angry with me?"

Zheng Lun was suddenly asked by her, a little confused, blankly asked: "why am I angry with you?"

In her heart, she cheated Zhao An'an. As for Zhao An'an's snatching of Zheng Jing, it was Zheng Jing who was acting. There was no such thing as her anger!

Her misty and beautiful big eyes are full of question marks, simple and clean. Zhao An'an looks more and more guilty.

Zheng Lun forgot those festivals so quickly. Her expression was so blankness that she didn't really get angry.

Zhao an is happy immediately, Zheng Lun is not angry, this is better than good!

She had only shangguanning and Zheng Lun as two good friends. If she lost one, she would be very sad.

I don't know how far Zheng Lun and Zheng Jing have developed. If their progress is too slow, maybe she can help! , the fastest update of the webnovel!