Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 722

Zhao an has jingyichen as a big supporter. She can walk horizontally in city A. she doesn't need to be afraid of any director. Even the mayor of a city is jingyichen's, and the director of Public Security Bureau is Zheng Jing's father, Zheng Qinan. No matter how much trouble she has caused, she can handle it!

Zhao an sits on Mu Qing with a smile, and feels that with him around, what a boring thing is not boring.

Wenkang interrupted his work, and the two fought for a while, and then returned to work.

At noon, Mu Qing is preparing to take Zhao An'an out for lunch.

Before they got out of the office, a tall and handsome man appeared outside.

The handsome man looked at Mu Qing curiously, and then ignored him directly. With a bright and charming smile, he said to Zhao An'an: "Ann, let's go to lunch together! There's a new western restaurant opposite the school. I heard it's delicious. I'll invite you to try it? "

Before Zhao An'an opened his mouth, Mu Qing said with a black face: "she has already had dinner, she will not go!"

Zhao an was anxious: "when did I have dinner? I'm starving. Let's go! I like to eat steak best. I'll grab my seat quickly. If I go late, there will be no more! "

Mu Qing stares at her: "shut up, don't talk!"

The handsome boy seems to have noticed Mu Qing at last. He looks at him with puzzled eyes and asks, "are you An'an's boyfriend? Ann, didn't you say you're single now

"I..." Zhao an said only one word and was interrupted by Mu Qing.

"She's not single, I'm her fiance!" Mu Qing bit the word "fiance" very seriously, for fear that the other party would not hear the same.

The handsome man immediately had tears in his eyes: "Ann, so I can't continue to pursue you? Is my love coming to an end before it begins

"Yes, it's over! You can give up completely, she is my woman, all my life! Now, you can go away and eat Western food alone

"But I really like you, Ann."

"I'm sorry, she really doesn't like you! If you don't get out of here, I'll let people outside throw you out! "

A minute later, the handsome man was thrown out screaming.

"Oh, you are too rude to others. Wu Xin is still a student and likes me simply. You don't need to be so fierce!"

"I don't care if he is unintentional or intentional, I will throw it out!" Mu Qing tightly grasps Zhao an's arm and walks out for fear that she will be robbed.

After a while, two people came to pursue Zhao An'an. She is very popular! He was in deep trouble!

"I just like it! I don't think he is simple. He can cry in a second. He belongs to the Performing Arts Department! I'm sure I'll be a star when I turn back to be an actor! "

"No, he is a graduate student in the Department of philosophy. He studies philosophy wholeheartedly and likes Platonic love. It's not what you think."

Hearing Zhao An'an speak good words for Wu Xin, Mu Qing's face is blacker.

"You'll be angry with me. Sooner or later you'll be happy. No one will stop you from getting close to the handsome young men one after another."

Zhao an happily covered his stomach and laughed: "ha ha, how can I smell such a sour smell! Do you smell it

"Yes, can it be sour? I've knocked over the vinegar in a city. Don't you realize that the whole sky is sour

Zhao an's belly aches with laughter. It's easy to stop laughing. He followed Mu Qing into his car and asked him, "do we drink vinegar at noon today?"

"Don't you think I'm sour enough? You want me to keep drinking? "

Mu Qing pecked her lips as hard as punishment and warned her in a low voice: "stay away from Wu Xin in the future. I don't like him! I'll tell the bodyguards who dare to let him into your office, get out of here

"Oh, that's my brother's bodyguard, not yours. Why should people listen to you?"

"Jing Shao won't care about such a trifle with me. You don't need to worry about it."

What do we have for lunch? I'm so hungry

"I'll treat you to steamed buns, one yuan for each, ten yuan for us, and we'll have enough."

Zhao an was stunned: "you are too stingy! No, no, no, stop. I'll get out of the car and go to the western restaurant with Wu Xin

Mu Qing finally laughed, patted her back and said, "OK, don't make trouble. I'll take you to eat delicious food. I'm sure it won't be due to you."

"I haven't eaten Western food for more than a month. I want to have a steak. Take me there! I have no money. It's your treat

"Why don't you have money again? Didn't you just give you 2000 yuan last week? It's so fast? "

Zhao an refused to admit that he had saved all his money. Learning from Mu Qing's previous tone of speaking to her, Zhao an exclaimed, "what can I do with that 2000 yuan is not enough for me to buy a dress. I've run out of money! If you don't invite me or not, I will get out of the car and have dinner with others! I look so beautiful, auntie. I have to wait in line to invite me to dinner"All right, all right, I'll ask you. Don't praise yourself any more. I can't listen to it any more!"

"Then you say, I am not beautiful?"

Mu Qing said helplessly: "beautiful, beautiful..."

"How beautiful is it?"

"The fish and the wild geese fall from the sea. The moon is closed and the flowers are shy!"

"You are copy and paste! No, it's too perfunctory. Change the word! "

"Forgive me, auntie. Before I invite you to dinner, do you still praise this program? Can I not invite you

"No, it's so far away that I can't go back! You must invite, you must praise, or today will not be over! "


Two people all the way noisy, Mu Qing was forced by Zhao An'an to praise her for half an hour, and took her to a western restaurant for dinner.

"When did you like steak so much? Didn't you think it was too hard to eat? "

Zhao an ate with a big mouth and said vaguely, "you should take care of it! I'm going to eat all the steaks! "

Although she didn't say why, Mu Qing had already guessed.

It should be a kind of persistence that she left behind when she saw herself and Mi Xiaoxiao fake date to eat steak.

We can see how jealous she is, even the steak has been implicated.

Wood green smile, looking at her happy eating appearance, heart also relaxed and happy.

As for Wen Kang and Wu Xin, although they have given him a little trouble, Mu Qing knows that Zhao An'an can't like them at all.

Their eleven year relationship is not something that others can easily destroy.

He still trusts Zhao An'an. , the fastest update of the webnovel!