Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 381

In the quiet and fragrant tea house, only Ji Bo and Lan Yu are left.

Looking at the figure of the four people leaving, Lan Yu's hoarse voice sounded in the room: "Jibo, let's get married."

Jibo hands a shake, "bang when" a sound, a good blue and white porcelain tea cup fell to the ground, fell to pieces.

"What are you talking about?! Marriage? You are crazy! What we had agreed on was only engagement, not marriage! "

To marry a snake and scorpion woman with a deep mind like Lan Yu, does he think his life is long?!

It's a great torture to listen to her voice every day. Do you have to face her dark eyes every day?!

Why does she always feel uncomfortable when she looks normal everywhere?

It's so sinister, it's like a ghost crawling out of the grave.

If Jibo was not determined and didn't believe in ghosts and gods, he would be scared out of his mind by Lan Yu.

Lan Yu doesn't care about his attitude.

It doesn't matter whether Jibo is willing to marry her or not. The person she likes is not Jibo. What matters is that Jibo must marry her!

"Don't worry, we're just a fake marriage. We're just pretending to be married. One year after marriage, we can divorce immediately. On your terms, you can find any kind of woman. No woman will mind your divorce. Because at that time, you will be the richest, the youngest and the most handsome CEO in a city, and all women will be flocking to you. "

"What's more, I have prepaid my dowry to you, 10% of the equity! Jibo, you don't want to take my things for nothing, do you? There is no free lunch in the world. You can't be a group leader for more than ten years. You don't understand the simplest reason? "

Jibo heard her words and collapsed on the wooden chair.

He has a sense of crisis that things are getting out of his control. He feels that he has done something wrong, which may affect his life!

He is not as good as Jing Yichen in every aspect. Although he is not willing to do so, he is convinced that Jing Yichen's ability and financial resources are many times better than that of Jing Yichen. He has suffered a loss and learned a long lesson. He will not make the same mistake again next time.

However, now he is not only completely crushed by jingyichen, but also controlled by a woman. This feeling makes him feel ashamed!

"Well, it's settled. I'll choose a good day, skip the engagement and get married directly! You'd better not think about fighting. I've said that at most one year, we can get divorced. If you don't do what I say, I promise you'll be ruined by me all your life. If you don't believe it, you can try it

"Oh, and if we get married, I will let Ji minjue get out of Ji's group immediately. The position of president will be yours. In the future, you will say absolutely nothing, and there will be no objection."

Jibo gradually sat straight again, his brow between the dispirited has disappeared, instead, is firm.

Success or failure, he has been on Lan Yu's ship, Lan Yu must succeed, he must also succeed!

Blue feather sees him so quickly adjust come over, can't help giggling twice.

It's a pity that she forgot that her voice was like the crow's voice now, instead of the crisp and pleasant voice she used to have.

Jibo was numbed by her terrible laughter, and quickly went to divert her attention: "you said, you want to give Jing Yichen a surprise? Where? Today he is a surprise to us

Lanyu touched her smooth and delicate face and felt her soft skin. Her heart was more bloodthirsty.

"Don't worry. I've already sent the surprise. I don't know if shangguanning has received it. Do you want me to let shangguanning's child die or let her die with the child?"

Jibo was stunned, then his fingers tightly held together, gritted his teeth and said, "what do you do with jingyichen's gratitude and resentment, involving innocent people! She and the children have not offended you

Lan Yu took a sip of the cold tea on the table and glanced at Jibo with a sinister look: "innocent? Hum, I am the most innocent one! What's the matter with you? What do you love about your woman, not your child? "

She finished and drank the tea out of the cup as if drinking someone's blood.

"Ha ha ha, jingyichen, I hope you don't miss my name crying when you see her!"


Shangguanning was sent to his villa in the suburbs by Jing Yichen early this morning, along with Zhao An'an.

Although Zhao an can make a lot of noise, Jing Yichen is afraid that Shangguan Ning is boring, so she specially takes Zhao An'an and asks her to accompany Shangguan Ning to talk.

When they came, the fawn was already waiting in the villa.

Today's deer, still wearing a neat ponytail, but wearing a black sportswear, shoes are also black, a baby face no expression.

Shangguanning knows that the deer is not normal again. No, perhaps it should be said that such a deer is normal, at least a normal 26 year old woman should have calm and introverted.Zhao An'an has never seen fawn. She doesn't often go to Jing's house. The whereabouts of fawn are very mysterious. They have never met each other.

Shangguan Ning naturally introduced them, but she thought in her heart that if fawn was in the same state as that pair of children, she would get along well with Zhao An'an.

Zhao an warmly greets fawn, but only gets a lukewarm response from fawn. She is very unhappy, so she directly pulls Shangguan into the room.

Deer did not go in, she took out the gun from the sleeve, loaded the bullet, quietly began to patrol along the villa.

Heaven has taken something from her, but has given her some abilities.

She has a very keen sense of danger. Usually, the more dangerous she is, the stronger her ability will be, and the longer she will be in good condition.

Today, when she came to this villa, she had already felt a different breath from usual. It was dangerous.

When Shangguan Ning sees the deer going out cautiously, she is also a little uneasy.

However, when Jing Yichen sent her over today, she said that it was very safe here, at least safer than Lijing community, because it was a single family villa, and it was easier to protect it completely. Unlike Lijing community, which was an open community, there were many other people living in it.

Shangguanning let herself relax as much as possible. Too nervous mood will affect the baby who has not been stable. She should ensure that her child is not damaged.

Fortunately, Zhao an's character is careless. When she is with her, she often laughs at her silly appearance. Shangguan Ning is in a good mood.

This kind of good mood, when shangguanning heard the heartrending cry coming from outside, suddenly stopped. , the fastest update of the webnovel!