Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 184

With shangguanning's words, Jing Yichen can arrange the deployment freely. In fact, he wanted to take shangguanzheng as the vice mayor for a long time, because if he stayed in such a position of real power, he and shangguanning would bring infinite trouble, especially shangguanning, who was a girl, would be used by him without any politeness.

If we can solve the problem first, we will wipe out many future troubles.


In the silent dark night, Shangguan Zheng, who had been sleeping soundly, suddenly felt a little chilly. He opened his eyes and found that the bedroom window had opened when he didn't know when.

"Is it so windy tonight?" He murmured sleepily and impatiently. He reached out and pushed his wife who was sleeping like a dead pig. Seeing that she didn't respond at all, he got up and got out of bed to close the window.

A cold voice suddenly sounded behind him, so scared that Shangguan Zheng almost sat on the ground!

"The mayor of Shangguan finally wakes up. If I don't wake up, I'll have to use the knife."

Shangguanzheng turned his head and saw that there was a man sitting on the chair in his bedroom. Beside him, a man with a strong sword was standing. They were hidden in the dark night, quietly, but their whole body exuded a sense of coldness, like a murderer coming out of hell. They were full of momentum and terror!

Although the night was thick and his sight was very poor, Shangguan Zheng recognized the man at a glance. He cried out in horror: "jingyichen, how did you come here! You What do you want to do? "

"Don't worry. For ah Ning's sake, I won't kill you. Today I just want to tell you that you can't sit on the chair of mayor A. you'd better resign! Even Ji Minyu walked away in a gloomy mood. Do you think you are harder than her neck? Or Do you think your backstage is harder than me? " Jingyichen's voice is as cold as a knife, and every sentence is cut in the soft rib of Shangguan Zheng.

Therefore, after hearing his words, shangguanzheng immediately collapsed on the ground. He had lost the power to stand up because of excessive fear.

He knew that jingyichen was not easy to deal with at all. As soon as he became mayor, he came to visit him!

Is he happy that his dream of mayor is going to leave him in a few days?!

What's the difference between this and killing him! He would rather die than lose the mayor's seat!

"I won't resign. I'm the mayor. It's useless for you to threaten me. I'll never give up! City a, you can't cover the sky with your own hands. Just because you broke into the mayor's house tonight, I will let the police station go to Jing's house to arrest you tomorrow! "

Shangguan Zheng is fierce, but in his palm is a cold sweat.

For jingyichen said not to his life, he did not believe. Ten years ago, before he became the vice mayor, Jing Yichen's name was like thunder in a city. His cruel blood washed the whole city. His cruel reputation once made children stop crying!

Jing Yichen's beautiful and perfect face is hidden in the dark. The whole person sits on the chair with a king's posture. Even his voice sounds like a force of submission: "I'm not here to discuss with you, but to inform you. You can try, a city police station, you can command the move. Don't think jingyiran is your backer, he will only send you to the grave! My warning is only for once, and it will never happen again! "

Jing Yichen of course knows that shangguanzheng fans can't easily give up his official position. He uses a cold voice to say to a Hu who is holding a bright knife: "give him something and let him die."

Ah Hu took out a small book from his arms and threw it in front of Shangguan Zheng. He showed his white teeth and said with a smile: "the mayor or listen to my young master's words. Otherwise, once the things recorded in this book are handed over to the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, I'm afraid the next time it's not me and the young master, but the anti-corruption bureau's! You are not young, and if you go to prison at this time, you will not be able to bear the hardships. "

Shangguanzheng fingers trembling to pick up the small book, with the mobile phone screen light, bit by bit to look down.

Every time he turned a page, his face turned pale. At the end of the page, the whole face was pale, and there was no blood color.

Why did he do all the things, jingyichen all know!?

He can check so clearly, some things, even he himself has forgotten!

Jing Yichen's strength is so terrible that the whole a city is completely under his control, and it has reached the point of all pervasiveness!

Moreover, Jing Yiran came to find him to join hands, he also knew!

The light of mobile phone screen, shining on Shangguan Zheng's pale face, looks like a ghost without soul.

Jing Yichen did not have the slightest sympathy, light way: "give you three days time, consider to hand in the resignation report, if not, what you just saw will immediately appear on the desk of the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. At that time, what will happen to you."

His voice is cold and cruel, listening to shangguanzheng's ears, like he was sentenced to death!

"Oh, by the way, don't go to the doctor to fix your wife's face. Anyway, it will become old and ugly in a few days. It's just a waste of time."Jing Yichen said, with a tiger out of the bedroom without scruple, along the open door, as if he was so familiar with his home, and walked out easily.

As soon as Jing Yichen left, Shangguan Zheng was despairing and decadent. But when he thought of jingyiran, he was hopeful: jingyiran and jingyichen are brothers. Jingyichen is so powerful, jingyiran will not be worse! He must have a way to save himself!

But now at two o'clock in the morning, shangguanzheng dare not call Jing Yiran. He goes to the dawn, regardless of Yang Wenshu, who has been sleepy all the time, he can't wait to dial Jing Yiran's number.

"Hello, who is it?"

Jing Yiran obviously just woke up, the voice of evil spirit in the ordinary days has become lazy and hoarse, with a trace of impatience, but it is extremely good to hear.

However, even if jingyiran's voice is worse than crows, for shangguanzheng, it is also the sound of nature!

"Er Shao, please help me! My official position is not guaranteed. I may be sent to prison by Jing Da Shao! I really need your help now! "

As soon as shangguanzheng's voice fell, a woman's piercing scream came from the phone, which made Jingyi's ear ache.

He immediately took the mobile phone far away from his ears, frowned and roared: "don't you know that my son was hit by your daughter with concussion? What kind of ghost crying and howling is this? My concussion is getting worse

Shangguanzheng was very angry. Yang Wenshu was so immortal that she woke up and screamed as soon as she woke up. She not only made Jing Yiran angry, but also frightened him.

Yang Wenshu was scared to sit in front of him! , the fastest update of the webnovel!