Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1595

Jingxi's face was crimson. She was lying on the bed. Lou Ziling covered her. His strong chest was against her bare back. She could even feel his violent heartbeat.

"Syhee, are you comfortable?"

Lou Ziling's deep voice rings in Jingxi's ears, which makes her want to bury herself in the quilt.

She looked back and saw Lou Ziling's deep eyes.

Devilishly, she put out her tongue and licked the lips of Ling downstairs.

Lou Ziling was obviously stunned for a moment, and then pressed her and kissed her crazily.


Jingxi called softly, which was the most powerful medicine for Lou Ziling. He almost wanted to rub Jingxi into his body and never separate from her.

A moment later, Jingxi was sent to the cloud.

She clenched her lips for fear of making a shameful noise.

Lou Ziling finally showed kindness and turned her over. They were face to face. Lou Ziling's deep voice came again: "don't bite. We've just started. If you keep biting like this, you'll soon break it. You'll bite me well, darling..."

Jingxi curled up in his arms, has not yet recovered from the previous wave of happiness, the next wave began again.

All night, she didn't know how many ups and downs she had.

It's like falling into the deep sea. I can't breathe when I'm kissing by Lou Zi Ling.

The tide is higher and fiercer, and Jingxi bites Lou Ziling's shoulder. He has already fallen into oblivion. He doesn't know what is going on this evening.

In the end, she can only keep begging for mercy, but Lou Ziling was stimulated by her today and sent a cruel to her.

"No more I'm sweating all over. Take a bath. Go take a bath... "

Lou Ziling hugged her and strode into the bathroom.

Jingxi has no strength to take a bath. She leans on Lou Ziling all the way and washes it for her.

But after washing for a while, Lou Ziling was dishonest again. He put Jingxi against the wall and went deep again in the misty water mist in the bathroom.

"Syhee, kiss me!"

Jingxi has been shocked by his fierce action. She is obedient and kisses Lou Ziling.

After taking a bath for more than an hour, Lou Ziling flushed the bubble of the shower gel to Jingxi, wrapped her with a big bath towel and carried her back to her bedroom.

Lying on the soft and comfortable bed, Jingxi almost instantly fell asleep.

But her hand still firmly climbs the building son Ling's neck, attachment's nest in his bosom, refuses to separate with him.

The next morning, when Jingxi woke up, he still maintained this intimate posture.

She wanted to move, but her whole body was as sour and soft as a loose shelf. She found that she even had some difficulties in getting up!

Can turn to look at Lou Ziling, but he is refreshing, handsome face still hanging a faint smile, seems to be very satisfied.

Jingxi raised his head and bit him on the chin: "villain, were you crazy last night? I ache all over! "

Lou Ziling said with a low smile: "well, you're driving me crazy. If you doubt me again, I'll punish you every day. When you're too tired to get out of bed, I won't doubt me any more."

Jingxi raised her hand and hit him, but she didn't have the strength to hit people. Her fist fell on Lou Ziling, which was no different from tickling him.

She was angry with the mouth "hum" a, but hum out of the sound found that the voice is not angry at all, but like coquetry.

Lou Ziling thinks that this kind of Jingxi is particularly cute, like a kitten without sharp claws. He can bully him at will.

So, early in the morning, Lou Ziling didn't hold back, and bullied Jingxi again.

Jingxi is soft all over. She gritted her teeth and strongly protested: "it's said in the book that too many times is harmful to your health! Once a month is enough for your health

"Which book says that? I'll burn it

Lou Ziling didn't feel harmful. He felt that he was very good now!

If you can only touch Jingxi once a month, it is harmful! He's definitely going to have an internal injury!

Lou Ziling got up, cleaned up and took Jingxi's clothes, and came to help her wear them one by one.

"When did you buy underwear? I think it's a little small. I'll accompany you to the mall on the weekend and buy it again. "

"Didn't you wear this skirt once? No, I'll buy you a new one

"Slippers are also last year's, this is not good-looking, I'll buy you some good-looking back!"


Lou Ziling is a little wordy. He thinks that no clothes and shoes can match Jingxi's appearance. He wants to buy her the best one.

Jingxi also had some complaints about his unrestrained demands. Seeing that he spoiled himself everywhere, he didn't even have the last complaint.

She was half hugged and half hugged by Lou Ziling and took to the restaurant for breakfast. At last, she didn't mind Wu Wei's affairs.

She is very proud, besides her, Lou Ziling can't spoil any woman like this!Anyway, it's definitely not Lou Ziling's child, so love who's child. If Wu Wei wants to be born, let her have a good one.

Jingxi and louziling don't care whether Wu Wei will give birth to a child, but Ji Moxuan cares very much.

He can judge from Jing Xi's attitude that Wu Wei's children must have nothing to do with the Li family. If the children were Li Xiao's, Jing Xi would have been unable to sit still and could not be so calm.

If Wu WEIhuai's child is his, once born, his situation will immediately become very embarrassing! And with Wu Wei's character, he will certainly use his children to ask for a large amount of alimony with the Ji family.

Jibo will be very angry!

What Ji Mo Xuan doesn't know, however, is that his father Ji Bo is already angry.

As a result of Jibo's fury, Wu Wei was forced to induce labor the next day, and all the financial resources of Ji Moxuan were cut off. He was forbidden to fall in love again for five years. When he could be the president of Jishi group, he could fall in love.

Wu Wei was lying alone in the hospital. Her face was sallow after miscarriage, and her spirit seemed to be in a trance.

In fact, she did not know who the child was. She never thought of giving birth to the child.

Born must do a paternity test, identified certainly not Li Xiao.

The child has been three months. Three months ago, she was not only with Ji Moxuan, but also some other messy men.

Who knows whose seed it is?

But she did not expect that she would be forced to induce labor so soon.

She doesn't even have the right to speak!

It's easy to deal with her in such a powerful family!

She will climb up until no one dares to move her! , the fastest update of the webnovel!