Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 685

Zheng Jing looked down at his sister, who was full of charming brilliance at the moment. His love in his heart was like Chao water. He could no longer restrain himself, holding her face and kissing her red lips.

In the narrow carriage, the temperature rises sharply. The unforgettable kiss makes two people breathe fast and their clothes are messy.

Zheng Lun has been made soft by Zheng Jing's kiss and touch. She unconsciously hugs Zheng Jing's neck and wants to ask for more.

After all, Zheng Jing still has a bit of sense. He releases Zheng Lun with difficulty and wants to stop this kind of intimate action that makes him addicted and makes him unable to extricate himself.

However, Zheng Lun refused to let him go. She changed her timidity and tried her best to drill into his arms.

"Brother, you hold me, don't let me go, I don't like you so far away from me..."

As she spoke, she kisses him out of order. Her little hand got under his shirt and started to set fire to him.

Zheng Jing is a man of high blood, and the woman he loves is sitting in his arms. So provocative, his last rational also collapsed.

"Seven seven, I love you!" he yelled

He began to kiss her crazily, from cheek to lip, from lip to clavicle, from clavicle to her white plump like jade.

Zheng Lun couldn't control himself and murmured. She hugged Zheng Jing's head and called "brother" intermittently.

This kind of electric shock made her feel that her body was no longer her own. She was like a demon and longed for Zheng Jing's kiss and love.

His big hand slightly rough, touched her body, and brought her a current.

His lips were soft and hot, and kissing her seemed to ignite her.


Zheng Lun screamed, and then a strange feeling surrounded her, she shuddered and paralyzed in Zheng Jing's arms.

Zheng Jing raised his head from her chest.

How sensitive she is, how much she loves him, can he reach the high Chao only when he kisses her!

Zheng Lun does not know what is going on. She only knows that for a moment, she seems to be floating on the top of the cloud, which makes her very comfortable and unforgettable.

She was so shy and blushed that she leaned against Zheng Jing's arms: "brother, I..."

She didn't know how to express it, and she was embarrassed to express it.

Zheng Jing hugs her and kisses her cheek carefully. She whispers, "it's OK. Seven seven. This is how you like me. Don't be shy."

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath for five minutes before he could control his impulse to ask her. He gently dressed her and took out a tissue to wipe the sweat from her forehead.

It can't go on. Absolutely not.

He is now very uncomfortable, eager to find a place to ease.

But Zheng Jing still held back.

Today they've gone too far. He's crossed the line!

He knew that he could not control himself by kissing. He knew that he would get deeper and deeper.

In the past, he would have wanted to marry his sister, but now, he can't do it at all!

Zheng Lun, can only be his own!

He couldn't bear to have another man touch her. He couldn't stand another man doing the things he did today and appreciating her beauty.

However, he doesn't want to be so furtive all his life. His woman should stand by his side in a fair and aboveboard way, instead of hiding from others.

Zheng Lun is so beautiful and sensible that she should have happiness!

It's not her fault to fall in love with him and become his sister. She should not bear the rumors and accusations for this!

He wants to change all this!

Zheng Jing held the soft little woman in his arms and sighed in a low voice: "seven seven, I almost can't control myself. I have to stay away from you in the future, otherwise I don't know what I will do."

Zheng Lun was silent for a moment and said in a gentle voice: "brother, I I will, you Don't bear to... "

She said that, blushing with shame, she lowered her head and did not dare to look at Zheng Jing.

Zheng Jing's heart produced a circle of ripples, his fingers across her bright lips, whispered: "fool..."

If you want her in this way, she will be wronged!

Zheng Jing didn't want to do that.

He has to deal with everything. He wants her to follow him in the right way, give her the title of his wife, kneel down and propose to her. After that, he deserves her!

He wanted to give her the perfect and unforgettable first time, instead of finishing the solemn ceremony in the car, in the suburbs, while they were still brothers and sisters.


After Mu Qing prescribed medicine for Zheng Lun, he went to see Jing Yiran again. He was still in a stable state as yesterday, but he did not wake up. Fawn was still by his side, neither eating nor drinking nor resting.

Even if the deer is hungry for ten days and a half months, it will be fine, but it's not a problem that the deer always does not eat!Mu Qing advised her for a long time and promised to keep Jingyi for her for a while. Then she got up and went out to eat.

Half an hour later, the fawn came back.

Wood green Leng Leng's looking at her: "so fast finished?"

"Well, Xiaolu nodded, and then Jingyi continued to speak.

Mu Qing is helpless. If jingyiran doesn't wake up all the time, can't she keep it like this?

Fortunately, it's a hospital. There's no shortage of nutrient solution and so on.

He came out of the monitoring room and took two bags of nutrient solution in: "reach out, I'll give you infusion, so you don't eat for the time being, and your body will be OK."

As long as you don't leave jingyiran, you can do anything.

The deer stretched out his hand and let MuQing insert the thin needle into her blood vessel to give her infusion.

Her eyes were always on jingyiran's face, and she didn't see Mu Qing at all.

At this moment, even if Mu Qing injected her with Du instead of nutrient solution, she could not find it at all.

Wood green see her face does not matter the appearance, angry tooth root straight itch, but he is ruthless to ignore her.

Well, he's always soft hearted and kind-hearted. He can't watch fawn hungry all day long.

He looked at the scene of lying on the bed with only a faint breath, and scolded him bloody in his heart.

Jingyi ran had not settled accounts with him about the imprisonment of Zhao An'an in the past, but now he has to save his life. It's really oppressive!

In his last life, he owes a lot of gratitude to the Jing family. All day long, he has to save the life of Jing Dashao or Jing Ershao. Now he has to worry about the dinner of his young girl friend. He's exhausted!

His own girlfriend doesn't have time to look after it! , the fastest update of the webnovel!