Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 186

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!"

Behind Shangguan Ning, there was a crisp clapping sound, and then a voice that made her familiar and disgusted began to ring: "the beauty is so smart that she can guess it's me at once! Oh, what should I do? I really like you more and more. I like you so much that I want to marry you! "

Shangguanning doesn't have to look back and know who the speaker is. She didn't expect that shangguanzheng was crazy to this extent, and sold her to jingyiran so blatantly!

She was very angry, full of bitterness and sadness, all of a sudden scattered all over her body, making her a little unstable.

It is said that tiger poison does not eat son, and Shangguan Zheng is not a tiger, but more poisonous than tiger!

Shangguan Ning forced back the tears in his eyes and said coolly with some hoarse voice: "Dad, in your heart, don't you have any feelings for me? Even if you don't love me from childhood to adulthood, but I'm your daughter after all. Give me to an animal's hand and live a life like death. Don't you think you are very incompetent? Won't there be a little bit of trouble sleeping and eating? What do you live for? Just to be an official? What is the purpose of being an official? To sell my daughter again and again? "

Shangguanzheng was guilty when he did something like this today. At the moment, Shangguan Ning unconcerned. He was ashamed and angry, and scolded shangguanning angrily: "you don't talk nonsense there. I do it for you! With Mr. Jing Er, you will have no worries about food and clothing all your life. What do you want! Well, you don't have to say anything. I've decided to marry you to the second childe. You will be his man in the future

Using and betraying again and again, shangguanning has completely given up on shangguanzheng. She knows that she should not come today. No matter what happens to shangguanzheng, she will not come again!

Does he think that this is the old society, and he can give his daughter to whoever he wants?!

"Good! That's what you said! You gave me to jingyiran. From now on, I will no longer be your daughter! You become mayor, this always has my share of credit, I will use this credit, for you a question Shangguan Ning gradually calmed down, his eyes became incorruptible, just showed a cold and deep light, see shangguanzheng heart some hair.

Jing Yiran walks to her side and looks at her being cheated and betrayed by her closest people. However, she quickly calms down and strives for the maximum benefit for herself under the most unfavorable circumstances.

She is like the indomitable grass in the wind and rain. Even if she is blown down by the strong wind, she is not discouraged at all. She still tries to stand up and fight against the wind and rain.

Jing Yiran is very curious. Is this character of hers born or acquired?

She looks like a delicate young lady. She is thin and weak, simple and not thoughtful. She is full of toughness!

Was it that she had been living in such a mess that she was able to calm down in such a heartbreaking deception?

Such a poor little woman, always do not know what kind of heartache King second young master, in the heart of a certain place in the wisps of pain up.

Shangguanzheng didn't know what questions shangguanning was going to ask. He just wanted to send her away and let her go with jingyiran to get the marriage certificate, so as to keep his mayoral position, so he immediately said, "ask!"

Shangguan Ning stares at Shangguan Zheng's eyes and asks: "my mother, is it you who killed me?"

When shangguanzheng heard her question, he was immediately shocked. His originally pale face immediately became bloodless and as white as paper.

He flustered way: "no! It has nothing to do with me! She's suicidal. She's suicidal! Didn't you see it with your own eyes? "

Shangguan Ning took a close look at his flustered appearance. His heart was as cold as ice. He said in a cruel and merciless way: "it's better not. If there is, I don't mind avenging my mother myself! Damn it, don't even want to live! "

She said coldly, then turned her head and looked at jingyiran, who had been staring at her. She said faintly, "now, it's your turn. What do you want? What can you give me? "

Jing Yiran looked at the woman in front of her in an instant became callous, it seems that on weekdays that gentle person is not her at all, can't help but be more interested in her.

It turned out that she was still hiding such a cold side in her bones, like a powerful killer, instantly changed her prey's identity and became aggressive!

Her short, golden brown hair, in the sunlight, reflects a beautiful luster. Her hair tail curls up slightly and pastes it on her nearly perfect side face to outline a beautiful radian. Her long eyelashes cast a small shadow on her face. Her three-dimensional facial features are exquisite and beautiful.

Red lips open gently, the voice is clear, showing a kind of intoxicating cold and strong aesthetic feeling.

Jing Yiran only felt that her heart beat faster and faster, and her voice became louder and louder, as if she would jump out of his chest at the next moment!

There was a tenderness in his voice that he did not even notice: "will you give me anything I want?"

Shangguan Ning's eyes were cold and cold, and there was no trace of emotion in his tone: "it depends on whether you can afford the price!""You want me to make an offer."

"Yes!" Shangguan was still cold, his lips took a sneer: "use your mother's life to resist!"

Her words, let jingyiran's relaxed look disappear, replaced by a sinister air: "what does this have to do with my mother?"

"You know it doesn't matter! Ha ha, what do you have to do with shangguanzheng and Shangguan rouxue? " Shangguan Ning suddenly laughed. She was so angry that she didn't even call "Dad". She called her name by her name!

"Why, can't you? My life isn't worth your mother's? What else do you have worth?! You have nothing at all and ask me to make an offer with such a big tone. It turns out that you are just a paper tiger! "

Shangguan Ning's unflinching sarcasm was cheated here today. She was in a very bad mood. Jingyi ran repeatedly asked her for trouble, which made her feel disgusted to the extreme. Naturally, it was hard to hear what to say.

Jing Yiran was only angry for a moment, then put on his face his signboard style evil smile: "no, I have what you want here, but it's not my mother's life, but your mother's life!"

Shangguan Ning froze all of a sudden and bit his teeth and said, "what are you talking about?"

"Since I have your mother's remains in my hand, naturally there are others. Don't you want to know how your mother died? I think there should be no one in the world who knows your mother better than me! I'll tell you when you marry me , the fastest update of the webnovel!