Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 176

Yang Wenshu has never seen jingyiran, so she does not know him, but this does not prevent her from his every move, guess his identity. The dazzling man in the front of

was wearing a perfume of luxury perfume, a tailored suit made of tailored and tailored, which outlined his body and body. The wine red shirt was collocation with a coloured tie. The tiny necktie clip was covered with brilliant diamond. The latest PatekPhilippe watch on his wrist was worth buying half a house of his family.

In addition, with his beautiful, evil and charming appearance and elegant bearing, it can be seen that he was born out of the ordinary, and he must be rich or expensive.

Such a person, although do not know why they will come to their home, but she can never give him a bad impression, in case he can be used!

"What's your name? Why don't you say hello to the host and come into our house? If you don't take good care of it, it's our fault! "

Yang Wenshu immediately put on a gentle and virtuous lady's appearance, and spoke with Jing Yiran in a polite tone. Later, she pretended to be generous and said to several servants: "how do you do things? Do you think my wife is too gentle to you on weekdays, so the guests don't know to report in? Forget it, I'll spare you this time. Next time, I can't neglect the guests like this again

It is a pity that her appearance is completely destroyed, her face is not showing the gentleness and virtue that she should have. Moreover, her arms are still in plaster, her hair is in a mess, and her clothes are wrinkled. She is not as luxurious and generous as she used to be. Some are just ferocious.

"I said that Shangguan rouxue was so resourceful. It turned out that you were the mother who taught her! It's hard for her to be simple with your eloquent mother! How can you teach your own daughter and not the other one? Otherwise, I won't be attracted by it. I'm always itching in my heart! "

Jingyi sighed, as if quite helpless, but in fact, the eyes are full of strange light eager to try.

He strode into the living room, saw shangguanzheng, did not say hello, directly sat on the sofa lazily.

Shangguan rouxue and Yang Wenshu quickly walked in, standing side by side with Shangguan Zheng in front of jingyiran, all looking at him with bad eyes.

"Come on, all sit down, don't mention it! I always look up at people all day at home. I just want to look down and talk outside. I'm happy that everyone has to look up at me. Only when I'm happy can you three poor dogs be saved

"Oh, no, no, no, I sat on the sofa. Didn't you see me sitting on the sofa? You three people are not ghosts, what qualifications do you have to sit with me? You're going to sit on the ground and hurry up

Shangguanzheng has not been humiliated by a person pointing at his nose since he was born. They are treated as dogs by jingyiran!

"The second young master is too arrogant. This is my home. If you don't have anything to do, you'd better go out. Although I'm not as powerful as your king's family, I'm not a man to be slaughtered!"

Jingyiran seems to have a good temper. She doesn't get angry when she hears her words. She just shakes the empty teapot on the table and shakes her head and says, "I came all the way to help you. I didn't expect that you were ungrateful and didn't even have a drink. Your hospitality is the worst I've ever seen!"

"But, who called this childe's good heart to burst out? I have a large number of adults, regardless of your rudeness, go and sit on the ground

No one of the three people moved, but this is their home. Jingyiran, an outsider, said to let their family sit on the ground?!

I don't think they are people!

Seeing that they didn't move, Jingyi suddenly stood up, picked up the teapot on the table and smashed it on the glass table. With a loud bang, the teapot was split into pieces, and the fragments were flying everywhere, which almost made the three people cry out.

He took out a gun from his suit pocket and fired three shots at the three glasses on the table. The explosion of the glasses was connected with the piercing sound of guns. The crystal chandeliers in the living room and the china ornaments in the room jingled!

Shangguan rouxue and Yang Wenshu immediately screamed and squatted together. Shangguan Zheng also hugged his head and tried to drill under the table. He was afraid that he would react slowly and was shot to death by Jing Yiran, a madman!

Jingyi saw that all three of them were squatting down. Then she gently breathed at the hot muzzle of the gun. Then she said, "look, you have to force this young master to be a bad man, and you will be obedient. Alas, really, how can it be so difficult to be a good man these days?"

The sound of the gun stopped, and the Shangguan recruiter said in surprise and anger, "Jing Er Shao, if you have something to say, you are here to help us. Do you want the lives of three of our family?"

Jing Yiran ignored him directly, still good-natured way: "now, all sit on the ground! I've said that I don't like to talk to others with my head up. You don't believe it. Look at it. I have to waste three bullets. "

All three of them, trembling, sat down on the floor as he said.

The scene immediately turned into jingyiran high above, and the three of them were humble.Jing Yiran finally nodded with satisfaction, and then faintly said to Shangguan Zheng: "I can let your daughter recover her reputation, let her continue to be her beautiful beauty host, and also let her go to film. Also, I can help your wife find the best cosmetic doctor in the world and restore her appearance. The most important thing is that I can help you get the chair of the mayor of a city! Well, I said I came to help you, didn't I lie to you? "

When Shangguan rouxue and Yang Wenshu heard jingyiran's words, their faces were full of ecstasy. They eagerly looked at his beautiful face, as if he was the Savior from heaven. Just full of destructive, insulting scene, they have immediately chosen to forget!

When shangguanzheng heard jingyiran's last words, his breath had become heavy. His eyes were red, and he showed a kind of unprecedented crazy light. He said in a deep voice: "what do you want? Whatever I can do, I'll give it to you! "

Jing Yiran laughed and clapped his hands: "ha, happy, I like to deal with smart people! Don't worry. You will definitely make a lot of money in this business. As long as you listen to me, you can have whatever you want! "

Shangguan Zheng vaguely guessed what Jing Yiran wanted, but he still couldn't believe it. He licked his cracked lips and asked eagerly, "what does the second childe want?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!