Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 757

"Are you married?" Li Feidao was surprised.

This change is too fast! The day before yesterday was not Zhao an and Zheng Jing two love each other back and forth? Why is MuQing married to Zhao An'an today?

He was confused by Zhao An'an several people!

Who likes who, who doesn't like who, who forces who to like who!

Zhao an is still sorry for Li Feidao. She thinks it's not easy for Li Feidao to like her.

"Li Feidao, you will find something suitable for you in the future. In fact, you don't know me at all. Most of my temperaments are unbearable except MuQing. My brother is your boss. He used to laugh at me and say that whoever married me has been guilty in his life. "

Li Feidao doesn't feel guilty for marrying Zhao an'an.

However, she has already married Mu Qing, he has no possibility at all.

He was a little depressed, some envious looked at Mu Qing, and then turned away with heavy steps.

Why do they get married so fast?

He hasn't even started to make a move, the other side has already come out, the result is really not reconciled!

Is He Li Feidao going to die alone in his life?

Finally, I fell in love with a girl. As a result, people didn't mean him at all.

No, after he went back, he had to ask AHU for advice on how to chase girls. Ah Hu has rich theoretical experience, although he has never chased a woman himself.

After Li Feidao left, MuQing finally felt a little more comfortable.

His wife is thought of by other men, this is not a small matter!

Now he would like to put "married" on Zhao an's body to let everyone know that Zhao An'an is married and can't be pursued any more.

Mu Qing keeps warm with Zhao An'an for a while, and then drives away.

He first went to Mu's Hospital and approved some urgent matters, and then drove to Mu Wensheng.

He wants to tell the old man the first time about his marriage with Zhao An'an.

Mu Wensheng has been cultivating embryos day and night recently. Jingtianyuan has always been his assistant. The two men slander each other and dig at each other as before, but the two old men are good enough to wear a pair of trousers.

"Grandpa, Ann and I got the license. We got married."

Mu Qing stands behind the old man, looking at his attentive gaze at the microscope, slightly sour in the heart.

If he was not too unfilial, how could the old man need to work so hard to cultivate embryos all day long? What he should do now is to cultivate his great grandchildren!

All mu Wensheng's attention is focused on the embryo. Mu Qing doesn't take it seriously.

After a long time, he raised his head, blew his beard and glared, "what do you say?"

"I am married to Ann, and she is now your granddaughter-in-law."

"Go, I don't want such a granddaughter-in-law! All day I know how to make trouble. I don't look calm! And I can't give birth to a great grandson. Old Jing has a great grandson. My great grandson is still a half dead tadpole! Lose my old man's face

"She's my wife, too. You don't know." Mu Qing is dissatisfied with murmuring. He doesn't like people saying Zhao an is not good, and the old man says that he is not happy.

Wood asked angry according to Mu Qing's back of the head is a slap: "Stinky boy, you now wings hard, you want to marry who you want to marry, also need me to say what?! People married in the door, I can really not recognize her? All day I know to add chaos, do not know to quickly draw a few more eggs to cultivate your son! If you don't have a son in the future, I'll see who you're going to cry for

Son is not important, daughter-in-law is the most important!

Wood green listen to the old man relaxed, immediately happy: "grandfather, when do we do the wedding?"

The old man glared at him, then looked down at the microscope: "love when to do, when to do, what does it have to do with me! When did you hear what I said? "

Jingtianyuan is wearing a white coat, white gloves, and a medical blue mask on his mouth. He looks like a highly respected doctor.

He took off his mask and said slowly, "Oh, pick the day, look for me! I have a good knowledge of these things! "

Mu Qing knew that jingtianyuan did study the eight trigrams in the book of changes. In his later years, he devoted himself to the study of astronomy and geography for many years, which was very profound.

"Grandfather Jing, please choose a day for Ann and me."

The wedding is very particular. Mu Qing doesn't know anything about it. He is not a superstitious person, but he also hopes to choose a auspicious day to make Zhao an an the most beautiful and happiest bride.

Jingtianyuan put down his mask and said faintly, "Oh, you really want to find me to count the days! My selling fee is very high, ordinary people can't afford it! "Mu Qing laughs: "it's OK. You can do it. I'll give you all the money."

Mu Wensheng suddenly turned around and slapped Mu Qing on the back of his head: "you son of a loser, you can give me as much money as they want. You don't bargain! Are you the richest man in the world! The money of old man Jing's family can't be spent in his life. You still send money to his home. I've taught you for so many years! Stupid

Mu Qing touched the back of his head, discontented: "grandfather, can't you spank? Don't hit me on the head! I'm so stupid, you beat me

"All right, get out of here! Go to your parents and tell you the news. Old man Jing will tell you when he has a good day! If he dares to ask for money from you, I'll drive him away at once

Mu Qing knows that Mu Wensheng has agreed to hold the wedding ceremony.

In fact, he couldn't hurt him more than he scolded him fiercely.

He certainly won't let Zhao An'an marry into the wooden family quietly. He will certainly invite guests and let everyone know about the marriage of the wood family.

In this kind of thing, Mu Wensheng will not let Zhao an an be shameless. Even though he will scold Zhao An'an in private, he will certainly only protect Zhao An'an in front of others and not let her suffer injustice.

Jingtianyuan said he wanted money. He was just joking. Mu Qing didn't take it seriously.

He left with a smile and drove back to his home.

When the servants saw him, they were surprised and said hello to him.

As a result of planting a large number of Chinese herbal medicine, the wooden family employed a large number of servants. At first, these servants were responsible for taking care of the old man, but the old man didn't like to live here, and he always wanted to live in the house in the suburbs. So now almost all the servants are taking care of the herbs.

Wood green just entered the door, his mother was happy to welcome out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!