Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 556

Zheng Lun's heart throbbed, and his breath was slightly disordered. He looked at Zheng Jing with a pair of big watery eyes.

Her heart beat fast and her cheeks were red. Now not only her ears were red, but also her neck and clavicle were dyed with red.

Her skin is too white, as long as her blood flow accelerates, she will soon be stained with light pink.

Her eyes, as if she could speak, could not be ignored. Zheng Jing's heart beat violently in an instant.

He stretched out his hand and tightly held Zheng Lun's tender hand, which was as soft as bone, and said softly, "let's go."

Zheng Lun was held by his big hand. He felt that the hot temperature in his palm suddenly burned to himself, which made her heart beat faster.

She cleverly followed Zheng Jing to get up and walked out side by side with him.

Outside, there are AHU, Li duo and Li Feidao.

Zheng Jing held Zheng Lun's hand and didn't let go. He nodded to the three people and said to AHU, "brother tiger, go back and talk to Jing Shao. I have something to go first."

Ah Hu said to him with a simple and honest smile: "good, brother Zheng, you go, and wait for me to tell the young master."

When Zheng Jing took Zheng Lun into the elevator, ah Hu said to Li Duo: "brother duo, is elder brother Zheng interested in Zheng Xiaomei? Zheng Xiaomei seems very embarrassed! "

Li duo, who has always been very calm and never says a word more, sometimes breaks down, such as now.

"I've said it many times. You can call me brother Li, or you can just call me Li duo! Don't call me Togo Li duo's face is very ugly, because ah Hu always calls him brother Duoge. As a result, all the brothers below follow him and make him lose face!

Ah Hu is not satisfied with Li duo's concerns. Is the emotional entanglement between the brothers and sisters of the Zheng family more exciting than the title "brother Duo"? He thought he wanted to get close to Togo!

Come on, brother dodo doesn't like gossip very much, and he doesn't like to discuss these messy things with him.

Ah Hu turned his eyes to Li Feidao, a new man. He said with a smile: "Feifei, have you noticed the abnormality of the Zheng brothers and sisters?"

Li Feidao is more reticent than Li duo. When he heard ah Hu ask him, he didn't even lift his eyelids. He didn't mind ah Hu giving him such a cute name. He still stood there like a sculpture.

Ah Hu saw that he was not interested in gossip, so he had to stop.

These two people are so boring! One by one, he couldn't find anyone to talk to!

It seems that the young master talks very little. Do these two people learn from him? But he has been with the young master for the longest time, and he has not become a person who doesn't like to talk!

Poor ah Hu, accidentally learned a huge gossip news, eager to find someone to share, but no one knows the fun of gossip!

He could only talk to himself alone.

The two brothers and sisters of Zheng Jing and Zheng Lun, who were gossiped by AHU, took the elevator to the underground garage on the first floor.

Zheng Jing's car, stop there.

Because Zheng Jing is a criminal police officer, is a state official, so his car is a Ford car with ordinary appearance.

In fact, his car has been transformed. Except for the appearance, everything inside has been changed to the top configuration.

Most of the time, he has to drive to pursue the murderer, and the murderer's car is generally a top luxury car with first-class performance. If his car performance is too poor, people will be lost.

Therefore, many of the police cars in their bureau have been transformed. Otherwise, if the car runs too slowly and leads to the failure of solving the case, it will be a very annoying thing.

Zheng Jing took care of her sister's head and let her sit in the co driver's seat. Then she went around the car, opened the door and sat in.

He holds the steering wheel in one hand, but holds Zheng Lun's hand in the other hand, clasping her fingers tightly.

He held it too hard, as if he wanted to insert Zheng Lun into his body, so that Zheng Lun cried out in pain.

Zheng Jing regained his mind. He suppressed his own desire, and his fingers loosened slightly.

Zheng Lun's face was still red. She was very shy, but she was not willing to let go of her brother's hand, so she let him hold it. Even if he just tried too hard to hurt her, she still refused to let go.

She raised her face and took a furtive look at her brother's side face.

Zheng Jing is a very brave man. He may not have the noble temperament of jingyichen, nor the elegant elegance of MuQing. However, he has a kind of masculinity and righteousness that they do not have. Born in military academy, he has all the advantages of a soldier. He is strong, upright, strict with himself, and has strong willpower and keen judgment.

He is the kindest of the three of them.

Although Mu Qing is not as terrible as Jing Yichen, because he is a doctor and is used to seeing life and death, he does not care too much about human life.

Only Zheng Jing, although he is a criminal police officer, although he looks very strong, in fact, he is very soft inside. Except for the extremely vicious people, he will not hesitate to kill people. The general suspects will respect their human rights very much.He is also full of kindness to small animals. He often feeds cats, dogs and tortoises with Zheng Lun.

It is often said that men who like small animals are really kind men.

This is the case of Zheng Jing.

Zheng Lun likes his kindness and his integrity.

Of course, Zheng Jing's figure and appearance are also excellent, otherwise he would not be rated as the most handsome criminal police in a city.

Zheng Lun looked at his brother's handsome side face. His heart beat faster and he didn't dare to look at it again.

She was afraid that if she looked at it again, she would be addicted to it and could not extricate herself.

Zheng Jing is very sensitive to his eyes. He knows that Zheng Lun is looking at himself.

He turned his head and whispered to Zheng Lun, "Lun Lun, do you have any places you want to play? I'll take you. "

Zheng Lun is quiet and introverted, and has not been out for a long time. Now that she has been brought out today, Zheng Jing wants to take her to have a good time.

"Where does brother want to go?"

Zheng Lun raised his head, his voice was soft, his expression was quiet and his face was delicate.

She didn't know where to have fun, and she didn't care where she went, as long as her brother was by her side.

Even the most common place, as long as there is Zheng Jing, it is also the most beautiful scenery.

Zheng Jing looked at the little woman who was close at hand. There was a light fire in her eyes.

The carriage was full of her faint fragrance, and her soft voice in his ear almost made him lose control.

He found that his willpower in front of his sister more and more fragile, she only need a move, a little voice, can let him rout. , the fastest update of the webnovel!