Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 677

If these two powers are removed, jingyichen's strength will be weakened a lot, especially if there is no Mu family and Mu's Hospital, he will not get the best treatment, so it will be easier to let him die.

Yang Muyan took a deep look at Mu Qing, then picked up his bag and went out.

MuQing's life, she will keep, this man she has not got, she is not reconciled! And the rest of the wood family can die!

Yang Muyan left, the four men in the room fell into a brief silence.

After a long time, Mu Qing suddenly remembered that Yang Muyan still had the key to his apartment. He could not help asking Zheng Jing: "in the daytime today, Yang Muyan took the key of my apartment from An'an. You have followed An'an all the time. Have you found anything suspicious?"

Zheng Jing was a little surprised. He thought about it carefully and said, "there is nothing suspicious. I followed her all the time before. Later I came to eat with you. My subordinates followed him. When he reported to me, everything was normal. An an didn't stay outside today. She took a taxi and went back to Zhao's house. How could Yang Muyan take away the key? "

He also has some fear in his heart. Is Yang Muyan so powerful? Can you move your hands and feet under his nose?

Jing Yichen listened to their words and suddenly said, "there should be something wrong with that taxi."

Zheng Jing was slightly stunned. He suddenly remembered his report and joked, "Miss Zhao belongs to a pig. She can eat and sleep. When she got into the taxi, she began to sleep. When she got to the Zhao family, she got off the car in a daze."

"Yes, it's about taxis! Ann fell asleep in the taxi. It should be the hands and feet of Yang Muyan. "

Usually, Zhao An'an often takes a nap in a taxi, but this time it is obviously abnormal.

After Zheng Jing finished, his face was a little ugly: "what should we do now? We can't always follow An'an for protection."

What's more, we need to add Zheng Lun now.

Although Zheng Lun is not as playful as Zhao An'an, most of the time she stays at home quietly and won't go out easily, but even at home, there will be danger.

Think of Zheng Lun also have danger, Zheng Jing where can take care of Zhao An'an ah! He wanted to stay at home 24 hours a day, no matter where Zheng Lun went, he would follow him!

Mu Qing and Zheng Jing are both Jing Yichen's good brothers. He said to them with rare words: "don't worry. I'll deal with Yang Muyan. I'll send someone to follow Zheng Lun and An'an, so there won't be too big a security problem for the time being. However, the two of them also have the minimum right to know, and they can better protect themselves from being cheated. Zheng Jing, tell Zheng Lun, where is Zhao an... "

"I'll go and say it!" Mu Qing grabs the way.

Jingyichen looked at him faintly and said without expression: "can you go? I have to go home and ask a Ning, she said that she can go."

Mu Qing wants to turn her eyes. Jingyichen wants to listen to his wife now! It's easy to destroy his noble and cold image!

But obviously, he can't change jingyichen's decision even if he turns his eyes. He can only pray that shangguanning can let him go to Zhao An'an in person and explain Yang Muyan's affairs to her in person.

If Mu Qing knew that he would go to explain Yang Muyan to Zhao an in person, what kind of situation would he face? He would not go to death.

Jing Yichen gives a brief account of the bodyguards assigned to the Zhao and Zheng families, and then asks MuQing about jingyiran. It is said that he is still in a coma and left without saying anything.

Although he seems indifferent now, he is actually worried.

Yang Muyan sent the most people to deal with shangguanning. Her main target today is shangguanning and Jingrui, not Zhao an and Zheng Lun. They are just smoke bombs.

Although Li duo sent him a message saying that things at home had been settled and that shangguanning and Jingrui were safe, he was still very concerned.

But he can't help coming to MuQing today. If he doesn't come, Yang Muyan will really kill Zhao An'an or Zheng Lun.

Neither of them can die. He can only come.

But before he came, he had arranged everything. First of all, he had to ensure the safety of his wife and son before he took care of others.

In his mind, Zhao An'an is his cousin. Although it is important, ten Zhao An'an are not as good as one shangguanning.

Ah Hu drove the car very fast, only ten minutes later, he returned to Lijing district.

When Jing Yichen returns home, Shangguan Ning is sitting on the sofa in the living room waiting for him.

When she saw him back, she immediately got up and looked him up and down to make sure he was not hurt. She was relieved.

Jingyichen took off his coat and threw it on the sofa at will. Then he picked up Shangguan Ning and went into the bedroom.

"Son asleep?"

"Well, he just fell asleep. He was very good. He didn't cry when he heard the sound of the gun. He must be a brave man in the future, just like you."Jing Yichen holds her and lies on the bed with her big hand caressing her smooth back, like comfort and love.

"Ah Ning, are you afraid?"

Shangguan Ning buried his face in jingyichen's chest and said to the truth: "I'm afraid, but now I'm used to it. I know someone is protecting me outside. I'm just worried that you'll get hurt if you go out so late."

Jingyichen holds Shangguan in his arms, but he can't say how miserable he is.

He wants to give Shangguan Ning the most stable and peaceful life, instead of the present situation, which makes her worried all day long, and Jing Rui, who is still so young, should not face so many dangers.

He should have a happy and unforgettable childhood.

Jingyichen voice some low: "is I did not take good care of you and son."

Shangguan Ning smiles, draws a circle on his chest and whispers, "but I feel very happy to be with you. I feel that I am the happiest woman in the world. I have a good husband and a lovely and obedient son. I am very satisfied. You take good care of us. Some external factors are beyond your control. You are not a God. "

Jing Yichen's biggest wish is to let Shangguan Ning be happy. Now her happiness is beyond words, and his heart has finally suffered a lot.

"There will always be all kinds of ups and downs in life. If someone makes trouble, we will cherish our present life more. I didn't think I should be with you all the time, but now I don't want to be separated from you for a second."

Jingyichen chuckled, lowered his head to kiss her, and said in a gentle voice, "OK, we are not separated for a second, we are always together." , the fastest update of the webnovel!