Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 365

"Oh, yes, yes, I almost forgot my business. I went to have a pregnancy test first."

Shangguan Ning patted his forehead, and finally remembered his primary task to come to the hospital.

This really can't blame her, she was pregnant did not have any reaction, is exactly the same as normal people, and the pregnancy time is very short, she has not adapted to it, always forgetting her pregnancy.

Zhao an also wants to remember shangguanning's pregnancy. In her eyes, there is nothing more important than this. This is related to her little nephew. Zhu ruotong will hang it first! Anyway, she can't be engaged to Zheng Jing tomorrow. Even if she is engaged, she has some ways to tear them down!

"MuQing, this bastard, will go to see that dead woman first, and I won't check you first. When he comes back, I'll see how I deal with him!"

She has a man's tone, but Zhao An'an himself did not notice.

Jing Yi Chen light way: "to a Ning to do inspection is not wood green, is someone else."

"Ah?" Zhao an was surprised, "isn't it a wooden bastard? Who is that? Who can be better than him? "

Jing Yichen did not speak, his look is still very cold, only to see the shangguanning when there will be some warmth.

The pregnancy test naturally requires close contact with skin. Therefore, he specially asked Mu Qing to find a female doctor to give shangguanning an examination. Even if he took off his coat at that time, he could not let shangguanning take off his clothes in front of MuQing, which was worse than killing him.

They didn't wait too long. Soon a woman doctor in a white coat knocked on the door and came in.

Female doctors look very young, not very beautiful, but a look makes people feel very comfortable, there is a touch of gentle and intellectual.

Zhao an an saw her, some surprised to stand up: "wooden heart?"

The woman she called wooden heart saw her, but it didn't seem to be surprised. She gave Zhao an an a shallow smile: "An'an, I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm glad to see you!"

She said, and did not mind Zhao an's messy body, directly gave her a hug, and then said with a smile: "but today can't tell you about the past, I was pulled over by my third brother to do a pregnancy test for his friend."

Zhao an understood immediately and said, "she is happy! This is the one next to me. It turns out that you did the pregnancy test for my sister-in-law, so I'm relieved! "

Although Muxin's medical skills are not as good as MuQing's on the whole, she is specialized in the field of gynecology. She has high attainments, rich experience and very careful.

Muxin has already seen shangguanning and jingyichen. She said hello to Zhao an and nodded with shangguanning and jingyichen with a smile. Seeing jingyichen, she was just a little stunned and then regained her mind. She did not stare at him like other female doctors in the hospital.

She held out her hand to Shangguan Ning in a rather serious tone: "Hello, my name is Muxin, and I'm Mu Qing's cousin. He said that there are the top guests of our Mu family. Let me show what I have learned all my life to ensure the health of children and adults."

Shangguan stood up with a smile and took Muxin's hand: "it turns out that MuQing has invited powerful foreign aid. I want to trouble you! My name is shangguanning. I'm the most diligent patient running to your Mujia hospital. "

Muxin laughed: "my third brother only said that today's guests are very important, but did not say that the guests will be so beautiful! If you look so good, you don't seem to be a regular visitor in our hospital. Otherwise, we will see that all the beauties of your level are going out of our hospital. It is estimated that they will be full of people! "

After a few words, Muxin explained why he was late: "I'm sorry to be late today, but I opened a special maternal and child health care hospital with my second brother. Today, a pregnant woman was transferred from another hospital to our hospital. The situation was urgent, so I went to the battle in person. I didn't leave the delivery room until their mother and son were safe It's just delayed. "

MuQing told her to come early yesterday, but there was a sudden situation in the hospital. She couldn't leave at all, so she couldn't let the mother and son die.

Anyway, it's just a pregnancy check-up, and it's not an urgent matter. When she arrived late, she was scolded by MuQing at most, and she had to stay in the hospital to deliver the baby.

Fortunately, she came late, and shangguanning didn't seem to blame her at all, but she still had to explain the cause of the matter clearly, so as not to be misunderstood by her.

Shangguanning did not really mean to blame Muxin. She didn't know at first that it was not MuQing who gave her an examination. Now when she heard Muxin's explanation, she would not be blamed.

She didn't know the feeling of being a mother until she was pregnant. It was not easy for a mother to be a mother. She gave birth in October. Although medicine has developed and childbirth is no longer a ghost door, it is still full of danger. It is necessary and necessary for the wooden heart to stay to deliver the baby to the woman.

To think of it, her medical skills must be very good, otherwise she will not accept other hospitals transferred to the past of the critical maternal.

"It's OK. Dr. mu, I'm not in a hurry anyway. Mr. Mu has tried my pulse for me. He said that there was no problem. He just suggested that I go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination, so that I can rest assured. If you have something on your side, just be busy. Life matters. Your medical skills are used to save people. I can understand that. "When Muxin heard shangguanning say so, he was relieved.

She knew that her grandfather had given shangguanning a pulse. Yesterday, MuQing had told her all about the situation, including shangguanning's identity.

There are few people in a city who can let her grandfather feel the pulse. Obviously, shangguanning's identity is extremely important. Otherwise, she will not be so worried because she is late.

However, she is a doctor of Obstetrics and gynecology. Her professional quality makes her unable to put down the woman who is giving birth and go away. She just wants that poor woman to give birth to the baby safely and then come back.

Fortunately, shangguanning is a very gentle person. She understands her work very well.

Muxin had a good impression on her and took her out with a smile: "let's go, I'll use the most advanced equipment from my third brother to give you and baby a check-up. My level of traditional Chinese medicine is not comparable to my third brother, but in terms of maternal and child health care, I'm not worse than him!"

Zhao an followed, looking back, jingyichen actually followed.

She said helplessly, "my cousin, can you always go back and wait? You can't lose your daughter-in-law. Mu Xin and I can't do anything about her. I'm sure that a hair will not be less for you. Please avoid it quickly, will you? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!