Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 364

Zheng Jing looks sad.

His hair was messy, his originally stiff uniform was dirty and wrinkled, and his cuffs had been torn to reveal his strong bronze arm.

He had injuries on his cheek, nose, and even his ears, and the injuries on his ears were obviously bite wounds. There were several very clear and conspicuous tooth marks on them!

Shangguan Ning looked at Zhao an, who had already stood up from his chair and looked at Zheng Jing's Zhao an in a defiant way. He thought silently, Zhao An'an I'm really willing to talk!

Zheng Jing came in and saw Zhao An'an, but there was no accident. He didn't care about his injuries. He just saw jingyichen and shangguanning all here. Obviously, he was surprised.

He said hello to jingyichen and shangguanning, and then he said to MuQing: "MuQing, my girlfriend is in your hospital. She has broken two ribs, and her internal organs may have suffered some damage. She has already let the doctor see it. But I think you can help me to show her, and don't leave any sequelae."

Mu Qing looked at him in surprise: "ah, you Is your girlfriend here? "

As soon as his voice fell, Zhao An'an immediately rushed over and pulled him behind him. He said with hatred: "don't go to see the woman hurt! I broke the ribs, just to make her suffer more! Let her out of the hospital quickly, there is no treatment for her! "

Zheng Jing frowned and looked at Zhao An'an. After a while, he suddenly laughed: "An'an, I want to thank you more. If you didn't hurt Zhu ruotong, I might not have been engaged to her so soon. She was injured, and it was completely because of my injury. My best consolation and compensation for her is to get engaged to her. If her body suffers permanent injury due to untimely treatment, I will marry her more. Otherwise, I will be too sorry for Zhu ruotong. "

Zhao an was completely stunned. She widened her eyes and lost her voice: "you What are you talking about? "

Zheng Jing's face is still a gentle smile: "yes, you heard me right. I'm engaged to Zhu ruotong. Do you want to stop Mu Qing from treating her injury?"

He didn't make fun of Zhao An'an, nor did he mean to provoke her, but because Zhu ruotong was injured, he was ready to get engaged to her.

Originally, he was hesitating, because he did not have any feelings for Zhu ruotong. He was like a good friend with her.

Originally, he was still struggling in his heart, because he couldn't give up Zheng Lun. In his private heart, he didn't want to get married. He wanted to keep her, as long as he could.

However, Zhao An'an woke him up.

It is the most appropriate to marry Zhu ruotong. What's more, her mother likes her very much and thinks she is an ideal daughter-in-law.

Zheng Lun has always been his sister. They are brothers and sisters. Instead, she is his sister. Even his name is used by his sister. He can't and can't be shaken. Absolutely not!

The best way to break his and Zheng Lun's thoughts is to marry someone else.

It seems impossible for Zheng Lun to marry other men at present. She refuses all men except him.

Well, he's married.

At least, he doesn't hate Zhu ruotong. Living with her, he can treat her as a brother. They have a common language in their work. They can analyze the case together and arrest a repeat offender.

Zheng Jing can feel that the reason why Zhu ruotong is close to him is not because she likes him. She just regards him as a strong brother. She admires his ability to solve crimes and wants to learn more from him. She does not have romantic fantasies about her marriage as other women do. She only hopes that marriage can help her personal improvement.

Her interest in the case itself is far more than her interest in men. Men are not necessary for her. However, at the age of 30, she was forced by the pressure of her family to get married, so she and Zheng Jing immediately fell in love: let's live together!

However, she was seriously injured by Zhao An'an. She was really very angry. She had never been humiliated so much since she was so old!

In the past, the injuries were all caused by the fierce fight with the gangsters. Now a woman drugged her ribs and broke her ribs. She felt that she had lost the face of a city criminal police!

Zhu ruotong didn't say a word all the way from Zheng's home to Mu's hospital. Zheng Jing knew that she was angry. He didn't know how to comfort his partner. He knew how to comfort Zheng Lun, but he would not comfort women like Zhu ruotong.

He is just very self reproach, after all, this is because he let Zhu ruotong hurt, with her skill, now it is very difficult for anyone to hurt her.

Therefore, Zheng Jing decided to be engaged to Zhu ruotong.

Zhao an was stunned, for a long time, he didn't slow down.

Until Mu Qing followed Zheng Jing to go out, she did not react. She immediately ran to the front and closed the door. The whole person blocked the door in a big font: "no, you can't get engaged to that woman. If you are engaged to her, I will poison her tomorrow!"

Shangguan Ning looked at the scene in front of her.

Know, understand this is Zhao an for a good friend chasing men, do not know thought Zhao an this is how much like Zheng Jing!Mu Qing also had no choice but to shake his head: "An'an, don't make trouble first. I'll go to see what kind of people are beaten by you. I promise to cure her. In this way, Zheng Jing doesn't have to be engaged to her. Do you think?"

MuQing said these words, how to feel very wrong.

It seems that if Zheng Jing is not engaged to Zhu ruotong, he will be engaged to Zhao An'an!

Fortunately, he was very clear that Zhao An'an didn't like Zheng Jing, and Zheng Jing didn't like Zhao An'an, otherwise he would suspect that they had something fishy!

Zhao an stood in a standoff for a while, but she still let the door open. She was really afraid that Zhu ruotong might have something wrong with her, and then let Zheng Jing be responsible for her all her life. That would be a big crime for her!

When the two went out, Zhao an sat back on the chair dejectedly. After a long time, she grabbed her own chicken coop and said, "ah Ning, did I do something bad with good intentions and help me?"

Shangguan Ning grinned, blinked his eyes and said, "who said, I don't think so!"

When Zhao an settled down, he raised the spirit: "why not? Zheng Jing said that he would be engaged to that woman. Do you have any good methods?"

"No, I don't have a good idea. I found a little secret! Let's go and see Zhu ruotong. She was hurt by you. We should always apologize! "

Shangguan Ning said, then stood up and went out.

Jing Yichen finally couldn't help it. She took Shangguan Ning's hand and pulled her into her arms. She said helplessly, "ah Ning, we come to the hospital for pregnancy examination. Can you finish the examination first and then worry about other people's affairs?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!