Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 686

After coming out of the hospital, MuQing went back to his apartment directly. He only slept for a few hours in two days. His physical strength and energy were overdrawn seriously and he needed a good rest.

After a good rest, he will go to see Zhao An'an.

MuQing didn't even eat lunch. He slept until evening. When he woke up, he was hungry.

He ordered a takeaway and called shangguanning after eating.

He said straight to the point: "sister in law, can I go to find an an? I want to tell her about Yang Muyan in person. Can your plan be changed? Or Let's not bother so much, let's just do it! "

Shangguanning knew what he meant, but he was angry and funny.

She broke her heart for both of them, and both of them were ungrateful! Zhao An'an doesn't know the inside story yet. She doesn't know how to make trouble with her when she knows it later. Listening to Mu Qing's tone, she seems very dissatisfied with the things she doesn't let them meet.

Mu Qing is good everywhere, but her heart is too soft and hurt Zhao An'an. She is not willing to let her suffer a little crime.

Think at the beginning, she had a high fever, the disease is about to faint, jingyichen ignore, just force her to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate!

She didn't have this feeling for jingyichen at that time. She even wanted to divorce jingyichen the next day. In the end, she was moved by his true feelings and lived a happy life with him.

Does this mean that jingyichen doesn't love her enough?

On the contrary, jingyichen just uses all kinds of means to marry her because she loves her too much.

Sometimes you can't think too much about marriage. It's impossible to be perfect.

Zhao An'an doesn't want to marry now, so we should use strong means to marry!

Shangguanning is a woman and can understand women's thoughts very well. In fact, before and after marriage, there are two kinds of mentality. If Zhao an married Mu Qing, she would not be so willful as she is now, and she would certainly not push Mu Qing out again.

No license, no legal relationship between husband and wife, psychological is absolutely different.

Mu Qing doesn't understand some women's careful thinking. He only knows that Zhao An'an doesn't want to, so he won't force her to marry himself.

Shangguan Ning was worried and his hair was white.

She sighed gently, trying to interfere in other people's feelings, it was really very difficult.

Although she had been prepared to be questioned by both of them and even by all of them, she still felt bad when she heard that Mu Qing wanted to give up again.

If this person was not Zhao An'an, she would not be involved in this kind of business.

I really don't like it.

However, with such a variable as Yang Muyan, shangguanning can't intervene too much. Mu Qing wants to see An'an so much and wants to explain Yang Muyan's affairs to her personally, which is nothing.

Just go. She put her plan back a little bit and changed it.

Anyway, before long, she will be able to bring the two together.

At the thought that Zhao An'an would marry Mu Qing, Shangguan Ning felt much better.

She said to Mu Qing with a smile: "the plan will certainly continue. I have prepared for such a long time and asked so many people to help, so I can't give up halfway. What's more, this part of me is for you, more for the happiness of An'an. Only if I marry her to you, can I feel at ease and have a way to explain to grandma and aunt. They have said that Ann's life-long happiness has been handed over to me! "

Mu Qing is a little afraid of shangguanning now. Most of the time, she gives people a gentle and quiet feeling. However, when she encounters problems of principle, she is very strong and aggressive, and has a competition with jingyichen.

He asked in a low voice, "can I go to Ann?"

"Yes, go!" Shangguan agreed with a wry smile. How could she feel like a bully who forcibly broke up the young lovers? She forced them to become Niu Lang and Zhinu who could not meet each other!

But if you don't, I don't need to be such a villain!

She wants to be a good person too!

MuQing heard Shangguan Ning promise, not happy, smooth flatter her, but Shangguan Ning smile interrupted: "OK, don't just say nice, I have only one request, you can't tell Ann the plan, can't let her know the next thing, I don't care about the rest." And it doesn't matter.

Mu Qing agreed with a smile and hung up the phone. He picked up his handsome and handsome clothes, took the gifts to old lady Zhao and Zhao Zhao, and drove straight to the Zhao family.

As for Zhao An'an, the best gift for her is not himself!

When we arrived at the Zhao family, it was Mu Qing who was personally received by Mrs. Zhao. Zhao Zhao went on a business trip and was not at home these two days.

The old lady had already regarded MuQing as her grandson-in-law. When she saw him coming, she couldn't close her mouth.

Today's green wood is too warm to talk to her.

Today, Zhao an is a little abnormal. Up to now, Zhao an has not left the room. She has locked herself in the room. She can't see Mu Qing coming. It's really strange.The old lady didn't know which tendon her granddaughter was. She had to wink at Mu Qing and whispered, "good boy, go up and have a look. If that girl's hair is crazy, you will be more tolerant and aggrieved."

Mu Qing shook her head with a smile: "where grandma said, I like Ann, it's too late, where the injustice. No matter whether she will marry me or not, I will take care of her for the rest of my life. Don't worry

This kind of words, Mu Qing has said more than once, but no time he said is so calm and calm.

In the past, Zhao an was not willing to marry him, and his heart was filled with anger. Now, he has felt that it doesn't matter whether she is married or not. Even if she doesn't, he will always treat her well.

"Also, grandma, I want to tell you a piece of good news. Our anti-cancer drugs have made a great breakthrough. Even if An'an relapses in the future, I think I can still keep her life!"


Mrs. Zhao stood up from her chair and asked, "are you serious? Ann, she Will it be ok? "

"There is no 100% assurance, but there is still 90% assurance!"

Mu Qing didn't want to tell the news. After all, his experiment has not been completed, but he has great confidence in the drug he has developed. Now speaking it out can also make the old lady feel relieved to give Zhao An'an to him.

Sure enough, the old lady's tears of joy fell down. She took Mu Qing's hand and said: "great, great! I knew that Ann was right to follow you! I have to talk to Ann's mother. She must be very happy , the fastest update of the webnovel!