Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 565

Mi Xiaoxiao is silent.

Such wood green, let a person feel too distressed.

She is a smart woman. She has already guessed that there must be some obstacle between Mu Qing and Zhao An'an, otherwise the two people who love each other so much can't be so rigid all the time.

If we say that before Mi Xiaoxiao helped purely because of shangguanning, now, she is for Mu Qing.

There are not many good men in the world. Now there is one around. Mi Xiaoxiao hopes that he can get what he wants and live happily with the woman he has loved for 11 years.

She suddenly laughed and said, "I have an intuition that Shangguan's plan will succeed."

Mu Qing's smile gradually deepened, dark brown eyes hidden a touch of tenderness: "success is the best, it doesn't matter if you don't succeed, I've already decided to accompany An'an."


Zhao an was very anxious outside, but she didn't dare to go in. All the medical staff in the hospital didn't know her. When she went in, MuQing would know.

She doesn't want Mu Qing to know that she is following his girlfriend. This kind of thing should be done quietly.

Zhao an was afraid to enter the hospital and had to wait outside.

All the glass in the Mu's hospital building is coated glass. You can see the outside from the inside, but you can't see the inside from the outside.

So even if Zhao an looked up at Mu Qing's office, he couldn't see the situation inside.

She did not know, Mu Qing is across a layer of glass, gently looking at himself.

After waiting for more than an hour, MI Xiaoxiao twisted her waist and walked out of the taxi.

And Mi Xiaoxiao body, also put on a wooden blue Beige Long Sleeve Plaid shirt.

Mu Qing accompanied by her side, with a smile on her face, opened the door for her, protected her head and let her sit in.

Don't look too sweet!

Zhao An'an's little flame suddenly came up again, and even the drowsiness was driven away.

In fact, opening the door for MI Xiaoxiao is just Mu Qing's habitual action towards women.

He used to do this often. Zhao An'an has seen it countless times before, but she has never taken it seriously. Now, because she has brought colored glasses to see Mi Xiaoxiao, no matter what Mu Qing does to MI Xiaoxiao, she feels uncomfortable and thinks that the two of them are also greasy.

Today's MuQing doesn't wear a white coat. Her upper body is a wine red casual shirt, her lower body is a pair of grey striped casual pants and a pair of black shoes on her feet. This dress breaks through MuQing's previous fresh style and looks less elegant and more charming.

And because his skin is very white, wine red shirt on his body, let a person feel in front of his eyes.

Zhao an was stunned.

Mu Qing didn't buy his shirt, trousers and shoes. This is not his style. He likes light clothes and shoes, but doesn't like black and red ones.

She has seen all the clothes of MuQing, but she has never seen these. Moreover, his clothes and shoes are obviously brand-new.

In other words These clothes and shoes were bought by that woman for MuQing!

Zhao An'an looks at the brand-new Mu Qing, and suddenly feels lost and sad.

She suddenly realized that she and Mu Qing had known each other for so many years. They were the closest people to each other, but she had never bought a dress for MuQing!

This woman and he only know one day, from head to toe let wood green a new look, she did much better than she!

Without comparison, there would be no gap. After comparison, Zhao An'an felt that in the past 11 years, she had not done anything for MuQing, and she was making a fuss!

In the past, she watched shangguanning buy clothes for jingyichen. She didn't feel at all. She never thought that she would buy one for MuQing. Even Shangguan Ning advised her to buy clothes for MuQing, she would be very wrong.

Now, she finally knows that shangguanning's approach is correct. She doesn't pay attention to some small things in her life.

She always felt that Mu Qing was an adult and would definitely buy clothes. She didn't have to worry about that.

It's not like this. When she saw other women taking care of MuQing and buying clothes for him, she was so envious!

Zhao an suddenly felt that it was a good thing for Mu Qing to marry another woman, at least better than to marry her.

She will not be as virtuous as other women in the future. She has a careless character and can't consider many things.

If she was Mu Qing's parents, she would not want him to marry a worthless wife who might die at any time.

MuQing stood in front of MI Xiaoxiao's car and slightly bent down to talk to MI Xiaoxiao in the car: "Miss MI, thank you for your help. I'm really sorry yesterday. I left in a hurry and forgot to pay for the meal. I'll invite you to have a good meal later."

Mi Xiaoxiao put on his sunglasses, but without looking at him, he held out his hand directly to Mu Qing and said, "no, give me the money!""Ah?"

Mu Qingleng, did not expect Mi Xiaoxiao not to play according to the routine, even directly asked for money! Is she not afraid to lose face in front of him? He said he would come back later!

"Ah, what? Hurry up and give me the money. Yesterday I spent a total of 460 yuan, rounding off, plus interest, you can give 5000 yuan! If I help, I can't lose money. "

It's simple and rude!

Mu Qing gives Mi Xiaoxiao a comment in his heart, but such a direct woman really makes Mu Qing's heart feel good. He doesn't like that kind of affectation, he likes straightforward and straightforward personality, otherwise, how can he like Zhao An'an.

He took out his wallet from his pocket, counted it, and said with embarrassment: "I'm sorry, my cash is only 1200 yuan in total. You can take it first and owe the rest first."

Mi Xiaoxiao took off the sunglasses that he had just put on, and looked at Mu Qing playfully with his eyes: "this kind of technique of you is very similar to that of a man chasing a woman. I don't have enough money. I can come back and use the excuse to pay back the money. I'll call out to meet and make an appointment. I'll take the bait once and twice! "

Mu Qing was stunned by what she said!

"You, you, you You are being paranoid. How can anyone carry five or six thousand yuan in cash! If you don't worry, leave your bank card number and I'll transfer money to you! "

It's really killing me. The girl has been chased too many times, so does her self-confidence swell?

Mu Qing sees sweat on his forehead. He feels that there is no good stubble among women now. Zhao An'an, shangguanning and Mi Xiaoxiao in front of him are too difficult to serve! Or Zheng Jing is more happy, his family Zheng Lun gentle water, obedient, not so many bad heart, too easy!

"Oh, no, do I look so short of money?"

There's no shortage of money. You're just asking me for food here?!

MuQing: "ha ha, you are not short of money." It's just that there's something wrong in my mind! , the fastest update of the webnovel!