Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 192

Xie Zhuo Jun heard the doctor's words, and sat down again, some doubt way: "no, in addition to headache, everything else is OK."

"Are you married?" The doctor asked a seemingly irrelevant question.

Xie Zhuo Jun hesitated for a long time before he said, "it's over."

"Do you have any children?"

This time Xie Zhuo Jun hesitated for a longer time, and his face was a little ugly: "yes."

The doctor breathed a sigh of relief and said, "in fact, I found that you have some kidney deficiency, and your temperature is slightly higher than ordinary people. It may be very difficult to get pregnant. So I want to remind you to pay more attention to rest, not to be too tired, and not to have sex too frequently."

If before, someone said that Xie Zhuojun had kidney deficiency and questioned his most basic ability as a man, he might be very angry and even fight with others.

But at the moment, he was a little happy to hear the doctor say so!

Because this more shows that Shangguan rouxue Huai's child is not his!

Thanks to the doctor, Xie Zhuojun immediately went home to take a bath, changed his clothes, and then went to Mu's hospital.

He went to Mu's hospital. Mu Qing, as the president of the hospital, could not receive him in person. Instead, he was received by the chief physician of the Department of Neurology.

Xie Zhuojun's examination results were quickly put on Mu Qing's desk, because the blood clot in his brain had already pressed on the nerve, so he had no choice but to undergo craniotomy.

If the doctor is not familiar with the operation, it will lead to the risk of death.

As Mu Qing looked at the inspection report, he called happily: "jingshao, don't worry. I'll go to the king's house next week to inject the male and female pervert, so as to ensure that he won't get up for a year! But first of all, if this is revealed, you must keep me, or I will be killed by the old man

Jingyichen's cold voice came out on the phone: "you won't be in trouble. You just have to make him suffer more. In addition, I told you last time that Yang Wenshu, to your hospital, directly out

This jingyichen has told Mu Qing once, and Mu Qing will not forget it. He said with a smile, "she has come, and I have driven her out! Tut Tut, I didn't expect that the medicine I gave you was so poisonous! It's so miserable that she can't even look like a human being

Mu Qing already knew that Yang Wenshu was shangguanning's stepmother, which not only destroyed her originally happy family, but also caused her to lose her mother. Moreover, she also suffered shangguanning a lot. Therefore, he consciously excluded Yang Wenshu from the scope of treatment.

What jingyichen wants is that Yang Wenshu is very miserable. He is not as soft hearted as shangguanning. He will never be soft hearted when dealing with such people.

"Oh, by the way, her daughter is called Shangguan rouxue, isn't she? Two days ago, she also came to our hospital for birth examination, as if she wanted to kill the child! She asked several questions about abortion from the doctors who gave her birth check-up. After listening to our doctors, she was afraid that abortion would delay her filming

"Well, I know. If she goes again, she will be driven out. Now no one in a city dares to operate on her. Her child will be born!" Jingyichen voice in the cruel indifference, let Mu Qing listen to feel some cold in the heart.

How can Xie Zhuojun feel more painful if the child is not born? Now, not only no hospital in a city dares to do abortion surgery for Shangguan rouxue, but also no hospital and institution dare to do paternity test for her!

Jing Yichen wants to let Xie Zhuo Jun always suspect whether the child is his or not until the child is born!

"Jing Shao can rest assured. Shangguanzheng is a family of three. Our hospital has been blacklisted and will not receive medical treatment!" MuQing said, the rest of the corner of the eye suddenly swept to the hands of the inspection report on a few words.

Spouse name: Shangguan rouxue!

Mu Qing almost thought that he was dazzled. He rubbed his eyes and looked at it again. It was still the four words: Shangguan rouxue!

He also looked at the patient's name column: Xie Zhuojun.

Is this man Shangguan rouxue's husband?

He immediately called Jing Yichen, who wanted to hang up the phone, and said in an urgent voice, "jingshao! Who is Xie Zhuo Jun? "

Jingyichen slightly a Leng, he did not mention this person with Mu Qing, and Mu Qing now even know his name.

"He is husband and wife with Guan rouxue. What's the matter?"

"I just received an inspection report here. The name column is Xie Zhuojun, and the spouse is Shangguan rouxue."

Jingyichen smell speech, light way: "do not receive a doctor."

"Yes. However, what Xie Zhuojun got was a blood clot in his brain. If he didn't have an operation, it would only take him half a year. He would become a vegetable because of the compression of his brain nerves. In less than a year, he would die. "

"No treatment."

"Well, I see!" Mu Qing answers neatly. Although he doesn't know what's wrong between Xie Zhuojun and jingyichen, he never asks what jingyichen orders him to do. He says he won't take the operation, that's it.This is Xie Zhuojun's bad luck. Who let him marry Shangguan rouxue?

This beauty host is so disgusted by Jing Yichen. It must be because of shangguanning's reason. She even dares to provoke jingshao's women. She has a long idle life! And a while ago, she made a lot of noise because of the photo taking. Even he, a doctor, heard about her. She was careless in her private life, and did not expect Xie Zhuojun to marry her!

As for Xie Zhuo Jun's life and death, it has nothing to do with Mu Qing Ba Gan Zi. Every day in the hospital, there are all kinds of people dying because of various diseases. Thank you very much for not many!

Therefore, when Xie Zhuojun came back to Mu's hospital the next day, the doctor politely told him that the dean of their medical attainments had gone abroad for a tour.

"Going abroad? Travel Xie Zhuojun how also can't believe, a hospital president, nothing does not stay in the hospital to cure patients, go out to travel for what! If we say that he has studied and studied in the past, what's the matter with tourism?

"When will your Dean come back?" Xie Zhuojun asked.

His headache has become more and more serious. He can't take any more painkillers. Sometimes he will suffer from temporary blindness. All the signs make him feel extremely scared. So he can't wait to ask Mu Qing to help him with the operation.

"When the Dean goes out to play, he usually comes back half a year." The doctor who received him was very kind. His round and plump face was full of smile, but what he said made Xie Zhuojun unable to laugh.

"Half a year?! So long? But I've heard that your president is usually in the hospital and seldom goes out! " Before Xie Zhuojun came, he had already looked for acquaintances and had never heard of the president of Mu's hospital who liked to travel. At the moment, he had some doubts.

Just now, the doctor has said that the root cause of his disease is less than half a year! , the fastest update of the webnovel!