Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 661

Zhao an usually has a good sleep and seldom dreams. However, if she has only one dream, it must be the dream of her relapse. Moreover, every time the scene is very similar, which makes her feel fear and fear.

Most of the time, dreams can reflect a person's psychological state, can reflect a person's thinking, there is another kind, can reflect a person's health status.

If a person keeps dreaming that he or she falls off a cliff, it doesn't mean that the person's career is going downhill, but it reflects that the person's heart has a problem and needs to go to a doctor for treatment.

The simplest and most obvious example of a dream reflecting reality is that if you sleep with your feet uncovered, you may dream of standing in cold water or going out without shoes.

Of course, not all dreams have practical significance. If you dream that you have picked up the gold ingot, you will not really find the gold dollar treasure tomorrow. In this case, you are generally crazy about money.

But Zhao an intuitively felt that her dream was the reaction of her own physical condition - her illness was likely to recur!

This is the reason why she never let go of marrying Mu Qing.

That dream, she had done many times, the details have been clearly remembered, so when facing life and death, she was really calm.

She never said that dream because she didn't dare.

She was afraid that Zhao Zhao and Zhao Fu would be afraid of her every night.

In any case, it will come. She goes to the hospital regularly for examination. If there is a relapse, it can be found quickly and treated immediately.

In fact, she really wants Mu Qing to forget her, rather than die after marriage with him and leave him alone in pain and sorrow.

If she died, the most painful person might not be Zhao Zhao or Zhao Fu, but Mu Qing.

After the death of her aunt Zhao Qing, the most painful person was not Zhao Fu, who was a mother, or Zhao Zhao, who was a sister, but Jing Zhongxiu, who was her husband.

Jing Zhongxiu was once depressed for a long time. If it was not for Jing Yichen, the son, he would have done something stupid.

To this day, he did not like other women, his only aunt in his heart, even if he had to marry Zhang Rong, he had never seen her in the eye.

In my uncle's heart, only aunt is his wife.

Zhao Zhao once said that the reason why she doesn't hate jingzhongxiu now is that Zhao Qing is dead. He is the one who suffers the most. He proves his love for Zhao Qing with his loneliness all his life.

Zhao Qing is dead. Although Zhao Fu has suffered for a long time, she has already come out of the pain of losing her daughter. Only Jing Zhongxiu has been living in the past and never walked out, and he doesn't want to come out at all.

Zhao an did not know whether Mu Qing would be as affectionate and infatuated as Jing Zhongxiu. She did not know whether he would never marry another woman after his death, but she knew that the most painful person must be Mu Qing.

She doesn't want MuQing to be alone all her life, just like Jing Zhongxiu. She wants MuQing to be happy.

If my aunt knew that her uncle had lived so hard for her, I'm afraid she would have been heartbroken.

The living room was silent. I don't know how long it took Zhao an an to say in a dry voice, "grandma, I won't marry Mu Qing, and I won't have anything to do with him in the future. Don't worry."

How can Mrs. Zhao rest assured? Zhao an did not know how many times she swore, but she couldn't let go!

Don't look at today a pair of heartrending, the firm look of gratitude, tomorrow as long as Mu Qing has something, she goes faster than anyone else!

Mrs. Zhao has a headache. Now she finally understands shangguanning's good intentions.

If you don't force Zhao An'an, she will always be trapped in the strange circle she drew for herself!

I hope that shangguanning's strategy can work, otherwise it will be all in vain.

Shangguanning's task for her and Zhao Zhao is to constantly force her to draw a line with MuQing and force her to the corner of the wall. She can't retreat.

Although it's a bit cruel to do so, it just makes Zhao an sad for a few days. It won't hurt her, toss her around, and let her know what she wants.

Mrs. Zhao sighed in her heart, but there was no expression on her face. Then she did not look at Zhao An'an again and went upstairs to have a rest.

Zhao Zhao didn't say anything. She knew her daughter's stubborn temper and stubbornness better than anyone else. At the same time, she also knew that her daughter had a great advantage. She was really forgetful. She was still miserable today. She must have forgotten everything tomorrow, and she was in a cheerful and lively appearance.

She shakes her head. Her daughter's temper is very similar to her, which is hard to change.

Zhao An'an was soon left alone in the spacious and luxurious living room. She stood for a moment, her eyes dazed and helpless. She looked like a lost lamb and didn't know which road to go.She would like someone to help her and point out the way she should go.

Zhao an is very sad, but she can't toss herself like others. She went back to her bedroom and thought she would lose sleep. She didn't expect that she would sleep like a pig. She didn't even dream.

Zhao an, who is sleeping, doesn't know that someone has already helped her choose a way, and is sparing no effort to unite all the people to push her to that road.

Although the person who helped her choose the way has taken great risks and pressure, there is no doubt that this road is the most favorable for Zhao An'an.


The night is deep and the stars are bright.

In the operating room of Mu's Hospital, the lights were bright, and the "in operation" indicator light had been on for four hours.

Mu Qing didn't go to the centenary banquet today because he couldn't walk through the operation. Mu Wensheng didn't lie at all.

If it is another type of surgery or other patients to do surgery, he must have pushed, Jing Rui's centenarian, this can be such a lifetime, how can he not go!

However, the person who came to do the operation was jingyiran, and he did the most risky and most difficult craniotomy.

Wood green gas to death, wish to put jingyiran directly on the operating table.

Of course, this can only be thought about. He certainly can't leave Jingyi here and let his situation continue to deteriorate.

Jing Yiran suddenly fainted yesterday and was in a coma for six hours. After waking up, she had a headache.

What's more, he's blind! , the fastest update of the webnovel!