Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 617

People like fawn who have no concept of beauty or ugliness feel that he is really beautiful to the extreme.

People like beautiful things, even if deer is insensitive. She has always felt that jingyiran looks so good-looking, which will make her feel very comfortable, and will make her nostalgic.

At first she was attracted to him, and his face took the credit.

Jing Yiran seldom cooks. He doesn't have much interest in cooking. Xiaolu also thinks that cooking is a very troublesome thing. She eats a lot. If she wants to cook, she must do a lot. It will take a lot of time and energy. So they both order takeout most of the time.

But now seeing jingyiran cooking and eating herself, Xiaolu has a light joy in her heart, which makes her feel that jingyiran is more beautiful than ever.

Jingyi sees the deer's big eyes with water spirit. He looks at him without blinking. He picks his eyebrows and asks seriously: "what's the matter? Do you think I'm handsome today? "

Deer slightly surprised, she did not hear jingyiran tone of banter, but also seriously asked: "how do you know what I think?"

Jing Yiran couldn't help laughing. He stretched out his slender fingers stained with water and scraped the delicate tip of the deer's nose. With a doting tone that he didn't even notice, he said with a smile: "your eyes tell me everything. However, I was very handsome, except for jingyichen's ice face, so far, I haven't seen anything more beautiful than me. Of course, I don't think even jingyichen is as handsome as I am. It's normal that you think I'm handsome! "

The deer blinked his eyes and suddenly said, "Oh, you are joking."

She frowned softly: "is there anything funny about this?"

Jing Yiran shakes her head helplessly. Forget it, joking with fawn, he is definitely going to run into a wall. She is short of a tendon in her mind and can't understand some jokes at all.

He looked at the little deer's white face and sighed in his heart. His task is very heavy. There is a problem in the communication between the two people, which is not a good thing. However, he thinks that EQ intelligence quotient is very high, so he must be able to train the fawn in the future!

Seeing that he did not speak, the deer could not help saying, "did I say something wrong? But I just thought you were handsome

In the past, fawn couldn't use the word "Shuai". She always praised Jingyi as "beautiful", because she thought it was the most appropriate word.

However, jingyiran strongly protested many times, which should have forced fawn to learn to use "handsome" to describe his reversal of the appearance of all living beings.

Hearing the fawn's undisguised praise, jingyiran's mood suddenly became clear.

He bowed his head and gave a kiss on the deer's forehead, and his charming smile appeared on his pretty face: "darling, wait in the living room, I'll make you delicious food!"

Usually, as long as jingyiran says the word "good", fawn will really become very obedient. She has no immunity to this word. Of course, this is only limited to jingyiran. It is useless for others to say this word to her.

She didn't know why it was like this. She just felt that whenever Jing Yiran said so, she seemed to be surrounded by a feeling called "happiness".

Perhaps, this is the reason why she seldom feels an emotion. Every time she feels happy, she will be very obedient.

However, this time, she did not listen, because she was reluctant to leave.

She found that she had become more and more like to stay with jingyiran. Even if she didn't do anything, as long as she could see him and feel his breath, she would feel very relieved.

Jingyi ran sees that her word "good" doesn't work this time. She thinks that fawn is still struggling with something just now, so she is not happy.

He turned down the gas, sprinkled a spoonful of salt, covered the lid of the pot, and let the soup gurgle. Then he turned around, directly picked up the deer and strode out of the kitchen.

The fawn didn't struggle and let him hold it.

Jingyiran seems to like to hold her very much. Recently, a princess will come to hold her, as if she is too weak to walk.

The living room is still floating beautiful music, sunshine through the open window, bright and warm, the clear weather makes the atmosphere very beautiful.

Jing Yiran sat down on the couch, and then put the deer on his lap and put her whole person in his arms.

He held out his finger, pinched the fawn's delicate chin and whispered, "not happy?"

Deer did not understand why he asked, very surprised way: "no ah, why not happy, I am very happy."

Jing Yiran looks at the deer. There is no impurity in her clear eyes. Obviously, she is not unhappy. He thinks too much.

According to her character, if she was not happy, she would say it directly. She would not hide it at all, and she did not understand the roundabout tricks to attract men's appetite.

He was used to seeing women playing tricks before. He was really not used to fawn, who said everything and never lied.The little woman in her arms was not unhappy. Jingyi then gave her a reward to kiss her delicate and tender face, and then exhaled in her ear: "then I just asked you to wait for me. Why don't you move?"

"Ah?" Fawn was a little confused by his kiss. After a while, he said, "I just want to stay with you a little longer, so I don't want to go."

This answer obviously pleased Jing Yiran.

"Oh, so it is. I misunderstood you. I apologize. Similarly, I also want to tell you that I also like to stay with you. I just let you go. I was afraid that you would be choked by the cooking fume in the kitchen. I didn't want to let you go

He has a brilliant smile, a pair of beautiful and perfect peach blossom, and his eyes are full of tenderness and warmth. He never thought that one day his heart would quicken because of the plain sentence "I just want to stay with you for a little longer".

He did not have that kind of vigorous feeling to fawn all the time, even less urgent to shangguanning at that time.

However, even Nintendo had no patience with other women when she died.

Jing Yiran sometimes feels that a long stream of emotion may not be love. At least now, he and fawn are getting closer and closer. Although two people seldom do this kind of thing, it doesn't hinder the warming of emotion at all.

However, he has more than one feeling of closeness to him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!