Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 170

Shangguan Ning just walked out of the villa gate, and saw jingyichen meet up.

He looked at his wife tenderly, stretched out his long fingers with distinct bony joints to straighten out her hair. He did not go behind her delicate white ears and said in a deep and pleasant voice, "will punishment be too light?"

Shangguan Ning glared at the bottom of the eyes, some surprised way: "light? It's heavy, isn't it? "

She destroyed the wedding so that the villa was burned and Xie Zhuojun was given such a large gift. It is estimated that the two families are now completely out of order. They have lost face in front of all the guests, and they will not be able to raise their heads when they go out!

For the Xie family and Shangguan rouxue who value face so much, it is not light.

Jingyichen indulged in a smile. He didn't feel that his wife had ruined the wedding. He took her weak and boneless hand, protected her head and let her get into the car. Then he sat beside her and ordered ah Hu to drive home. After that, he said faintly: "when she did that, she had already died. And today's wedding was destroyed. She had expected that she had deliberately brought you here, because she had already cooperated with jingyiran. So she's responsible for everything today. "

Shangguan Ning does not know that Shangguan rouxue asked Xie Zhuojun to send an invitation to himself, just to let her come.

It turned out that she even knew she would destroy her, and even sent the invitation!

Didn't she value Xie Zhuojun most? Haven't you been waiting for this wedding for many years? Even in order to harm her, he would rather destroy his wedding with Xie Zhuojun!

Shangguan Ning was angry today, and felt a lot happier. If Zhao An'an didn't find her in time, she would have lost her innocence because of Shangguan rouxue's ruthlessness!

What's more, she was engaged to Xie Zhuojun at the age of 19. After taking care of him for more than two years, she was rejected by him without any reason. It was too light to slap him!

So, today, she ruined the wedding without any pressure.

When the couple got home, before lunch, jingyichen was called away by jingzhongxiu.

Shangguan Ning faintly hears, the telephone scene Zhongxiu seems very angry.

She was a little worried. After jingyichen left, she thought about it and drove to Jingjia villa.

All the security personnel of the Jing family know shangguanning now, not only because she is the young lady, but also because of her, the second young master has been beaten by the eldest young master for several months in a row and has been sent back half dead!

The security personnel of the Jing family are all tough men who lick blood on the edge of the knife. They often take turns to take charge of the safety of Jing Yichen and Jing Yiran brothers. They know that their temperaments are the same as those in the legend. The first young master is not interested in all women, but the second young master is different from the legend. Although he is interested in all women, he really eats it Not much, and even if it is really with his woman, he only has one night's interest, after eating, he will abandon as my broom.

At the same time, all the women who are curious about the family respect the young master.

It seems to be said that the second young master likes his sister-in-law, and he has to fight with the eldest young master. The eldest young master is so tight to the young lady's baby that he will not give in at all. Therefore, the two brothers who have been at odds for a long time have been fighting each other. Now, even the master and the old master are all shocked.

It is said that the eldest young master has violated the family rules set by the master for the sake of the young lady. Now he has to divide half of the inheritance right and give it to the second young master.

People who work in the king's family all the year round know that the second young master is different from the first young master. All the forces of the Jing family, the eldest young master, has the absolute right to speak. He is the helmsman of the huge Jingsheng empire. Because of his family background, the second young master can only pick up the leftovers that the eldest young master does not want.

However, if the second master has the right of inheritance, it is equal to the children's right of inheritance! Has the final say that King's family is not the master of a single man, but two young masters will inherit huge family property and possess fabulously rich industries.

And the root of all this is actually because of a woman who is driving to the hillside.

All of them immediately reported the news of Shangguan's coming, and finally reported to the housekeeper of the general manager's house.

The housekeeper looked at the fierce atmosphere in the living room, opened his mouth several times, but did not tell the news of Shangguan's coming.

The quarrel between the king's father and his son was like the terrible destruction of Mars hitting the earth. As a small housekeeper, he couldn't get in a word at all!

"Your wings are hard. Don't you pay attention to me?! Yiran is also a member of this family, I will not let him die in your hands! Jingjia is not yours now. You must abide by my rules! Give him half of the estate As like as two peas in the jingling, Chen's voice and indifference are almost ruthless, almost identical to the tone of Jingyi Chen's anger.

Jing Yichen's attitude is more overbearing than he is, and his tone is even colder than him: "the king's family has always been mine, nobody wants to touch it! Just an illegitimate child, want a family property? you must be dreaming! As long as he doesn't die, I will fight until he dies! Even if my mother Zhao Qing is killed by you, she will always be the hostess here. She is not a cat and a dog who can be the wife of the king family if she has a child!! I'll let that shameless woman get out of here with her sonJing Zhongxiu's face turned white when he was angry. Zhao Qing's death is a pain in his heart forever. It's something that others can't even mention. Jingyichen even stabbed him in the heart with no politeness!

Although he married Zhang Rong, he never touched her since Zhao Qing died! They just maintain a superficial relationship between husband and wife!

He didn't even want to see Zhang Rong, because as long as he saw her, he would remember that Zhao Qing ran away from home because of her design and died in a car accident!

But Jingyi is not guilty, let alone wrong!

If it was not for Jing Yiran, Jing Zhongxiu would never marry Zhang Rong. He gave Zhang Rong a title, which was all for jingyiran.

This is his son, even if he was born because of Zhang Rong's mistake in dispensing medicine, it is also his son!

Since he was born, he can not be ignored as a father!

"Shut up! I never said your mother wasn't the hostess here! Get out of here. You can't think about the inheritance right of the Jing family. Don't be arrogant and arrogant if you have some influence. I give you everything you have. If I say take it back, you can't take a cent away! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!