Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 618

This is a woman wholeheartedly dependent, but also willing to pay life with the feeling, let Jing Yiran moved and proud.

He used to desperately want to take shangguanning as his own. In fact, it was largely because of his jealousy of jingyichen, not that he really fell in love with guanning and couldn't extricate himself.

He was jealous of their feelings. He was jealous of jingyichen, who was so cold. He also found a good woman who was willing to give everything for him.

Now, he is not jealous, he is very peaceful, because his woman is not inferior to anyone.

His gentle voice, gentle eyes, gentle movements, for other women, long ago melted in jingyiran's arms.

But fawn is not so sensitive to these things. She only knows that jingyiran makes her feel comfortable now, but she won't be dizzy by his gentleness.

Jing Yiran did not expect fawn to be like other women. After listening to his words, she would rush into his arms with a face of shame, pounding his chest and saying "disgusting".

His fawn is not the same, although the difference sometimes frustrates him.

Fortunately, he has always been a brave and frustrated man!

In the past, he had been defeated and defeated again and again with jingyichen, and he had never admitted defeat.

It's not the same with women who are anxious.

Fawn is now willing to sit on his lap and cuddle up in his arms, which is a great progress. In the past, she would find this posture too awkward, and even said that this posture was not used to deal with emergencies, and would not talk like this.

The deer leaned against jingyiran's arms and felt relaxed all over.

She really like Jing Yiran holding her like this. At the beginning, she didn't adapt to it. After she got used to it, she was addicted. She didn't want to leave his arms.

She stretched out her soft hand and gently stroked jingyiran's cheek. The corners of her lips involuntarily showed a faint smile.

Jing Yiran likes her touching him very much. This rare touch will make him feel more tender.

"Like me?"

He whispered in the fawn's ear, and saw that the fawn trembled slightly because his lips had rubbed her ears, and he could not help but show a bad smile.

His little woman is a little dull in emotion, but not in her body!

After thinking about Jing Yiran's question for a while, he seriously replied, "it seems like it is."

After thinking for three minutes and adding a "as if", Jing Yiran's little mind was hurt by a thousand points.

However, he has asked this question before, but fawn's answer is No. compared with the past, now the answer is very good. Jing Yiran only tangled for a while, then decided to learn to be content.

Expect fawn to say something like "I love you" and "I want to be with you forever". It is estimated that he will work hard for more than ten or twenty years.

"What do you like about me?" He tirelessly in let the deer Enlightenment on the road slowly forward.

Fawn looked at the perfect face in front of him. His fingers caressed his sexy red thin lips, and stroked his straight nose. He said, "you are handsome."

In fact, she still wanted to say "you are very beautiful", but in view of the fact that Jing Yiran would be very angry every time she said this, she still replaced "beautiful" with "handsome" according to his wishes.

However, the word "Shuai" couldn't save Jingyi's hurt heart. He was hurt a thousand points by his woman again.

Baby, you are so straightforward, really good?

At least to say, he has a good temperament and a good personality. Is that a little bit of a level?

Handsome? Is it too superficial!

She is indeed his nemesis!

It's been her life!

Jing Yiran did not give up asking: "in addition to being handsome, what else?"

The fawn thought for a long time, and said with some uncertainty: "yes Cooking? "

Well, that's a practical advantage! Moreover, this advantage has not been verified, because he only cooked noodles for fawn once, fried tomato and scrambled eggs once, which could not be regarded as cooking at all. Today's big meal can be regarded as cooking.

Jing Yiran finally gave up this round of training, otherwise, if he continued, his small heart would not be able to stand it.

He put the fawn in his arms and planned to start with the feeling of his body.

Jing Yiran has lived with fawn for a long time, but to this day, they still just embrace each other and sleep, and have not done anything beyond that.

Jing Yiran even rarely touched the deer. He thought it was very good to hold her, and even touched her very little.

This is why he has always doubted whether he is in love with fawn.

He is a normal man. The fawn is also very beautiful. His features are exquisite. His body is exquisite. The plump place is plump. The thin place is thin. According to the principle, he should have strong physiological reaction, but he didn't!He was distressed for a long time. He didn't know whether his Xiaojing Yiran was stabbed by MuQing, or because he didn't feel like fawn, he couldn't get up.

He plans to go to Mu Qing in a few days to have a look at that bastard. In case of any sequelae, his sexual happiness for the rest of his life will not be over.

The key is that he is finished. It doesn't matter if he can't give his own woman sexual blessing and let the fawn live alone. This is an unbearable shame for jingyiran, a male chauvinist!

Anyway, now that he and jingyichen are still in a state of cooperation, Yang Muyan is still waiting for him to help jingyichen catch it. Mu Qing certainly doesn't dare to give him an injection at will this time.

Jing Yiran's hands are very beautiful, like works of art, and because he has never done any work, the maintenance is very good, soft and delicate.

His hand went directly into the fawn's coat and touched her skin, bringing her a warm and delicate touch.

What does your body feel like

Jing Yiran's evil smile bit her ear lobe and said, "little baby, can't you see that I'm in love with you."

The deer was bitten by him, and he gave a slight "um" sound unconsciously.

That kind of feeling is too crisp and numb, she is shivering all over the body!

Jingyiran heard her humming, a smile in her heart, and then gently licked the delicate and delicate ears of the fawn with her tongue.

Her white ears quickly turned red, as if it had been dyed by some kind of dye, lovely and seductive.

The fawn is a little stiff now, even at a loss.

The strange feeling spread all over her body from her ears, which made her afraid, but also comfortable, and made her want to shout out! , the fastest update of the webnovel!