Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 678

After Jing Yichen left, Zheng Jing pulled MuQing to Zheng's house.

Zheng Lun is still coughing. He thought she had a cold, but she was drugged by Yang Muyan! He can't be anxious. Mu Qing, a good brother of the doctor, can't let go.

By the time we got to the Zheng family, it was already more than three o'clock in the middle of the night.

As soon as you enter the door, you can vaguely hear a woman's suppressed light cough.

Zheng Jing felt a pain in his heart and rushed to pull Mu Qing up the second floor.

Of course, he did not let Mu Qing go in, but went in first.

In case Zheng Lun's clothes are not neat now, wood Green saw what should not be seen, that can suffer a loss!

Zheng Jing took Mu Qing as if it was a wolf, and saw that Mu Qing was speechless.

Don't say he already has Zhao An'an, that is, he doesn't have the woman he likes now, and he won't covet the woman with good brother, right? Is he that bad? He was relieved to give Zhao An'an to Zheng Jing, but Zheng Jing didn't trust him!

He's a doctor, OK? Women in his eyes, there is no difference at all, it is just a ball of meat! Even if Zheng Lun is so beautiful, he won't have any idea that he shouldn't have.

Looking at himself was impolitely closed outside the door, wood green can not help rolling a white eye.

Well, even if Zheng Lun is not asleep now, even if he is dressed neatly, it is not good for him to go in so directly.

Wait, let Zheng Jing say a few love words to the little beauty first.

Zheng Lun suddenly coughed and walked in all of a sudden. She was scared to come in all night.

Then, her white face turned red and her cough became more rapid.

What did Zheng Jing do in her bedroom in the middle of the night? They are now at home absolutely not any transgression behavior, Zheng Jing also rarely came to her bedroom, now come in so late, Zheng Lun unconsciously think crooked.

"Brother (cough, cough... "

After two words, Zheng Lun coughed again.

I don't know what happened. At night, she coughed more than during the day. Taking cold medicine and drinking cough syrup didn't work at all.

Zheng Jing was distressed. He sat beside Zheng Lun's bed, patted her back gently, and said in a low voice: "Lun Lun, I've called Mu Qing here. Let him help you to have a look. If you continue to cough like this, your throat will certainly be broken."

"What? Wood Dr. wood? "

Zheng Lun opened her eyes in disbelief. She raised her wrist and took a look at the time on her watch. It was 3:25 in the morning.

This time, my brother how to find Mu Qing!

"Yes, it's him. I'll let him in now. You..."

Zheng Jing looked at Zheng Lun's pajamas. Fortunately, only his arms were exposed outside. The neckline was well closed, and there was no place that should be exposed.

He pulled the quilt up, covered Zheng Lun's legs, and then turned and walked out.

Zheng Lun's tears filled his eyes.

Brother actually in order to cure her cough, in the middle of the night to take Dr. Mu Qing home!

She said today, this is a small problem, in two days it will be good, but the elder brother unexpectedly so in the heart.

When he comes in, he will cry.

He was a little confused.

Is Zheng Lun's cough too painful?

In line with the doctor's duty, he said with a smile: "it's OK, Lun Lun, don't be afraid. You're just a cough. I'll give you a pulse."

Zheng Lun coughed and handed it to Mu Qing.

Mu Qing tried on both her wrists and looked at her tongue coating and throat, and her eyebrows were frowned.

"Lun Lun, how many days have you had a bad throat?"

Zheng Lun looked at Zheng Jing, bit his lips and said: "two days."

Mu Qing looked at her seriously and said, "to tell the truth, if you don't tell me the truth, I can't determine the extent of your disease, and it's impossible to accurately treat it. Do you want to cough like this all your life until you cough your throat out completely? "

Zheng Lun was shocked by his serious appearance. She had never seen Mu Qing so serious.

Is it so serious? She seems to be just a small cough, is the throat inflammation, take some anti-inflammatory drugs should be ok?

She hesitated for a moment, and then told the truth: "I only cough for two days, but my throat began to feel uncomfortable about a week ago."

Zheng Lun's character is simple. She feels that Mu Qing doesn't seem to cheat her, so maybe her illness is not as light as she thinks.

She still chose to believe Mu Qing's judgment.

"Did you have any symptoms at the beginning?"

"Sometimes it's itchy, sometimes it's very dry. Every time I eat something, it hurts a little, but it's not serious. I don't pay much attention to it. I just think that I caught a cold by accident. As a result, it's useless to take cold medicine."Zheng Jing listened to Mu Qing's question in such detail, and his expression was serious. He could not help worrying: "how is it? Is it serious? Can it be cured? "

Mu Qing stares at him one eye: "I am asking, you don't talk!"

Zheng Jing shut up immediately.

He still believes in his good brother's medical skills. Even if it is serious, Mu Qing can certainly cure Zheng Lun.

"Lun Lun, do you have hemoptysis tonight?"

Zheng Lun looked at Zheng Jing again, and finally bit his lips and nodded: "yes."

Zheng Jing was in a hurry: "yes?! But I asked you how it was tonight, and you said it was much better! Lun Lun, how can you cheat me? What if you get worse! "

Zheng Lun was a little guilty and did not dare to look at Zheng Jing. As she coughed, she said in a low voice: "brother, I'm afraid you are worried, so I lied. I thought it would be better in two days... "

"Next time you feel uncomfortable, you must tell me that your cough is not a small problem at all. Someone is..."

Zheng Jing stopped in the middle of his speech.

"Well, I'll tell you in detail in a moment. In short, no matter where I feel sick, I'll tell you that you are not allowed to resist by yourself. Do you hear me?"

Zheng Lun cleverly nodded: "good, I will tell my brother later."

This scene, Mu Qing to see the admiration of the very.

I can't see that Zheng Jing has taught Zheng Lun so well, so obedient!

Where Zhao An'an is like him, he doesn't listen to him at all.

He also said similar things to Zhao An'an, but Zhao An'an didn't agree at all.

Well, if Zhao An'an can listen to him like Zheng Lun, he doesn't need to work so hard.

However, if Zhao an can be obedient, she will not be Zhao An'an.

What he likes is Zhao an's lively and rebellious spirit. , the fastest update of the webnovel!