Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 538

Although Jing Rui must have unconsciously sent out such a syllable, he still hugs Shangguan Ning happily and turns around.

"My son is so smart. He must be a great genius in the future. He is as good as your father."

Jingyichen just came back from the outside, when he heard his wife praising him, he couldn't help chuckling.

He put down his bag and went to shangguanning. He took his son over and kissed his wife first. Then he gave his son a loud kiss. He said with a smile, "what's the matter, so happy?"

Shangguan Ning looks like a pair of flying eyebrows, which is very rare in ordinary days.

Shangguan Ning gathered together to kiss jingyichen's chin, and some of them said: "I'm ready to revenge! There is a girl named Zhao. She will be in trouble soon. I hope she can carry it for a few more days. Otherwise, I have prepared so much before, but I can't watch the good play! "

The only "girl surnamed Zhao" they knew, Zhao An'an!

Jing Yichen is tickled by his wife's kiss. Seeing that she has only a slim figure and a more and more bright face, his Adam's apple can't help moving.

It's a pity that the little girl in the middle has no way to get in the way!

Jingyichen looks down at the lovely son who is spitting bubbles. She can't help but feel some resentment: stinky boy, grow up quickly, free your hands, I'll hold your mother!

He held Jing Rui in one hand and made one arm hold Shangguan Ning's slender waist. He looked gentle and spoiled: "I don't know you can design people? Shall I help you? "

Shangguan Ning's eyes turned and his pleasant smile said, "no, I'll tell you when I need you!"


Zhao An'an is playing a good girl at home.

Since her last disappearance, Mrs. Zhao takes this only granddaughter very seriously. She not only asks for six tracking experts from Jing Yichen, but also matches her with four first-class bodyguards!

In fact, the fundamental purpose of bodyguards is not to protect her, but to monitor her!

Old lady Zhao and Zhao Zhao don't know that Zhao An'an is actually imprisoned. Jing Yichen is afraid that they are worried, so she doesn't say anything. She only says that Zhao An'an is a playful child and deliberately hides from Mu Qing.

Otherwise the old lady will give more bodyguards!

Zhao an can't go anywhere now. Except for shangguanning and Mu's Hospital, other places are not allowed to go!

Every day must go home to report, not allowed to stay outside, even Zheng Lun's home can not go!

"Grandma, you see how good I am these days. You can let me go out and play for two days. I'm suffocating at home! You are such a granddaughter. Are you willing to let her die? "

The old people are usually very taboo to say the word "death", and Mrs. Zhao is even more taboo than other old people because Zhao an may die at any time.

She glared in displeasure: "don't talk nonsense! I asked you to accompany me at home. You feel aggrieved, don't you? I stayed at home alone for such a long time, and there was nothing wrong with it. On the contrary, I felt refreshed. You are not allowed to go anywhere, just stay at home

Zhao an's bright little face suddenly collapsed.

"I want to go out and have fun. What's the point of staying at home all day long?" she murmured reluctantly! Fart bigger place, so a few people, looking for people to talk to no one, in this way, I am sure to suffocate crazy! "

The old lady heard Zhao an's words clearly.

But she was not moved.

It was shangguanning's idea not to let Zhao An'an go anywhere. The old lady also wanted to restrain Zhao An'an. After hearing shangguanning's plan, she immediately upgraded from restraint to oppression!

"Oh, grandma, I won't run around this time. Aren't you looking for so many people to follow me? I can't run even if I want to run! I'll be very obedient. I'll just go around city a, go out and play, relax, OK? "

She said that the old lady was a little soft hearted, just wanted to allow her to go out to play for a day, but her cell phone rang next to her.

Zhao an looked at the mobile phone curiously and found that the person calling was shangguanning!

Strange, how could shangguanning contact her grandmother? And she has grandma's mobile phone number!

Zhao An'an is sure that she didn't tell shangguanning about her grandmother's mobile phone number. Did Jing Yichen tell her? But this is too strange. If shangguanning has anything to do, she should go to her best friend. Why call grandma?

The old lady took a look at her granddaughter, answered the phone in no hurry, and then "mm-hmm", "good" and "I'm in good health" and hung up the phone!

Zhao An'an didn't hear what Shangguan Ning said on the other end of the phone. She just felt that something was wrong!

"Grandma, why did ah Ning call you?"The old lady was flustered and did not even blink her eyes: "ah Ning cares about my physical condition. This is not a special call to ask me about my health. She also said that she would take me to Mu's Hospital for a comprehensive examination in a few days. She is really a good child!"


Zhao an was shocked.

It's not big, is it?

There is nothing wrong with Shangguan coagulating people very well, but she is not the kind of person who flatters people at meetings. It is obvious that there is no big problem with Grandma's body, so she doesn't come to call to inquire about it!

There was no need for her to be so courteous!

How can an old woman not see that her granddaughter doesn't believe her words!

She pretended to be sad and sighed, and said faintly, "well, I really love you. Look, it's better for an outsider to treat me well! During the six months when you were away, I stayed up all night and couldn't sleep. I was afraid that something would happen to you. Ah Ning, the girl, called me to make me happy. I had a big stomach to accompany me all day. I'm afraid I won't see you get married even if I die

The old lady was still acting at the beginning, but later, she felt really sad.

She has already tried Zhao An'an in the dark. She doesn't know how many times she wants her to marry Mu Qing. But Zhao An'an just pretends to be stupid and refuses to let go.

The emperor is not in a hurry. The eunuch is worried!

She looks very strong now, but the old lady knows that she doesn't have a few years to live. She is seven or eighty years old, and her spirit and body are not good. If she hadn't been relying on medicine all these years, she would have been in the coffin. , the fastest update of the webnovel!