Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 191

"Except for what?"

"Unless the child is not yours, you can file for a divorce without compensation."

"The child is not mine! I'm sure! I'm going to get a divorce! " Xie Zhuo Jun a listen, immediately stood up from the sofa, head also do not return to go out.

"Stop for me Xie Dongfeng roared angrily, and was angry and anxious about his son's failure: "when can you be more stable! I haven't finished my words, you're going to run out! It's in the middle of the night. Where can you get a divorce? "

Xie Zhuo Jun was still very afraid of Xie Dongfeng, and he immediately walked back and sat down in front of him.

"How can you be sure that the child is not yours? As far as I know, although Shangguan rouxue will go to accompany the wine and sing, she should not really do something sorry for you. "

Seeing his son's honest and obedient appearance, Xie Dongfeng's tone softened again. Now he also hated Shangguan rouxue deeply. He thought she was a troublemaker and made the original good family a mess. Because she was not only unable to raise her head in front of others, but also the whole person was rapidly emaciated and decadent, his brow had never been loosened at the age of 30 He grew white hair, which was almost the same as the old man in his fifties!

They were afraid that the child in Shangguan rouxue's stomach was not Xie Zhuojun's, but now they are afraid that the child is Xie Zhuojun's!

Xie Zhuojun did not have conclusive evidence, he just subconsciously felt that the child was not his.

Now hear Xie Dongfeng said, in the heart also some hesitation: "otherwise, I take her to do paternity test!"

Xie Dongfeng shook his head and said tactfully: "not right! Can't do paternity test, otherwise in case the child is yours, will thoroughly offend Shangguan Zheng. However, if the child is not yours, let Shangguan rouxue be born! "

"How can this work! I'll be laughed at to death! Do a paternity test, if the child is not mine, let her quickly kill it! " Xie Zhuo Jun was in a hurry and even his voice changed his tone.

"Not necessarily! When the child is born, you will find that it is not the descendant of our Xie family. You will have enough reasons to divorce Shangguan rouxue. She can't do it without thinking about it! Then they will compensate us, not us! We are the right party. Only Shangguan rouxue is despised. Our whole family is so kind to her. It is her impure and impure. She is not worthy of you. You will only be sympathized and forgiven by others. "

Xie Zhuo Jun smell speech, slowly taste for a while, gradually feel that his father's words are very reasonable.

Moreover, if Shangguan rouxue gives birth to the child, the matter can be determined. Otherwise, once she finds out that the child is not his, she secretly knocks out the child, and then pesters him and refuses to divorce him. At that time, it will still be very troublesome.

"Zhuo Jun, you'd better bear with us for the reputation and honor of the whole Xie family. In a few months, the child will be born, and then you can divorce her. If you want to go to the government, you can't say anything! Don't worry about the rest. Shangguan rouxue will give it to your mother first. She will go to see her tonight. Your health is getting worse and worse. Go to the hospital for a check-up tomorrow. "

Things settled down, Xie Zhuo Jun in the heart is not so eager and irritable, he "um" one is agreed.

The next day, Xie Zhuojun went to the hospital.

After the doctor gave him a comprehensive examination, he took the MRI film and examination report, and asked him with some doubts: "have you ever had a brain impact before?"

Xie Zhuojun was surprised and nodded: "yes, I had a car accident, and Two years in bed. "

He taboo to say "vegetative", "coma" and other words, but said that he lay down for two years.

The doctor didn't care about it, but said solemnly: "your headache recently should be related to the blood clot in your brain. When you had an accident, the blood clot was not handled well. Recently, it has oppressed your nerves, and it will become more and more serious in the future. If you don't deal with it in time, it may cause you to faint intermittently, or even have life after a long time Danger. "

Xie Zhuo Jun smell speech startled out a body of cold sweat, face instant pale as paper, holding the hand of examination report is shaking ceaselessly!

How could this happen!?

There was a blood clot in his brain!

When he woke up from his coma, the doctor still exclaimed that there was a miracle, and did not say that he was completely recovered and there was no problem?

He grabbed the doctor's hand and asked nervously and eagerly, "doctor, what should I do? Is there any way I can recover? Please help me

The doctor was shocked by his reaction. Unexpectedly, he opened Xie Zhuojun's hand and said with a dignified face: "you need to have craniotomy as soon as possible, but before you do the operation, you still have to go to other hospitals to check again. I suggest you go to Mu's Hospital for examination, because their hospital has just introduced the latest equipment from abroad The result is more accurate than our hospital. And I can't do complicated craniotomy like you. There's only one person in a city who can do this kind of operation. "Xie Zhuo Jun seemed to have grasped the last straw, and asked eagerly, "who is it?"

"MuQing!" The doctor spoke faintly, but there was an indescribable reverence in his tone.

"It's Dr. Mu Qing, the president of Mu's hospital. He was able to do this kind of operation several years ago. I heard that his success rate is very high, and he is the leading expert in this field. You can go to see him. Although the charge of Mu's hospital is very expensive, it can definitely reduce the risk to the minimum. "

Xie Zhuojun did not go to Mu's hospital to see the disease, but also heard about the name of MuQing.

Because Mu Wensheng, the man who founded Mu's Hospital, is a legend in the whole city of A. his grandson MuQing is better than blue. He not only inherits all his skills and skills, but also enables the hospital to develop and grow with the strong support of Jingsheng group. Now Mu's hospital has the name of the top hospital in a city, every day Patients from all over the country went to see a doctor.

"Well, I see. I'll go and see him for me." With hope, Xie Zhuojun's face finally looked better. He found that he had just been wet through because of fright, and his shirt stuck to his body, which made him very uncomfortable.

"Thank you. I'll go first." Xie Zhuojun wants to go home and change clothes, and then quickly go to the Mu's hospital to have a look.

"Wait a minute!" The doctor saw that he was going to leave, but he asked him to stay. "You don't feel uncomfortable in other places except for brain diseases?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!