Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 682

For fear of Zheng Lun's silly refusal, Zheng Jing immediately said, "Dad is right. I don't think my sister's cough has eased at all, and the medicine doesn't work. Today I'll take her to the hospital! How can I listen to her voice

Pei Xinhua originally felt that Zheng Lun's cough was just a small problem. Now listening to your husband and son's words, I couldn't help but worry: "Lun Lun didn't sleep well last night. It's true that she coughed a little badly. I can see that her voice is hoarse."

However, she did not mention to let Zheng Lun go to the hospital.

Because Zheng Lun has always been reluctant to go to the hospital, a public place with a large number of people, she was a little worried that her daughter would not like to go.

Zheng Jing knew what Pei Xinhua was worried about. He said with a smile: "Mom, it's OK. If I accompany my sister, she won't be afraid. I'll take her to Mu's Hospital and let Mu Qing see Lun Lun. They are all acquaintances and there will be no problem."

Pei Xinhua hesitated for a moment and finally nodded: "go, Lun Lun, don't be afraid. It's better to have a look at the cough."

Zheng Lun did not dare to look at Pei Xinhua's eyes at the moment. He could only lower his head and said, "OK, mom, I'll go and have a look."

Mingming has already let Mu Qing show her. Mingming has already prescribed the medicine, but she has to go to the hospital again. What's more, Zheng Jing also said that she was so righteous that Zheng Lun's heart was pounding.

Can she go out with her brother alone again?

Zheng Lun was so excited that he felt that he had made a profit from this poisoning! She wanted to be poisoned several times!

After breakfast, Zheng Lun took advantage of the time when she went back to her room to change clothes, took the medicine that Mu Qing prescribed for her, and then changed her clothes, followed Zheng Jing out of the house and went to the hospital.

The plan didn't catch up with the rapid changes. Zheng Jing originally thought that he would check all the suspicious things at home this morning, but it was too rare to bring Zheng Lun out alone. He had to postpone all the original plans for half a day.

Not far from the car, Zheng Jing took Zheng Lun's hand.

Zheng Lun's face was slightly red, but he didn't pull it back. Instead, he held his fingers together.

She always feels that she and her brother are like stealing each other. Every time they do that kind of intimate act, they will have a deep sense of guilt, but they can't extricate themselves from it.

Zheng Jing has a deeper sense of guilt than her, and is more addicted to her intimacy with Zheng Lun.

Now, the relationship between them has become the biggest responsibility.

He not only failed to teach Zheng Lun well, but also failed to control himself.

In fact, he had a different feeling for Zheng Lun for a long time, but he didn't dare to admit it.

Now, when he admits, he can't control himself any more. Otherwise, how can you cheat your parents and take Zheng Lun out alone.

With Zheng Lun in the car, Zheng Jing is driving slowly. For such a long time, he simply asked about his sister's recent diet and daily life. He was basically in the police station during the day, not at home. He didn't know what Zheng Lun ate.

However, when asked, Zheng Lun himself did not say what was abnormal.

"Brother, I didn't eat anything special. Every day I eat the same food as you. If it was poisonous, how could I be the only one poisoned?"

This is also the place where Zheng Jing doubts. Zheng Lun hardly leaves home. He is at home every day, and all the food he eats is from home. However, he has eaten all the food at home, and his parents have eaten it. Zheng Lun should not be poisoned alone.

If there is anything different, perhaps Zheng Lun prefers to eat fruit, and most of the fruit at home is prepared for her.

Is the problem with the fruit?

Zheng Jing said all the way to his sister, unknowingly to the Mu's hospital.

Brother and sister two people into Mu Qing's office, saw him sitting there yawning, a did not wake up appearance.

"Brother, can you stop messing with me like that? Last night in the middle of the night on the door service is even if, I have to come to the hospital to make Oh dispensing, but you even do not let me off in the morning, this is too cruel! You wake up after only three hours' sleep. I'm so sleepy! "

Zheng Lun felt a little guilty, but Zheng Jing didn't feel guilty at all. He patted Mu Qing on the shoulder and said, "don't be wordy. I just slept for more than two hours! I'll prescribe the medicine once more. I'll only prescribe those for colds and coughs, not yesterday's

The medicine Mu Qing prescribed to Zheng Lun yesterday is basically detoxification and throat protection. Pei Xinhua can't see these drugs. Otherwise, she will be very worried and will be attacked by all kinds of people.

Mu Qing gave him a prescription.

When she got the medicine, Zheng Jing asked Mu Qing to give Zheng Lun a re examination of her body and determined that the toxin in her body was alleviating, and then she was taken away.

Out of the hospital, Zheng Jing felt that someone had been following them.

These people have followed them since they left home, all the way to the hospital.

Zheng Jing sneers, Yang Muyan is really willing to put down the capital, tracking him are some experts, if not for his outstanding anti tracking ability, it is not really possible to find these people.He subconsciously took Zheng Lun around him into his arms and walked forward with his arm around her waist.

Zheng Lun was startled by his sudden intimacy. She looked flustered and looked at Zheng Jing: "brother..."

It's easy to meet acquaintances in the hospital. If they are seen their intimate posture like lovers, they will be laughed at.

"It's OK. Don't be afraid. No one knows us."

Zheng Jing knows why she is flustered. She looks like a frightened kitten, which makes him feel a little distressed.

He can't help but embrace her waist, put her in his arms, low voice comfort her.

However, just after Zheng Jingcai finished this sentence, a middle-aged couple came to greet them warmly: "ah Ching, Lun Lun, how are you here?"

Afraid of what come what, just said that no one knows them, in the twinkling of an eye met acquaintances.

Zheng Jing subconsciously released Zheng Lun and protected her behind him. Then he looked up as if nothing had happened: "uncle, aunt, I brought Lun Lun to see a doctor. She has been coughing for several days."

It was Pei Xinhua's younger brother Pei Xinze and his younger sister Wanya, and Zheng Jing and Zheng Lun's younger uncle and aunt.

Pei Xinze looked at the intimacy of his brother and sister just now. He sighed in his heart and frowned slightly: "ah Ching, you and Lun Lun are both grown up now, but you can't be as carefree as when you were a child! Lun Lun is a big girl. It's good for you to be a brother's sister, but you can't go too far. Do you understand what uncle means? "

Hearing Pei Xinze's words, Zheng Lun's face suddenly turned pale and incomparable. The whole person was tottering, and he almost had no strength to stand. , the fastest update of the webnovel!