Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 758

Mu Qing doesn't go home very often. He usually goes to the hospital or the old man. Unless he lives in his home, he will come back.

His relationship with his parents was far less intimate than that with the old man.

However, to see his mother Gu Huiru's face Happy trot out to meet him, wood green heart is still very guilty.

He didn't make a good grandson or a good son.

"Ah Qing, why are you back today? I didn't ask the kitchen to prepare something delicious in advance

Gu Huiru is a real lady with gentle personality and elegant temperament. Her only guilt in her life is her son.

Mother and son are not as close as other mothers and children, and she has never done a mother's duty to her son.

Mu Qing hesitated for a second, then hugged Gu Huiru and said with a smile, "Mom, don't be busy. You can eat anything. I'm not picky."

Gu Huiru was hugged by his son and was flattered.

Before Mu Qing was so close to her!

Her tears of joy whirled in her eyes and took MuQing to the villa.

Before his wife's son's frown, his son's hand hurt slightly.

But my son didn't come back once in half a year. All of them ran to the old man.

However, men are not the same as women. Mu Bingrong always thinks that MuQing is the most correct person to follow the old man. Being close to the old man can also fulfill his filial piety for him. Otherwise, there is no one around him to take care of him.

Every time Mu Qing comes back, there is a big event, otherwise he will not come back.

Mu Bingrong put down his medical books, raised his head and asked Mu Qing, "what's the matter with you back?"

Mu Qing looks a little stiff, he also knows that he is something to go home, nothing rarely come back.

"Dad, mom, I'm married to Ann. It's up to you to discuss the wedding with the Zhao family. "

A few days ago, Mu Qing's proposal made a lot of noise in the whole city A. of course, mu Bingrong and Gu Huiru knew about it.

They just didn't expect that they would get married so soon.

Both husband and wife were surprised, but Gu Huiru was surprised and happy. He said happily, "son, are you married? That's wonderful! I'll leave the wedding to your father and me. Tomorrow we'll go to Zhao's house in person. The wedding must be a big one, so that An'an Fengguang will marry in! "

Gu Huiru likes Zhao an very much. In fact, she likes everything her son likes.

In the future, it is the daughter-in-law who accompanies his son, but not her. She is not the kind of evil mother-in-law. She must choose one she likes.

Mu Bingrong, however, does not like Zhao An'an. He was very unhappy when the proposal was made so much the other day.

He had always disagreed with Mu Qing's marriage to Zhao An'an. He thought that if his son wanted to marry a wife, he should marry a good wife and good mother like Gu Huiru, rather than a crazy girl with a jumping character like Zhao'an.

However, it is obvious that Mu Qing didn't listen to him at all, and because he had strongly opposed his affair with Zhao An'an, he refused to go home for a long time, which made Gu Huiru complain about him for a long time.

Now that they are married, it's too late for him to say anything.

Mu Bingrong snorted coldly and did not speak.

Gu Huiru glared at him, and then took MuQing to ask questions. She always felt that her son had lost weight these days, and was deeply distressed.

Mu Qing patiently accompanied her, and occasionally saw her white hair on the temples, which made me sad.

His mother has also begun to grow old. In the future, he must take Zhao An'an back to see them and do his duty as a son.

Mu Qing accompanied Gu Huiru for an afternoon and drove away in the evening.

He is going to pick up Zhao An'an from school.

In fact, Zhao an ran home without an hour at work.

How can she let her grandmother and mother know about such a big marriage.

However, obviously, shangguanning has told the two elders the good news. Zhao An'an failed to see them startle their chin. Instead, they drove her out with the same caliber: if you get married, you will be in other people's family. Get out of here and don't be angry at home.

Zhao an an was kicked out after only ten minutes at home with her marriage certificate.

She was angry and funny. Both the old lady and Zhao Zhaoming were very happy. They drove her out and asked her to live with MuQing. She was afraid that MuQing would not want her any more!

She didn't want to live at home at all, OK!

She's going to live with her husband!

As soon as Mu Qing enters Zhao an's office, he sees Zhao an smirking at a Book of information.

He gently smile, went to her side, kiss her cheek: "miss me?"

Zhao an was startled and saw that it was him. The smile in his eyes could not be concealed: "nonsense, it's not. I'm looking at the information!"

"Oh, you've become very good recently. You've learned to read backwards!"Zhao an fixed her eyes on it. My God, she put the information upside down!

Well, she's really thinking about him. There's nothing to admit.

"I think what's wrong with my own man?"

Mu Qing took her hand, let her get up, and took her out: "yes, this is very correct. I will think this way every day in the future. In order to reward you for missing me, I'm going to take you to buy vegetables

"Well, it's a reward to take me to buy vegetables! Can you have some high-end projects? "

Zhao an laughed at him, but he was very happy in his heart.

She had been looking forward to the feeling of going shopping with her husband and wife for a long time.

After two people got on the car, MuQing said with a smile: "do you want high-end? You can't have this project until you finish your meal. Otherwise, you can't have the strength! "

All the way to the supermarket, Zhao an an followed Mu Qing to pick things.

She took MuQing's arm. MuQing pushed the cart and threw things into it from time to time.

They are very attractive. Many people in the supermarket look at them from time to time.

Soon, they were recognized.

"Oh, isn't that the hero and heroine who proposed a few days ago? Two people are shopping in the supermarket together

"My God, this man is so handsome! It's even more handsome than the picture

"I was there! I saw the whole process of his proposal! If only my boyfriend could propose to me like that


Many people even took their mobile phones to take photos of Zhao An'an and Mu Qing.

The progress of shopping has been seriously disturbed, MuQing has some helplessness.

Fortunately, he is not a star. If he is a star, he will even have a problem going out today.

He ignored the crowd and took Zhao An'an to settle the bill quickly and then went home. , the fastest update of the webnovel!