Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 568

It's true. He's on a blind date with other women. She has such a good appetite.

Eating so many steaks, I'm not afraid to hold on.

Mu Qing doesn't know whether to be angry or happy.

He stood up, went to Zhao An'an, reached for her hand, pulled her out of the chair, and then pulled her into his arms.

"What happened today? Finally you know you miss me? Don't you say you won't marry me? Don't you think about me if you don't marry me

A series of questions made Zhao an not know how to answer them.

She wanted to say, yes, I won't marry you.

But there is a stronger voice in my mind: No, I want to marry you!

MuQing's body has a faint smell of disinfectant. Before she knew MuQing, Zhao an hated the smell. After she knew him, she even liked the taste of disinfectant, perhaps because she had been with MuQing for too long, or because she liked MuQing too much.

This kind of smell, will let her inexplicably feel very safe.

Now Zhao an was hugged by him, leaning against his arms, hearing his powerful heartbeat, suddenly felt unprecedented happiness!

Before Mu Qing held her, her sense of happiness would not be so strong, and her possessiveness to MuQing was not so strong. What's going on today?

Is it because she was lost and recovered?

No, she's not even "got", and she's so excited in her heart!

She seems to be less and less promising.

Zhao An'an feels a little uneasy, but she has been ordered by her grandmother not to meet Mu Qing again.

She tried not to meet her in the hospital, but she was forced to come out of the hospital!

How could she be so affectionate!

Zhao an despised himself very much, and then did not forget to despise Mu Qing's dress: "this dress is ugly to death!"

"Well, if you don't like it, I won't wear it. In the future, just wear what you like and only what you buy, OK?"

Mu Qing has a gentle voice. She holds Zhao an in her arms, her chin against her forehead, and smells the fresh shampoo on her hair. She feels in a good mood.

Holding Zhao An'an today, she didn't even mean to resist at all!

In the past, it was all fists and kicks. She would be honest only when he gave her a needle.

Unexpectedly, shangguanning's plan has only been implemented for a few days, and has achieved such great results! Shangguanning is a wonderful talent. She knows every weakness of Zhao An'an and knows all her dead spots!

Zhao an an heard Mu Qing's words, sweet in the heart, but sour, she did not buy Mu Qing a dress.

I'm afraid I won't buy it in the future.

Her doctor in Germany once said that the recurrence rate of her disease was more than 75%, that is to say, the probability of her death was very high, so high that she felt that she would surely die, only to live for a few years.

There are a lot of people with the same disease as her in the cancer treatment centers in Germany. The current technology in Germany has been able to control the spread of cancer cells to a certain extent, so that patients can recover. However, people die every year because of cancer recurrence.

For the first recurrence, the diffusion speed will be slow, and the treatment is relatively easy. For the second recurrence and the third recurrence, the diffusion speed will be very fast, and the difficulty of treatment will be doubled.

No one has survived four relapses, none.

Generally to the third time, the human body itself can not carry.

Chemotherapy itself is a very painful treatment, many people can not survive, want to die directly, not to suffer that sin.

Although Zhao an is cheerful and careless, she knows her illness well.

She really doesn't want to drag Mu Qing down. He has a great time and youth, so there is no need to hang him on her dying tree.

Even if she relapses now, it is estimated that she will die in two or three years. Is it difficult to let Mu Qing wait for that time? When she dies, MuQing will marry someone else?

It's better to let MuQing find a virtuous wife to marry as soon as possible. Maybe before she dies, she can see the birth of MuQing's child.

Zhao an did not answer Mu Qing's words. She tried to push Mu Qing aside, but found that she couldn't push it at all.

Forget it, she also longed for his arms anyway, so hold it.

"Have you been on a blind date recently?"

"You know that? Are you following me? " Mu Qing hugged her and put her whole person against the wall, so that she could not retreat.

"Who said that!" Zhao an would not admit that he would do such an embarrassing thing, "my grandmother said Your family has introduced you to a girl and let you have a blind date

"Oh, did grandma say that girl was beautiful and attractive?"

"Bah! Not as beautiful as I am Zhao an is ignorant of his conscience and tries to praise himself.

"Well, so you've seen her?""I didn't! It's grandma who says she's beautiful. I don't like it! "

"Oh, and then? And then you followed me? " Mu Qing leaned on Zhao An'an's soft body and asked absentmindedly.

Zhao an anxiously opened his mouth and bit Mu Qing's chest: "they all said they didn't follow. How can they still ask?"

Wood green ache's "hiss" a, but did not care about being bitten by her, still doting on the disgraceful words: "good, I don't ask, you ask."

"Do you think she is beautiful?"

"She's very beautiful. She has a good figure. She's very smart. She's a high-quality graduate from Cambridge University. She's gentle. She's said to be good at cooking. Do you think I should marry her home?"

Zhao an blurted out: "no, you can't marry her!"

After shouting, she realized that she had been cheated!

Mu Qing said that on purpose!

"Oh, such a perfect woman can't take it. What kind of one should I have? Do you have any good suggestions? "

Zhao an's nose is crooked because of his anger!

Holding her in my arms, I was thinking of marrying another woman. I dare to ask her to give advice. She should kick him out!

"I don't care who you marry! Let me go, or I'll bite! "

Mu Qing saw that the woman in her arms was like a little lion with hair exploding. Her face was red and her forehead was covered with sweat. She could not help laughing.

He put one hand around her, raised the other hand, gently wiped the sweat from Zhao An'an's forehead, and whispered: "so easy to get angry, so don't believe me? Think I'll like people? Who else did you like besides yourself

Hearing Mu Qing's words, the little lion with the hair will soon become a cat.

Mu Qing has never liked others.

Zhao an's nose is a little sour, but she has not forgotten the purpose of her coming here.

"You can't marry that woman, she's not a good person." , the fastest update of the webnovel!