Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 569

Wood green low smile, follow her words to ask: "Oh? Why is she not a good person


Zhao an said a word, but he couldn't go on.

She followed people yesterday and today, and just said she didn't follow them. If she said that she saw that fox spirit dating other men, it would be totally revealing!

"She is a fox spirit!"

Mu Qing's smiling eyes were bent: "how do you know she is a fox spirit? Did she seduce other men

Zhao an's eyes widened: "how do you know?"

Mu Qing picked her eyebrows: "she said that she would not eat with me at noon, because she had an appointment with a handsome man to eat with others, and I could only have it tomorrow."

"What?" Zhao An'an was so frightened that his chin would fall off!

How could there be such a brazen woman!

I even eat with men in shifts!

The original wood green all know fox spirit's absurd behavior, then he still loves me with her?!

Zhao an was very angry when settling down, and directly ordered: "you are not allowed to eat with her!"

"OK, as long as you accompany me to dinner, I won't go either." Mu Qing pinched her small face and was in a good mood.

Why do you want to have dinner with me

"Oh, yes, it's good to break up. I'd better go to eat with the little fox spirit. I don't know if I'm so old and can't compete with a handsome boy."

Zhao an is angry and lies on Mu Qing's chest and bites him hard.

Mu Qing unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his strong chest muscles. On the chest muscles, there are four rows of clear tooth marks, which looks very ambiguous.

"You see you bite, so cruel, should I punish you?"

"Don't change the subject! I said, you are not allowed to eat with that fox spirit, nor to marry her. If you want to marry, you should marry a virtuous one, and marry one who can take care of you... "

Zhao an said, the voice gradually lowered.

Mu Qing pinched her chin and forced her to raise her face to look at herself. She gnashed her teeth and said, "I really don't know that you are so generous and push me into the arms of other women! You still worry about what kind of wife I will marry. Do you care about me or don't care about me? "

Zhao an was pinched by his chin. He wanted to cry: "I don't know how many years I can live! You can't have children! I don't want to marry you because your family don't like me either

"No nonsense!" Wood green eyes slightly red, low voice roar: "you can live for a long time! You are in good health now, very healthy! "

"I'm not talking nonsense," the doctor said

What did Dr. Zhao anqing say?! I am the best doctor! I say you can live a hundred years, then you can live a hundred years old! "

Between Zhao An'an and Mu Qing, there are always ups and downs. When Mu Qing is gentle and tolerant to her, she will be more and more unscrupulous, and then step on her nose and face.

And if Mu Qing is really angry, she will become obedient and dare not face him again, otherwise Mu Qing will hit her buttocks, and hit hard.

"Don't be stubborn any more, Ann. You are twenty-eight. Can't you wait until thirty-eight before you marry me?" Wood green see she did not speak, can not help slowing down the voice, some tired holding her against the wall.

Zhao an still didn't speak. She felt that she couldn't live for ten years, but if she said this, Mu Qing would be angry again.

"Why don't you feel like you can't live to thirty-eight?" Mu Qing seemed to know her inner thoughts and said faintly, "I can guarantee that you will live to 38. I can do it without the top German experts!"

"Are you sure you won't marry me?" Mu Qing lowered her head and looked directly into Zhao An'an's eyes.

He actually wanted to make the last effort.

If he can impress Zhao An'an and let her agree to get married, then shangguanning's subsequent plans will not need to be implemented, and Zhao An'an will not need to suffer.

If he fails, then good, he will firmly implement shangguanning's plan until he marries people home!

Zhao An'an looked at the fire in Mu Qing's eyes and said bravely, "if you don't marry, you should marry someone else."

Mu Qing was angry with her and said, "I'm really stupid. I've asked you this question a hundred times, but I still don't give up and still ask!"

He released Zhao An'an, went to his chair and sat down. He said calmly: "OK, you go. In a few days, you don't ask to marry me."

It seems that Shangguan Ning is right. It is impossible to force Zhao An'an.

He was reluctant to force her, reluctant to use means to her, felt that this was unfair to Zhao An'an.

But is it fair for Zhao an to treat him like this?

When Jing Yichen married shangguanning, she was much more powerful than he is now. Regardless of shangguanning's strong opposition or even her high fever, she directly took it to the Civil Affairs Bureau for registration!If he could be ruthless, he and Zhao An'an would not have come to this point.

Fortunately, it's not too late to be cruel.

Isn't it just a trick and a trick? He can use it!

Zhao an is stubborn and refuses to change, so he has to make a change.

All the promises he had promised not to force her or hurt her were void! Promise can't serve as a meal, wife married home is the king!

It doesn't matter if he's a conspiracy or a conspiracy, just use it.

Later, he will go to shangguanning to ask what he needs to do. A few days ago, he didn't take the plan to heart at all and didn't remember it seriously. Now he needs to sort it out. He can't fail because of his problems in this link.

Zhao An'an is suddenly touched by Mu Qing's cool and calm tone.

She is not afraid of Mu Qing's anger, spanking her butt is also a small matter, only when he is cold and calm, is his real anger time.

Mu Qing is similar to her personality. She is a person who can't hide her emotions. Happy is happy and unhappy is unhappy.

Indifference is really indifference, not pretend.

Her heart some chills, but still did not say a word to go out.

Just out of the office door, I met Zheng Jing.

Zhao an was in a bad mood and took him as the air directly. Without greeting him, he passed him by directly.

Zheng Jing shook her head helplessly behind her and made a gesture with Mu Qing in the office. Then she followed Zhao An'an and said with a smile: "An'an, it's a coincidence that I met you again today! Are you looking for Mu Qing

For two consecutive days, Zhao An'an did not suspect Zheng Jing. Zheng often came to the hospital to look for MuQing, and met him in the hospital. It was normal.

But it is not normal that he should follow his own steps! , the fastest update of the webnovel!