Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 537

Mu Qing is going to lose all his sour teeth!

He couldn't believe that these two people would look at each other and come together!

How strange! They are obviously not the same!

But the facts were in front of him, and he had to believe it if he didn't believe it.

He is now more and more suspicious that Jingyi is from across the country. Otherwise, how could he treat a woman so well now? Isn't he always treating women as clothes and throwing them away after wearing them?

What's more, fawn A woman, too? She is an amazing woman with great strength!

Mu Qing looks at the subtle tacit understanding and warmth between jingyiran and fawn, and can't help thinking of Zhao An'an.

He has not seen her for many days. Recently, she has either stayed at her own home or ran to shangguanning. She likes Jingrui so much.

The closer Zhao an is to her, the closer he is to her.

So now, he did not dare to follow Zhao An'an.

In the emotional world, if only one person has been paying unilaterally, even if you love another person, it will enter a period of exhaustion after a long time.

MuQing had been tired for several times, sometimes even he himself would be at a loss.

He is a little tired now. I don't know whether it is because he has been exchanging blood for the fawn day and night these days, or because he has encountered another bottleneck in the process of chasing Zhao An'an.

He gave the fawn the last drop of fresh blood, looked at her pale face because of a large amount of blood loss an hour ago, looked at the heartache of jingyiran's face, and suddenly felt envious.

Jingyi ran, who had no heart all the time, also met her beloved woman. The deer, who was ignorant of her feelings, was slowly enlightened under his careful care.

Lovers in the world will eventually become family members, but the premise is that both people have the heart to manage the sincere feelings.

He waited for Zhao An'an for 11 years, from the age of 20 until he was 31.

Mu Qing is sure that he is not interested in other women, women in his doctor's eyes are the same, only Zhao an is different.

He has always dreamed of making solemn vows at the wedding ceremony with Zhao An'an, and then walk through the whole life hand in hand.

However, he didn't know what to do with Zhao An'an. He wanted to be with her all the time, but she was always pushing him out.

Since coming back from England, Zhao an is not as fierce as before. She talks to him with a smile and jokes with him, but she keeps a conscious distance.

Mu Qing knows that she is still hesitating, and she dare not make a decision easily.

Even shangguanning could see that she also put forward a proposal, waiting for his reply.

Mu Qing doesn't want to use means to Zhao An'an, and doesn't want to cheat her, so she has not agreed to shangguanning's practice.

Yuanlu, look at the situation, leave the room for the operation room.

Back in his own office, he saw his cell phone ringing on his desk.

Mu Qing looked at the name displayed on the screen, with a wry smile on her face, but immediately connected the phone: "sister-in-law!"

"Dr. wood, I'm not interrupting your operation, am I?" Shangguan Ning asked with a smile. She knew that Mu Qing and Mu Wensheng were exchanging blood for the deer, and had been for several days.

"No, I'm resting." Mu Qing's voice is a little hoarse, but it is still bright and sunny. He is an optimistic person. Even if there is any melancholy in his heart, he will soon pass away.

"How's the fawn? Is she OK? " Shangguan Ning also learned from jingyichen that the deer's body was abnormal. She had been thinking about it all the time, for fear that there was something wrong with Xiaolu.

MuQing immediately said: "sister in law, don't worry, fawn is in a stable state. It is expected that the operation can be completed tomorrow. After the exchange of blood, she will not have any problems for at least five months."

"That's good!" Shangguan Ning put her heart down and then mentioned the question she had asked several times: "doctor mu, how are you thinking about my suggestion?"

A wry smile appeared on Mu Qing's face and said in a low voice: "sister-in-law, forget it. I'm afraid of An'an her You get angry. "

Shangguan Ning didn't care about Zhao An'an's feelings at all, and said unhappily, "she still has the face to be angry! Don't worry. If she knows about it in the future, it's all on me. I'm not afraid to offend her at all! I have been sold by her before. How can I get back this time? "

If it had been put in the past, shangguanning would not have done it, and she was not willing to force Zhao An'an. Besides, it was very difficult for outsiders to intervene in emotional matters.

But since Zhao an disappeared, shangguanning has been blaming herself.

If she can not care whether Zhao An'an resents her or not, and directly pushes Zhao An'an into Mu Qing's arms, then she has no chance to disappear!

Anyway, she has a strong relationship with Zhao An'an. Even if she is angry, it is only for a while. With her careless character, she will soon forget it.Shangguan Ning recently saw that Zhao an and Mu Qing didn't make great progress in their relationship. She couldn't be anxious. After she proposed a way to deal with Zhao An'an, MuQing disagreed!

Really, Mu Qing also hurts Zhao An'an too much! Such a little grievance is not willing to let Zhao An'an suffer. No wonder Zhao An'an is used to stepping on his head!

When Mu Qing heard that Shangguan Ning was not happy, he quickly explained: "sister-in-law, I don't mean that. You are also for our good. How can I blame you for this? I appreciate that you haven't had time."

After hearing this, Shangguan was secretly pleased, but his voice was still tense. He immediately interrupted Mu Qing's words and said, "OK, thank you for my words. The plan will be implemented immediately. You are not allowed to tell An'an that the trick looks like a little bit! I know her character. Although it's a bit insidious, it's sure to work for her. Maybe you'll get married in two months

"Ah, sister-in-law, don't, don't, I can't..."

Wood green words have not finished, the phone was hung up, he immediately wry smile.

Shangguanning will never hang up other people's calls at will. It is obvious that he can't refuse to hang up his phone at this time.

What can I do? If Zhao an knew the truth, he would kill him!

On the other side of the phone, shangguanning hung up the phone, hugged Jingrui and gave a kiss. Then he laughed happily: "ruiruirui, I'm going to pit your aunt. It's estimated that you will soon have an uncle named MuQing. Ha ha, is your mother very clever?"

Jing Rui's big eyes look at a man's giggling mother, but he is very supportive. , the fastest update of the webnovel!