Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 187

Not only Shangguan Ning turned pale because of jingyiran's words, but also Shangguan Zheng's face changed.

Huang Liyu's death is a thorn in their heart. No one can touch it. Once touched, it will tear the old wound of the past and bleed more than once.

After a long pause, Shangguan said in a calm voice, "I'm sorry, I'm married, but I'm married! I can find out my mother's affairs by myself. Even if I can't find out, I can send all the suspects to prison. Let them all live like death, make them all miserable, and comfort the dead under the spring! "

Mother Huang Liyu's death is inseparable from these people in the family. If it wasn't for them, mother would never die! Therefore, it is necessary and necessary for these people to be punished!

Jing Yiran didn't expect that shangguanning was such a strong attitude that he would rather kill wrongly than let go. This feeling made him feel very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere!

By the way, yes, he has seen it in jingyichen!

Is shangguanning together with him for a long time, also learned his overbearing?!

This is not a good omen, there is a jingyichen already very difficult to deal with, he does not want to have another such opponent!

However, why does he think that shangguanning, who has a tough attitude at the moment, is more attractive than her usually gentle one?

Jing Yiran doesn't even want to wait for a second. She just wants to turn Shangguan into his woman immediately!

MuQing that damned let him not exercise the man's power, then he first with her to determine the relationship between husband and wife, and let shangguanning divorce jingyichen!

People in the Civil Affairs Bureau have asked shangguanzheng, the mayor, to come forward and arrange everything properly. He only needs him to take shangguanning there to divorce her instead of jingyichen, and then marry her again!

Shangguanning is too naive. Will he really exchange what she wants for what he wants?

"I have never thought of making any deal with you. What I want is always snatched by force, not by fair trade."

Jingyi ran smile some evil, he reached out to touch her smooth like shelled eggs small face, but she quickly slapped open.

Shangguan Ning Nu scolded: "you are shameless!"

"I have something more shameless. You'll see later."

As soon as his voice fell, shangguanning had already noticed the abnormality of his body.

She was so soft that she couldn't use her strength. In a short time, she fell to the ground.

Jing Yiran went up to her and held her up. Her face was covered with a smile: "you see, it's better to use Yin moves. If I hadn't been waiting for the effect to break out, why waste so much talk with you! You are still too young, so easy to hit, will let me heartache

"But don't worry. I got this medicine from Shangguan rouxue. I love you. I only let you inhale a little. It's OK! According to her, except for the strong desire to kiss me later, there are no other side effects. When we finish the divorce procedures and then go through the marriage procedures, your body's efficacy should be almost the same. Then we will go directly into the bridal chamber. What do you think? "

Shangguan Ning now want to kill Jing Yiran's heart!

Add this time, this medicine she has suffered three times, the efficacy of her incomparable familiar!

However, what Jing Yiran said should be true. He didn't use much, so she didn't have any strength all over her body. Her abnormal reaction was very slight. Unlike the previous two times, she felt that her body was hot and wanted to tear her clothes.

She looked at jingyiran with some doubts. How could he be so kind? Shouldn't he give her a large dose of medicine to make her miserable?

However, compared with this doubt, she cares more about what Jing Yiran just said.

"What do you mean, divorce and marriage?"

Even if she really wanted to divorce, she didn't leave him, did she?

What's more, she won't marry Jing Yiran!

Jing Yiran put Shangguan on the front passenger seat of the car. She tied the seat belt for her thoughtfully. She touched her silky hair and said, "naturally, I divorced the person I don't like very much. I married me. Ha ha, today is really a good day! Double happiness

Maserati, with good performance, drove quickly to the Civil Affairs Bureau with two people.

To the door, Jingyi ran all over the body can not make half the strength of Shangguan Ning from the car, and then holding her into the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Because Jing Yiran said hello in advance, there was no one in the Civil Affairs Bureau at the moment, and all the couples who wanted to come to get certificates were expelled.

In the empty hall, there were only two staff and a man in black sitting at the counter with his back to them.

Hearing the footsteps, the man in black turned and said in a cold voice, "you are a step late. She has already married me. You are later than me, even born later than me, so I am destined to walk in front of you all my life, and you are doomed to have nothing in your life

When Shangguan Ning heard the voice, he turned his head happily: "Yi Chen!"Jingyichen strode forward, some eager to put Shangguan Ning into his arms, and looked at her from head to foot. Seeing that she was ok, he was relieved. Then he said lightly to Jingyi, who was already stiff and unable to move at the moment: "next time I touch her again, I will break your hand and let it lose its function forever!"

When jingyichen strode away with Shangguan Ning in his arms, Mu Qing came out of jingyiran's back: "tut Tut, Jing Er Shao, why don't you even have the minimum alertness? I followed you since you got out of the car. I pricked you with six needles. Are you a zombie? The sense ability is so bad! Ha ha, but you are a zombie now

Jingyi ran was furious and wanted to smash Mu Qing's handsome face, but her hands and feet didn't listen to him!

He helplessly watched Shangguan Ning be taken away by jingyichen, leaving his sight!

Just a little bit closer, he made it!

He arranged everything, and even paid a high price to hold jingyichen down. He found Jibo and asked him to talk to jingyichen about the financial cooperation he had been planning!

Shangguan Ning is so defensive to him that he can't do anything about it. That's why he cheated her to his side through shangguanzheng. In order to make shangguanzheng mayor, he paid a very high price!

Now, everything is in vain! He lost a lot!

"Poof", jingyiran was so angry that she vomited out a big mouthful of blood, and then the whole person was in a dark, "bang" straight fell on the ground, and the beautiful face had a close contact with the earth. , the fastest update of the webnovel!