Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 566

"Well, I don't think it's hard for you to face Shangguan. The rest of the money will be as a gift to you and your girlfriend! When you get married, don't forget to ask me to have a wedding reception. I hope you can explain all this to Zhao An'an at that time, otherwise she thinks I'm going to ruin the scene. "

As long as others say that he will marry Zhao An'an, Mu Qing's anger will dissipate.

This is what makes him very happy.

So he didn't care about Mi Xiaoxiao.

"Yes, you must come then." Mu Qing is happy. He has never felt so close to marriage as he is now!

He took a silent look at Zhao an in the taxi outside the hospital. The distance was a little far, and he could not see Zhao an's expression clearly. However, from such a distance, he seemed to feel Zhao an's anger.

He laughed and felt that Zhao An'an seemed to care more and more about him. When he was close to other women before, she never cared and would not be jealous.

Yesterday, I knocked over the vinegar jar.

This feeling of being jealous by a beloved woman is very good, which makes MuQing not so disgusted with the wine red shirt on her body.

He really only likes light colored clothes, and doesn't like this wine red, which is obviously the color that jingyiran's kind of Sao Bao would wear! Shangguanning sent the clothes yesterday. He suspected that it was brought directly from jingyiran!

"Mm-hmm Mi Xiaoxiao nodded insincerely, put on her prada sunglasses again, and said with a full face: "I'm gone, and there's a good play to be staged. When I'm finished, your girlfriend is expected to come to you. Seize the opportunity! Ha ha ha, Shangguan is really a talented person. You can think of such a wonderful idea! "

She said, neatly pull the door, and then open her BMW, whistling out of the hospital.

Mu Qing is frightened by her speed. This woman really says that the wind is rain. She is not steady at all. She has a strong personality with Zhao An'an. When he saw her for the first time, he thought it was the first time he met her.

Zhao An'an, who jumped off at the moment, is unprecedented.

She took a deep look at the "flowery" wood green, stayed in place for a long time, then continued to command the driver: "master, follow up."

Mi Xiaoxiao drove the car far away and found Zhao an didn't catch up. She had to slow down and wait for her to catch up.

She didn't go too far. About ten minutes later, she stopped in front of a coffee shop.

Glancing at the taxi that came in, MI Xiaoxiao grinned and stepped into the cafe with high heels.

Zhao An'an waited for her to enter, then got out of the taxi and followed her into the coffee shop.

She didn't let the taxi leave. She painfully paid 200 yuan for the taxi and asked the master to wait at the same place, so as to avoid Mi Xiaoxiao coming out and driving away. She couldn't get a taxi and lost people.

There are three beautiful people sitting in the front of the cafe, two of them are beautiful.

The handsome man saw Mi Xiaoxiao come in, his face showed a surprise smile, and then the gentleman asked her to sit down beside him.

Zhao an came in to see this scene, can not help but some doubts.

What's going on?

Is this fox spirit still dating other men?!

Zhao An'an thinks that MI Xiaoxiao doesn't know himself, so he doesn't shy away. He sits down at a round table next to MI Xiaoxiao, orders a cup of fragrant cappuccino and a chocolate flavored tiramisu, and eats them regardless.

This is a little bit more, Zhao an was hungry and dizzy, smelling the smell of food, he could not pay attention to anything at all, and the nature of food immediately revealed.

She ate delicious and soft tiramisu, and drank strong coffee, and suddenly felt that it was a good time to have money! I have to find a way to get some money later!

She wants to rob the bank now!

Mi Xiaoxiao can't help swallowing her saliva when she sees Zhao an's delicious food.

Zhao an is hungry, and she is also hungry. She has been busy all morning, and her stomach has been flat!

She hugged the handsome boy's arm and deliberately used a coquettish language airway: "honey, I'm hungry. Is there anything delicious here?"

The handsome boy was all crisp by her "dear" call, and immediately said: "there are, baby, what you want to eat! Waiter, come on, I'll order some food! "

Zhao An'an, who is taking a big bite of food, listens to their conversation and despises him in his heart.

This fox spirit is really not a good thing. When he catches a man, he will eat with others and act coquettish. He even calls him "dear". I don't know if he ever called him Mu Qing.

Thinking of this, Zhao An'an is very angry!

What kind of woman did the wooden family find for him? This woman must not have met this man for the first time today. Judging from the intimate appearance of two people, it is estimated that they are male and female friends!

It's shameless to pretend to be single when you have a boyfriend!If Zhao An'an was the former one, she would have called Mi Xiaoxiao without saying a word.

But in recent years, especially after being imprisoned for half a year, many of her ideas have changed a lot. She began to be sensible and know how to be more filial to her grandmother and mother. She knew that she should be more considerate to others. She knew that she should not wait for others to pay. She should also pay. She knew that she could not act impulsively or willfully.

The consequence of her impulsiveness and willfulness must be her own loss, so she resisted the impulse to hit people and prepared to see what relationship Mi Xiaoxiao had with this man.

She had thought that if this woman is really good, then she will bear the pain to part with them, so that Mu Qing will have a complete and happy small family.

But now it seems that this woman is not reliable at all!

This fox spirit colludes with men everywhere. Mu Qing must know it!

The waiter over there heard the handsome boy's voice and came over immediately.

Then Zhao An'an heard that MI Xiaoxiao disliked this bad and that bad.

"I don't like to eat too sweet, greasy!"

"I don't like to eat too salty, bitter!"

"Cream pineapple bun? Is this also for people to eat? You'll become a fat pig if you eat it! "

"Curry chicken fillet rice? Are you a cafe or a restaurant? "

"Don't you have any special dishes here? They are all low-grade goods

The waiter stood aside, his face could not be described as ugly.

The handsome man around Mi Xiaoxiao didn't feel that she was wrong at all. He also accused the coffee shop of its low-grade food and lowered his identity.

Mi Xiaoxiao criticizes the food in the cafe. Finally, she points to tiramisu in front of Zhao an and says, "I want to eat the one she eats!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!