Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 169

Shangguan Ning finished and took Li duo to walk out of the villa which had been burning a big fire. He no longer looked at Xie Zhuojun.

Xie Zhuojun was full of fatigue and anger. He held back the sharp pain from his head and opened the box with stiff fingers.

As soon as he saw the contents of the box, his hand shook and "pa" made a crisp sound. The box fell to the ground and became fragmented, and the photos and letters inside were scattered all over the floor.

Shangguan rouxue had been guarding Yang Wenshu's side. She was anxious to send her to the hospital. On the other hand, she scolded Jingyi a thousand times. She hated him for breaking his promise and cheating her. She didn't come to take Shangguan Ning dizzy and take her away. She was tortured and tortured!

At the moment, see Shangguan Ning handed Xie Zhuo Jun a red box, and Xie Zhuo Jun saw the things in the box, the whole person's face changed!

What is that?!

Shangguan rouxue is very scared. She reaches out and takes a picture scattered on the ground. After seeing that the person in the photo is her, the whole person almost faints!

"Zhuo Jun, listen to my explanation. It's all fake! It's all fake! Don't be deceived by her. She has no good intentions and deliberately estranged our husband and wife, Zhuo Jun

Wang Lu also noticed her son's movement. She went over to pick up two photos. It turned out that they were all photos of Shangguan rouxue sitting on a man's lap with his clothes exposed!

She looked at all the photos one by one and found that they were taken by Shangguan rouxue in her teens and 20s at different times!

She picked up all the letters and looked at them one by one.

These letters were all written by her to other girls a few years ago, and the contents were without exception: Xie Zhuojun only loved her Shangguan rouxue, and let other women leave Xie Zhuojun!

Wang Lu's face turned white and gnawed his teeth: "Shangguan rouxue, I didn't expect you to be such a shameless thing! We Zhuo Jun married you. It's really bad luck for eight generations

She said, all the photos and letters are thrown all over Shangguan rouxue's head, pulling her son to turn around and go.

Outside the villa, jingyichen stands outside the gate and looks down at a message from the mobile phone: jingshao, the army's affairs have been solved, Xie Dongfeng's wings have been broken.

Xie Dongfeng is not afraid of him. The person who makes him look cold and cold is the scene that has been beaten by him.

"If you think your rib is a burden and you don't want it, you can tell MuQing directly that the next time he performs an operation for you, you can take it out directly, and you will never have the worry of being interrupted by me at any time in the future."

He didn't dare to fight with Jingyi in person, so he didn't dare to fight jingyichen in person, so he didn't dare to fight jingyichen once.

Jing Yiran was used to it. He didn't care about the pain, but now he didn't have the evil smile that he used to maintain even if his head was broken and blood was bleeding. Instead, he said, "how do you know I'm here?"

He came to attend Shangguan rouxue's wedding in order to take Shangguan Ning away. Therefore, it was absolutely confidential. Even Shangguan rouxue did not get his affirmative reply.

And to be on the safe side, shangguanning had been hiding in another villa opposite Xie's villa before he came.

But jingyichen actually found him!

Jing Yiran suddenly thought of what, his face changed, and immediately threw the mobile phone on the ground: "you give me positioning, tracking me?! Jingyichen, you have violated the rules set by your father

Then, Jing Yiran laughed wildly: "ha ha, OK, if you violate the rules, I will get half of the inheritance right of Jingsheng group! From now on, the group will not be your own! Ha ha ha, jingyichen, you lost half of the country! "

In order to balance the two brothers, Jing Zhongxiu once made dozens of family rules. One of them is that they can compete, but they can't monitor and monitor each other. They can't track each other. If jingyichen violates the rules, he will give up half of the inheritance right. If jingyiran violates the rules, he will leave the Jing family with Zhang Rong. Since then, jingyiran has no relationship with the Jings No more Jing.

Because if one of them has tracked the other, there will be no suspense in the competition, and the one who is being tracked will lose miserably quickly.

In particular, jingyiran, who was already at a disadvantage, will soon be dug out by jingyichen and swallowed up one by one.

Therefore, Jing Zhongxiu set such strict family rules, and any party who violates them will bear the tragic consequences that they cannot accept.

Jingyichen didn't seem to care, and her expression didn't change. She said faintly, "it's not too late for you to get that half of the inheritance right."

In the past, Jing Yichen has been trying to keep his inheritance right. At the same time, he wants to drive away Zhang Rong and Jing Yiran's mother and son and let them live the most miserable life.

Now, after jingyichen had shangguanning, he didn't care so much about his inheritance right. In this way, he can do things more freely and deal with jingyiran and Zhangrong more easily.

Just like today, he found jingyiran easily and avoided the crisis of shangguanning.Otherwise, with Jing Yiran's temperament, shangguanning will be very dangerous.

He will not hesitate to take shangguanning as a bargaining chip with him by any means!

Jing Yichen can't kill Jing Yiran, but he can't move every time. Although he hates gnashing his teeth, he can still only let him go.

Jing Yiran has been injured too frequently recently. Jing Zhongxiu has warned him several times. If he does it again, jingyiran will have more assets!

This is no different from adding obstacles to himself, so Jing Yichen only let him suffer from skin trauma today, and did not let him break his arm and leg as usual.

He waved his hand, and his men immediately left with a miserable scene and sent the second young master back to Jingjia.

There, the doctor who is in charge of his diagnosis and treatment has already prepared all the drugs and equipment, waiting for his treatment.

The villa has been set on fire and smoke, but no one can run out.

Jingyi keeps reporting to him.

"Young master, young lady burned all the money of this wedding!"

"Well, it's good. Is there enough lighter?"

"Young master, young lady burned Xie's villa and smashed everything!"

"Well, well done. Did you hurt her hand?"

"Thank you very much for all the guests

"Well, it's good. Is there anything else that hasn't received the picture?"

"Young master, young lady has come out!"

"Well, it's ruined so quickly. I'll go and get her." , the fastest update of the webnovel!