Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 177

"I've been rich in clothes and food since I was young, but I only need a warm bed. So, I don't want anything else, just shangguanning! I'm going to marry her. You father is responsible for bringing her to me

Shangguanzheng takes a breath of cold air!

As expected, he guessed it, and jingyiran also wanted his daughter!

Why are the two most dignified and powerful people in a city fall in love with shangguanning! How special is she?

However, shangguanzheng knows how much jingyichen cares about shangguanning and how difficult it will be to rob people from him. If jingyichen knows about it, he will surely die miserably!

Jingyiran is jingyichen's younger brother. They are related by blood. Jingyichen can't help his younger brother.

Jing Yiran, the chief conspirator, has strong enough strength to protect himself, and those who are responsible for the operation, Jing Yichen will certainly not let go!

However, the chair of the mayor of a city is so attractive that shangguanzheng dreams every day and wants to sit on that chair and have a taste of the majestic feeling of suppressing other city a officials completely under their feet!

Shangguanzheng's heart is constantly struggling, there is a voice shouting: promise him, promise him! The mayor's position will be yours soon!

But there is a voice in the weak to remind him: to seek the skin of a tiger, it is likely to die in the end.

Jingyiran seems to be able to see through his heart and know what he is afraid of.

If he is not good enough, he will not be able to protect himself! I just need you to cooperate with me and let Shangguan Ning marry me smoothly and smoothly! "

"But, Xiaoning, she They are already married. Unless they get divorced, they can't register with the second son-in-law. " Shangguanzheng hesitated for a moment, but he still opened his mouth to remind him.

"You don't need to worry about it. I can cancel her marriage!"

Shangguanzheng pondered and thought, but he was still reluctant to give up the post of mayor. He gritted his teeth and said fiercely, "OK, I'll marry my daughter to you."

Yang Wenshu and Shangguan rouxue were all overjoyed to hear that he finally agreed!

They are full of expectation for what they are about to get and what will be destroyed. All of a sudden, there is a crazy light in their eyes!

In the office building of Jingsheng group, jingyichen has finished talks with several foreign business partners. Just after seeing off several people, he sees Shangguan condensing into the meeting room.

He was a little confused, so shangguanning always kept a distance from him in the company. Sometimes he couldn't hold her. How could he come to him on his own initiative today, and some people locked the door secretly.

Is She didn't enjoy herself last night. Would you like to make up for it here?

He was in a good mood and threw a thick pile of documents aside. He held her in his arms directly over her slender and soft waist. Then he could not help but drill into her white shirt.

Shangguan Ning was shocked, and said in a shy and anxious way: "jingyichen, what's the matter with you? Let me go. This is the conference room!"

Jingyichen said with a low smile: "Oh, it turns out that it's not for me to be gentle. It's your husband that I misunderstood, but this misunderstanding is too wonderful, so I want to continue it."

Shangguanning is short of breath and her white face is red. She looks lovely and charming. She sends out a light and pleasant smell, which makes jingyichen intoxicated.

His self-control has always been very strong, rarely out of control, and will not confuse work and life. When he works, he always concentrates and goes all out, without thinking about other things in his mind.

But shangguanning seems to be born his nemesis!

She doesn't need to do anything. She just needs to stand there and quietly release her pure beauty. Without any words and actions, his willpower will disintegrate and he can't hold anything but her in his mind.

Wenxiang nephrite in the arms, the morning's hard work and fatigue have been dispelled, jingyichen contentedly sighed.

He bit Guan Ning's red earlobe with bad heart, and his hands moved in a low and sexy voice in her ear: "the spring night is short and the day is high. From then on, the king will not go to court early. I really want to take you home now and do nothing. Why am I working so hard with you? "

The clothes are disordered and the hair is disordered. How can I go out to meet people?

Shangguan Ning is really shocked by his actions. She never thought that jingyichen should be so bold in the conference room.

"Are you crazy?! If you let go of the company again, I will be angry

The Shangguan Ning buttoned and pushed him hard at the same time, trying to show a fierce and angry look.

It's a pity that she was not born for acting. At this moment, her face is flushed and she looks like staring at jingyichen. It's no different from throwing flattering eyes!

Even her voice is an irresistible demagogue to jingyichen!

Jingyichen almost can't control himself. He wants to press Shangguan to the conference table, and go crazy with her.However, he knew that if he did, shangguanning would not let him touch it for many days!

Don't let the small lose the big!

"Don't worry, except Lu Qin can come up this floor, the rest of the people can't come up. Don't be afraid. Don't move..."

When he finished, he bowed his head and gently kissed her tender face.

Shangguan Ning was a little dizzy by his gentle and delicate kiss. She could not refuse such a gentle jingyichen.

I don't know how long, this long kiss just slowly stopped.

Both of them were breathing slightly disorderly, and each could feel the rise of each other's temperature and the acceleration of their heartbeat.

Jingyichen couldn't help but pecked at his slightly red and swollen lips, which made his voice slightly hoarse but more sexy and pleasant to hear in a low voice: "what's next, my Shangguan assistant?"

Shangguan Ning calmed down his breath, told him the schedule of the afternoon, and pinched him hard on the flesh of his waist.

Jingyichen exaggerated "ouch" one: "baby, are you going to murder your husband? My own company, my own territory and my own daughter-in-law can't kiss each other. I can only stare at them every day and can't eat. How can my life be so hard! "

Shangguan Ning "Puff Chi" suddenly laughed, some surprised way: "when can you be coquettish?"

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