Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 681

Pei Xinhua originally had high expectations for Gu Qianyue, but after meeting Gu Qianyue, he was not very satisfied.

Because he was too feminine and not manly. Although he was gentle and delicate, he was thin and weak. How could he protect Zheng Lun!

However, seeing Zheng Lun barely able to talk to him, Pei Xinhua disliked his words and pressed down again.

There are very few men who can make Zheng Lun speak. She is very exclusive to strangers. This has a lot to do with her childhood experience. It's hard to change it. Pei Xinhua doesn't force her daughter to change.

Now Zheng Lun can talk to Gu Qianyue, she has been very happy.

However, later, as he slowly contacted Pei Xinhua, he felt that Gu Qianyue had no other problems except a little feminine.

He has a good family background, good work, mild personality, and does not smoke or drink. Like Zheng Lun, he likes to take care of flowers and plants and raise small animals. He has a strong sense of responsibility and filial piety, and is very careful. He takes good care of Zheng Lun and gives him several unique small gifts.

Zheng Lun also returned a few gifts to Gu Qianyue, and now she will not be so exclusive when she meets Gu Qianyue.

Of course, it's definitely not like it.

At more than five o'clock in the morning, Pei Xinhua got up and went to Zheng Lun's room.

Zheng Lun has a bad cough. She is always worried. She gets up early in the morning to see if her cough is better.

When she saw Zheng Lun asleep, she was relieved and went downstairs to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

At more than seven o'clock, Pei Xinhua went upstairs to ask her husband and Zheng Jing and Zheng Lun to have dinner.

Zheng Jing got up very quickly, but Zheng Lun was still in a daze. Mu Qing's medicines had some sleeping ingredients. He knew that people with cough were easy to sleep badly, so he added them specially. But last night, Zheng Jing took the medicine and left in a hurry. He didn't come and explain it at all.

Pei Xinhua originally wanted her son to call her daughter to get up. After thinking about it, she felt that something was wrong. She untied her apron and went to Zheng Lun's room in person.

She gently patted Zheng Lun's back and called her: "Lun Lun, get up to eat. If you want to sleep, you can sleep after dinner. You didn't eat much yesterday. You must eat more today. Be obedient and get up quickly. "

Her tone is like to coax children, Zheng Lun vaguely opened his eyes, into her arms, coquettishly called "mother.".

Pei Xinhua's heart is soft, she likes the way her daughter depends on her, which makes her feel that Zheng Lun is very close to her, and her own daughter is just like this.

"Lun Lun, didn't you sleep well last night?"

Zheng Lun has never been in the habit of being lazy in bed. She can't get up today, which only shows that she didn't sleep well because of her cough last night.

Zheng Lun nodded, and his voice was sweet and waxy: "yes, mom, I have been coughing and drinking a lot of water. I didn't fall asleep until it was about to dawn."

Pei Xinhua was a little distressed. While helping her daughter comb her messy hair, she asked with concern: "are you better now? Does your throat hurt? Do you have a headache? "

Zheng Lun's eyes were a little misty, and after a while, he said with a smile: "my throat still hurts, but I don't have a headache. My cough seems to be relieved a lot."

"That's good, that's good. First go wash your face and have some breakfast, and then you'll come back to get some sleep. Originally, Qianyue and his mother heard that you were ill yesterday and would like to see you today, so let them come tomorrow."

When Zheng Lun heard that the mother and son of the ancient Qianyue were coming, his sleepiness dissipated a little: "are they coming? Forget it. I'm not a big deal. "

She doesn't like to be with unfamiliar people. Although Gu Qianyue is her classmate and used to be half a friend, they haven't met each other for several years, and the former familiarity has long disappeared.

Now speaking together is a little strange, a little awkward.

If not Pei Xinhua every time painstakingly begged her to meet, Zheng Lun would not go at all.

Fortunately, Gu Qianyue's personality is a little bit like a girl. Her eyes won't make her uncomfortable like other men. She won't pull her hand at will, and will not have some intimate behavior towards her.

They have always maintained a certain distance, no one more than half a point.

"People want to come to see you and be a guest. Can't I drive them out? That would not only have no courtesy, but would have offended others. I've known Qian Yue's mother before. They're old friends. If she wants to come, I can only say welcome, but nothing else. "

Pei Xinhua persuades her daughter patiently. She has a friend of the opposite sex who is willing to talk. How can she keep it.

"If it's OK, they'll come home and sit down. I'll leave them for lunch. If you want to talk to Qianyue, you can talk to us. If you don't want to say something, just listen to our chat."

Zheng Lun knows that Pei Xinhua has said everything about this. She can't refuse.

Come on, come on, just say a few words, she is not particularly unacceptable.

Everyone is a little familiar at all. Gu Qianyue is much better than those strange and rude men Pei Xinhua used to find for her.After rejecting Gu Qianyue, Pei Xin Hua Ken will introduce other men to her and let her go on a blind date.

It's better to deal with Gu Qian.

"Well, listen to mom, let them come, but I'll let them come in a few days when I'm better, or I'll cough and be impolite."

Pei Xinhua was very happy to hear her daughter agree.

"OK, OK. Let them come when you say you want to come! Get up and wash, and go down to eat in a moment

Zheng Lun nodded with a smile, then got up to wash, changed his clothes and went downstairs to the living room.

Zheng Jing quietly looked at her, did not scramble to speak.

Zheng's father, Zheng Qinan, was sitting at the dining table. Listening to Zheng Lun's cough, he was worried and said, "why is Lun Lun still coughing? Jing, do you want to take your sister to the hospital to have a look! I always feel that her cough is a little strange. It doesn't look like a cold! "

Zheng Jing's heart slightly shakes, ginger is still old and spicy, dad has even detected Zheng Lun's cough is abnormal!

He didn't find out yesterday and thought she was just a common cough.

He can't help but feel a little embarrassed. He still lacks his own experience and experience. In the future, he has to learn more from his father. His father's intuition is so sharp that he doesn't know if Zheng Lun's poisoning can be concealed from him.

Zheng Lun was loved and cared by his father, and his heart was warm.

Hearing that he was going to send her to the hospital, she felt guilty. She said quickly, "no, no, I'm Cough... "

As soon as she was worried, her cough got worse. , the fastest update of the webnovel!