Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 555

Outside the study, Zheng Jing is sitting with Zheng Lun and talking.

Zheng Lun took a freshly boiled egg and applied it to Zheng Jing's face. Zhao An'an punched him several times in his face, and the corner of his eye was blue. It can be seen that Zhao An'an must have used a lot of strength.

“…… Zhao an was scolded for robbing her best friend. She was unconvinced and wanted to beat the man who was talking nonsense. Of course, I couldn't let her go. I had to hold her and not give up. As a result, she beat me up! "

Zheng Jing thought of the scene in the street with Zhao An'an at the moment, and thought it was funny and angry. But he looked at the pain in his sister's eyes, so he had to say it in a tone of least care.

He was a big man, and the bruise on his face was nothing. Anyway, it would disappear in two days. However, Zheng Lun insisted on applying an egg for him. Zheng Jing couldn't resist her, so she had to sit there and let her take the egg and roll it gently in the corner of his eyes.

Zheng Lun, of course, loves his brother. She has seen the bruises on his face for a long time. After MuQing went to the study just now, she ignored his brother's objection and untied the two buttons of his clothes and looked at him. As expected, she even had some bruises on his body.

Zheng Lun, who has always been gentle as water, couldn't help it. He stomped his feet in anger. Zhao An'an was really cruel!

Dare to love Zheng Jing is not her sweetheart, she has no scruples, if change to Mu Qing, she can still give up such a heavy hand?

"Forget it, I won't argue with her. When she gets married with Mu Qing, I'll pull her ear! Next time she hits you, you should remember to hide, brother

Zheng Lun, however, has seen Zhao An'an fight with her brother. That scene is simply too challenging for her nerves!

She was most afraid that Zhao An'an and Zheng Jing had a fight, but fortunately, there was a reason for this, and they united together to pit Zhao An'an. She felt guilty about Zhao An'an, and always felt that she was not kind.

Moreover, since she knew Zhao an's illness, she had more tolerance for Zhao An'an. No matter what Zhao An'an did, Zheng Lun would not dispute with her.

It's just that her brother was beaten, and her heart aches so much that she can't control this emotion at all.

Mu Qing looks at the two brothers and sisters sitting there. Instead of hating Zhao an because of Zhao an's unreasonable beating, they are all embracing her and helping them.

His heart gushed with gratitude. He had a good brother!

Although Zheng Lun's character is weak and timid, she has been sparing no effort to help An'an. She is a good girl.

Mu Qing went to the two men and said to Zheng Jing: "brother, I won't say much if I thank you. I'll apologize for An'an. She's so angry and spoiled by me. I'll send you more medicine later. It's good for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. "

Zheng Jing turned his head to look at him, bared his teeth and said: "you give me medicine? Are you ready to wait for Zhao An'an to hit me twice more! You two are a couple! This dead girl's temper is getting more and more irritable. You can have a hard time in the future! My sister-in-law has given me a difficult task. Today, I have just started. Next, I will contact An'an every day. I have to peel off the skin if I don't die! "

Zheng Jing's character is bright and straightforward. He was beaten by Zhao An'an. In fact, he didn't pay attention to it at all. What's more, he took the initiative to provoke Zhao An'an with bad intentions. This fight was not unjust!

Mu Qing obviously knows Zhao an's character and knows that Zheng Jing will continue to be beaten by her.

Zheng Jing is his brother. Mu Qing doesn't feel too sorry for him. Anyway, they have a good relationship and can wear a pair of pants. He feels sorry for Zheng Lun.

Seeing Zheng Lun's distressed appearance, Mu Qing felt that he was very sorry. He came to say these words to Zheng Lun basically.

"Brother, I need your help to take care of her in the past two months. My sister-in-law does not allow me to contact Ann now, for fear that I will affect the whole plan."

Mu Qing is still not at ease about Zhao An'an. If Zheng Jing can always guard her side, then her safety will certainly not be a problem.

"Well, you can say that! I'm sure I'll show up in front of her every day recently. You can go offline! "

Zheng Jing made a joke with Mu Qing. Mu Qing's face also showed a smile. Then he squeezed his eyes: "well, I have something else to do, so I'm not here to hinder my eyes. The ointment will be sent back in a few days, so that you can enjoy a few more days."

He said, immediately strode out, leaving Zheng Jing and Zheng Lun two brothers and sisters sitting together in the living room.

Zheng Lun's white fingers, like white snow, gently held a warm egg on Zheng Jing's face. When she heard Mu Qing's words, her white face suddenly turned red, and her white ears were red.

What does MuQing mean!

She is really heartache brother face injury, want to help him detumescence just, Mu Qing said so, as if she was in other thoughts!

As soon as Zheng Lun was distracted, her fingers touched Zheng Jing's cheek. She seemed to have been scalded. She drew back her hand and said in a low voice: "brother, you Do it yourselfZheng Jing looked at her sister's flushed face, and couldn't help but feel a little stunned.

Since my sister became good friends with Guan Ning and Zhao An'an, she has become a lot more cheerful. She is not as timid as she used to be in her own small world.

Now her whole person is permeated with a light look, at the moment, her face is full of red, looks very beautiful, she is like a dyed precious porcelain, let people want to hold her in the palm of the hand, cherish the caress.

The silky and glossy hair is gently draped on her shoulders. Her ears are red and delicate. Her head is slightly lowered, her neck is bent into a beautiful arc, her profile is perfect, and her small chin is slightly tilted, which makes people feel the impulse to pinch it.

When Zheng Lun finished speaking, she did not see any movement for a long time. She could not help turning her head to look at Zheng Jing, but found that he was staring at her face in a daze, and her face was even redder.


She was angry and shy, and called out Zheng Jing, but there was a sweet feeling in her heart.

Zheng Jing recovered, but there was no half embarrassed on his face. Instead, he looked directly into Zheng Lun's eyes and said in a soft voice, "Lun Lun, you are very beautiful."

Zheng Lun did not expect that Zheng Jing would suddenly say such words that made her heart beat.

He used to praise her, but the feeling was different. In the past, his brother always looked at his sister well. Today, Zheng Lun can clearly feel that he praised her as a woman. , the fastest update of the webnovel!