Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 679

"It's OK. Although Lun Lun's disease is a little heavy, it's good that we found it early. It's not difficult to treat it. However, it may take a little longer. It will take more than a month to fully recover. During this period of time, we should try our best to talk less, give up spicy food and protect our voice."

Zheng Lun nodded: "OK, doctor mu, I remember."

Mu Qing got up with a smile: "I'll give you some cough medicine first. When your brother brings it back tomorrow, you can eat it. The cough will not be completely good, but it will not be as serious as it is now."

Zheng Jing was not willing to wait for a minute: "no, I'll go back to the hospital with you now. Let's go."

Mu Qing gave him a white eye, but he didn't say anything. He took the lead in walking out of Zheng Lun's room.

Zheng Lun looked at Zheng Jing and just wanted to say that he didn't have to rush to get the medicine. However, as if he knew what she was going to say, he gently shook her hand and whispered, "don't say anything. I'll be back soon, waiting for me."

Zheng Lun heart slightly trembles, gently nods: "good."

Zheng Jing drives a car, take Mu Qing directly to the hospital and gallop.

Mu Qing was scared by his speed and his heart was about to jump out: "Hello, Hello, are you a criminal police officer, can you run the red light at will? Can you drive a police car and you can speed at will? You drive slowly, this speed will kill people! She's been coughing for such a long time, it's just a moment and a half! "

Zheng Jing was not angry: "if Zhao an coughs at home and can't sleep, you must drive faster than me! Shut up and don't delay my driving

Well, this analogy makes MuQing lose its voice in an instant.

Zheng Jing's affection for Zheng Lun is very deep. He spoils her in the palm of his hand, which is more powerful than his pet Zhao An'an.

At least Zhao an goes out to play or fight with others. He doesn't take it seriously. He doesn't like Zheng Jing, who is afraid that his sister will be looked at and touched by other men, so that she can be closely watched.

"Zheng Lun's cough is caused by a mixture of several drugs. These drugs smell like flowers. They are usually inhaled into the body in the form of aerosol, and then cause chronic poisoning in the lungs and throat. But she is the only one in your family who is suffering from the disease, so this is definitely not in the form of aerosol. Go back and check to see if there is any problem with her food and drink. Tomorrow you will bring all the suspicious things she ate to the hospital, and I will give you a detailed analysis. "

When it comes to poisoning, Zheng Jing's face is a little gloomy.

The people in charge of Zheng Lun's cooking are basically their mother Pei Xinhua. She loves Zheng Lun and always cooks her favorite dishes.

She will not poison Zheng Lun.

However, in addition to Pei Xinhua, there are two servants in the family. Is the problem with them?

It's OK. He'll find out for sure.

He himself is a criminal police officer. He is very familiar with all criminal cases. Finding suspects and murderers is his best job.

Someone poisoned his sister under his nose, which seriously challenged the bottom line of Zheng Jing!

He suppressed his anger and rushed to the hospital as quickly as possible. After taking MuQing's medicine, he rushed back home as quickly as possible.

Zheng's family is a little far away from Mu's hospital. Even if there is no traffic jam, it takes more than 40 minutes to drive.

Today, it took Zheng Jing 40 minutes to go back and forth. He almost drove the speed to the limit. If his car had not been modified, he would not have reached such a speed.

So when he came back, Zheng Lun was scared.

"Brother, cough Why did you come back so soon? "

Zheng Lun is still suffering from coughing. She holds a paper towel in her hand and pinches it tightly.

Zheng Jing broke off her hand and saw that the paper towel was full of blood!

His heart a pain, regardless of a hug Zheng Lun, hoarse voice: "silly girl, you cough so heavy, why don't you tell me?"

To answer him, it was Zheng Lun's heartrending cough.

He quickly released her, went out to pour a cup of warm water, and then handed the medicine and water together to Zheng Lun: "take medicine, Mu Qing can't do anything else, cure the disease is the most powerful, you eat it will be good."

Zheng Lun took a lot of medicine and drank up the water.

She handed the empty cup to Zheng Jing, who gently placed it on the small desk beside her bed and sat down beside her.

The drug can't work so quickly, Zheng Lun is still coughing, and occasionally coughs and bleeds.

Zheng Jing gently wiped the corners of her lips with a tissue. The hatred of Yang Muyan in his heart has reached an unprecedented height.

One day, he must kill Yang Muyan!

Zheng Lun is so kind, so simple, she is beautiful like a spirit falling into the world, but now she has to suffer this kind of torture!

Zheng Jing was so distressed that he almost had to drop blood. He preferred to poison himself.

He did not care what to keep a distance from Zheng Lun's promise, reached out to hold her cool little hand and said in a soft voice: "Lun Lun, your cough is not a disease, it is poisoning."Zheng Lun was so surprised that he forgot his cough.

"Poisoning? How could it be? "

She knows very few people, and she has never hurt others, or even had an argument with others. How could anyone poison her?

Zheng Jing whispered about Yang Muyan, and finally told her: "in the future, you must be careful and pay attention to your safety. I will find someone to protect you in secret. No one should believe it. Just trust me. Parents don't know about it. Yang Muyan will not target them at present, so don't tell them for the time being, lest they worry about it

It took Zheng Lun a long time to digest what Zheng Jing said.

It turns out that she was not offended by Zheng!

Her face slightly pale, but firmly nodded: "brother, don't worry, I won't tell mom and Dad, also will protect yourself, you should be careful."

She used to follow Zheng Jing to many homicide scenes, and her bearing capacity has improved a lot. Now she heard that Yang Muyan was going to kill her. Although she was also afraid, she would not panic.

Her brother deals with vicious criminals every day. Sometimes he gets hurt and sometimes gets revenge. She knows that.

She just doesn't want to be a weakness of her brother. Someone uses her to threaten him, which makes her sad and angry.

Zheng Lun knows who Yang Muyan is.

Yang Muyan's name is almost unknown in a city, and Zheng Lun knows more or less about her even if she doesn't go out.

She just didn't think that one day she would have something to do with Yang Muyan. , the fastest update of the webnovel!