Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 380

Mu Qing's face turned white and bit his teeth and said, "jingshao, she can't be..."

Jing Yichen nodded: "well, yes."

Mu Qing suddenly tried his best to wipe his suit, as if there was something dirty in his hand. Zheng Jing was stunned.

"What riddle are you two playing? Who is Lanyu? I'm so anxious Zheng Jing looked at Mu Qing and wiped his hands like crazy. He immediately grabbed his collar and asked.

Mu Qing wanted to cry without tears, and said pitifully, "brother, I am so miserable by Jing Shao that I was touched by that ugly monster, and she took advantage of it! My innocence, even if I jump into the Yellow River

Zheng Jing was speechless. He let go of his collar and said, "although Lan Yu's voice is ugly, his appearance is still very good. What's more, it's the family you touch. It takes advantage of others, but now I feel that I'm suffering! All right, all right, don't be wordy. Tell me who Lanyu is

Jingyichen's cold voice came: "her name is Yang Muyan."

Zheng Jing turned his head in surprise: "Yang Muyan?! The weirdo of the Yang family? It's not that Yang Muyan grows... "

He took a look at Mu Qing, but he still didn't have any sense of righteousness: "isn't she so ugly? I've heard that she likes MuQing and is crazy. When she had to marry MuQing, the whole a city knew about it. "

If she only wants to marry Mu Qing, she won't make a lot of trouble. Mu Qingji became the president of a famous noble hospital in a city. She is good-natured and highly skilled in medicine. She is also a handsome man. There are many girls who like him chasing him.

The problem is that Yang Muyan wanted to take half of Yang's family property as a dowry and marry Mu Qing, but Mu Qing disliked her as ugly and refused to accept.

No one knows how much the family property of the Yang family has. However, the Yang family is the third largest family in city A. every year, the family business of the Yang family earns billions. It is said that a large part of the money is earned by Yang Muyan for the Yang family.

Yang Muyan was intelligent since childhood, deeply loved by old lady Yang, but she rarely appeared. Few people in a city have seen her, and Zheng Jing has never seen her.

But there are many rumors about her in a city. The most important one is that she is so ugly!

MuQing has been determined to marry her several times, so as to make use of her frightening dowry to invest more money in her own hospital.

Before Zheng Jing had listened to his "crying" and did not know how many times, every time is "I really can not accept his wife Zhang so ugly"!

Therefore, he made up his mind several times and retreated several times. Finally, jingyichen injected capital into Mu's hospital so that the hospital could continue to develop.

"You are not mistaken, are you?" Zheng Jing was somewhat incredible, "although the voice of blue feather is a little bad, like a hundred crows crow, but the face is still very good, with ugly do not match?"

Mu Qing didn't give up asking: "yes, yes, Jing Shao, can you make a mistake? I've met Yang Muyan. I tell you, it's really Ugly, I have nightmares for many days in a row! And her voice is not right. I've heard her speak, and her voice is very good. "

But although he asked, in fact, he knew that jingyichen could not be mistaken. He said that Lanyu was Yang Muyan, so she must be Yang Muyan.

Jingyichen said faintly: "there is no mistake. The real blue feather should have died in Yang Muyan's hand. The blue feather we see is very similar to the rumored Yang Muyan. She is smart and intelligent, weak and sickly. Mu Qing has said before that her skin is pale like a ghost. Her voice changed because the fire in Yang's house destroyed her voice, so she was so hoarse. As for her appearance, Mu Qing, please remember her appearance when you first met her

It's a matter of great importance. Mu Qing thought carefully and said, "when I saw her, her face was very swollen, and her face and body were covered with abscesses, which was a bit like a large-scale acne. I think she should be caused by serious endocrine disorders, or because she drank too much tonic and made up too much, so she turned into that appearance."

"Well, that is to say, when you saw her before, not when she was normal, her normal appearance should be what we see today. She used to never go out easily because of her appearance, so others don't know her. Even if Mu Qing has seen her, she can't recognize her face to face. She camouflaged, and it took almost no effort. "

Jing Yichen has a clear idea, and he has already guessed the identity of Lan Yu.

Because in addition to Yang Muyan, other people in the Yang family are unlikely to be able to help Jibo acquire 10% of the equity of Jishi group. Yang Muyan's dowry should have been prepared for a long time. She was in charge of it herself. It must be a huge sum of money.

"She was certainly not cultivated overnight. Her appearance has been criticized for a long time. I think she should have been the same as Mu Qing saw when she was a teenager, so she would stay in seclusion. Few people knew her in a city. But she likes Mu Qing, the sunshine person has not changed. I let Mu Qing come today to test herMu Qing and Zheng Jing both remember that when Lan Yu saw him, he was obviously strange and stunned. Lan Yu doesn't care about her so-called fiance Jibo at all. Instead, she has obvious emotional fluctuation to Mu Qing. It is obvious that Jing Yichen's analysis is correct.

"Mu Qing said that Yang Muyan's appearance is due to too much tonic. I don't think it's because someone in the Yang family poisoned her and made her look like that. The poisoner must hate her very much, but he is very close to her, so Yang Muyan will have a way. Yang Muyan looks back to normal, should be from the Yang family exterminates the door, she left that environment to start

After listening to his analysis, Zheng Jing said with a bitter smile: "jingshao, if you go to work as a criminal police officer, I guess we don't have to mix up with that gang of people!"

His logical thinking ability and analytical ability are incomparable. He can string many seemingly unrelated things together. He can catch the unimportant clues. He is born to be a criminal policeman!

However, Zheng Jing knows that Jing Yichen is not only suitable for being a criminal police officer, but he is almost top-notch in almost everything. Except for his medical skills, he is not as good as Mu Qing, and the rest have been cultivated by Jing Zhongxiu.

However, Jing Yichen is not competent. Zheng Jing's words are serious. Now he is sure of Yang Muyan's identity. He estimates that Yang Muyan will take the next step, which is also the safest measure, to ensure his own safety -- marry Ji Bo. , the fastest update of the webnovel!