Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 183

Jingyichen listens to Shangguan Ning's words, can't help but smile.

It was not until Shangguan Ning was so angry that he did not allow him to smile that he said with a smile: "my wife, do you have any future? You are a powerful young lady of Jingsheng group. You are the hostess of Jingsheng group with 100 billion assets. Last time, Jishi group lost tens of billions to you. Liyu technology can make tens of millions of profits every year. What are you still doing with those two pieces of coal? If someone steals coal, you should be good. Let that thief live a good life for two days! In any case, the two mines are so huge that it will take at least 10 years to complete the mining even if huge manpower and material resources are invested in mining day and night. "

After listening to his words, Shangguan also giggled on the other end of the phone. Obviously, he felt that his caution was too funny.

Husband and wife talk and laugh on the phone, the atmosphere is good can't be better, only hate each other is not at their side, otherwise they can share each other's happiness face to face.

Jing Yichen used to like to go on business because he could leave the home and people he hated. But now he doesn't like business at all. Because a business trip means that he can't see his little wife, but he is reluctant to let shangguanning suffer from business trips with him. So every time he goes around day and night, he hardly sleeps, just to use the fastest one Finish the work quickly, so as to fly back to the country and fly to the woman he cares about.


Two days later, the news and newspapers of city a were all about the new mayor's appointment. The mayor of city a is too diligent to change. The people all find something wrong.

Comparatively speaking, the news that Shangguan rouxue, the host, returns to work in the TV station is not a big news. However, she still receives strong attention from many people.

Because, after shangguanzheng became mayor, the first thing he did was to clarify to Shangguan rouxue that the photos at the wedding banquet were all synthetic, but the dirty means of the former mayor who just collapsed to crack him down and not let him become mayor. Shangguan rouxue was just an innocent victim of political struggle.

Xie Zhuojun came to Shangguan's house as soon as she became mayor. She tore up the divorce agreement in front of Shangguan rouxue and apologized to her: "Xiaoxue, I was so angry by those photos a few days ago. Don't take it to heart and go home with me!"

Shangguan rouxue dreams these days that Xie Zhuojun can come to apologize to her and pick her up.

is as like as two peas in the picture she imagined.

She happily followed Xie Zhuojun back to the villa they bought because of their marriage.

The house is decorated with brand-new decorations. The windows and walls are covered with bright red characters. Even the quilts are bright red.

Shangguan rouxue happily tidied up her clothes and put them into Xie Zhuojun's wardrobe one by one. But when she turned around, Xie Zhuojun disappeared.

She searched the whole villa and didn't see him.

She was upset and couldn't help calling him.

Xie Zhuojun quickly picked up the phone, and his voice was as gentle as ever: "there are still things in the company that have not been handled. You should go to bed first. I may go back very late."

When waiting for a while, she was cold and tired, but she didn't want to go on the phone.

He will not go home, so many men have touched the woman, he even looked at it will feel sick!

If Shangguan Zheng didn't know what was going on, he suddenly became mayor. If his parents didn't force him to take Shangguan rouxue home, Xie Zhuojun would never want to see Shangguan rouxue again!

She didn't know how many green hats she had put on him. On weekdays, she met relatives and friends. When others were smiling at him, they pointed out that he was incompetent!

His good life is ruined by this woman!

However, he has to endure her for the sake of the company at home and her parents! Because shangguanzheng is now a mayor. If you offend him, the Xie family will not have good fruit to eat!

At the thought of living with such a woman for a lifetime, Xie Zhuojun felt utterly disheartened.

He is now incomparably remorseful. He hates that he pushes away shangguanning's beautiful jade and holds Shangguan rouxue's grain of sand in his hand. Now this grain of sand in his eyes has made blood and skin abraded, but he will bear it to death!


Seeing the news report, shangguanning finally knows what jingyiran has done.

He said to help her family solve a little bit of small things, originally refers to help Shangguan Zheng get the mayor's position, let Shangguan rouxue have the job of host again!

Is he crazy?!

If jingyiran is next to her now, she will give him a vase again and smash his head which is always different from ordinary people!

What's the benefit of helping those two people? Did he think that she would let shangguanzheng and Shangguan rouxue be at the mercy of them, so she started from them?

Seeing his wife's face pale and her cheeks bulging, jingyichen knew that she was angry. He comforted her softly: "don't worry. Things are under my control now. I won't let them be proud for too long. However, I would like to ask for your opinion, because next time I do it, it may be more thorough. Your father's official position should not be preserved. I will try my best to protect his reputation, only to restore him to the identity of a common people. We will take care of him in his old age, but we can't let him stay in a high position, otherwise he will continue to unite with jingyiran, and you will be in danger. "Even if shangguanzheng is not, it is shangguanning's father. Jingyichen can't help but consider his wife's feelings before making him fall.

Moreover, if shangguanzheng is despised, shangguanning, as his daughter, will also be implicated by him.

When he doesn't want to deal with these people, he involves his wife. She has nothing to do with those things and should not be affected.

Shangguanning knows that jingyichen is taking into account her feelings, so she will shrink everywhere. Otherwise, with his character and ability, shangguanzheng will not be an official for a long time.

She sat down beside him, put her head on his body, and said firmly in her voice: "Yi Chen, you don't have to worry about me. You can do what you should do. I don't want him to continue to be an official for a long time. It's better to let him be a common people and stop him from climbing up. In this way, he can be at ease. Otherwise, he will be fighting for power all his life! Once those things that he has done are found out, he may be in prison for the rest of his life. It is the best result to withdraw from the prison to protect his reputation. "

Jingyichen gently kisses his wife's forehead, light way: "good, I know how to do." , the fastest update of the webnovel!