Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1596

On weekends, Lou Ziling takes Jingxi out for shopping.

As long as Jing Xi takes a look at it, he will buy it all.

There are too many things. He calls all his men to Jingxi as coolie.

Jingxi's shopping frequency is very few. Most of the time, it's what she wants. If you tell me, someone will buy it for her.

So Lou Ziling went shopping with her. She was very excited.

There are eight floors in the mall. The top floor is the cinema.

The things they bought were sent home by his subordinates first. Jingxi took Lou Ziling's arm and bought two movie tickets and went to see the film.

It's the first time they've seen a movie together.

The movie is actually very ordinary, but Jingxi still feels romantic.

Lou Ziling's mind is not in the movie at all. He has been holding Jingxi's waist, touching her hair and pinching her fingers. In the movie, when the male and female masters kiss each other, he will come over and kiss Jingxi.

At the end of the movie, the two people ate supper and went out for a walk together.

Before that, Jingxi had liked to take a walk in the dense forest of the manor, but since she knew that there were countless bones buried there, she refused to go for a walk.

"Well, there is nothing good about the Li family's garden. There are no other advantages except that it is bigger and older. How about buying another house in the beautiful suburbs? "

Lou Ziling also has this idea all the time. He doesn't want to buy that kind of big one. He wants a villa similar to his a city.

Most importantly, the scenery is good.

We should be able to see the sea and the sunrise.

"I've picked a few recently. I'll show you some other day. We can buy whatever you like. The new home will be arranged in the style you like. "

By the time they got home, it was more than ten o'clock in the evening.

Jingxi took a bath and was ready to go to bed. Suddenly, she remembered that she had chosen a small gift for Lou Ziling today.

She squatted in front of shopping bags, big and small, in the living room, constantly searching.

Lou Ziling came over: "what are you looking for?"

"I bought you a little gift today. Why is it missing?"

Lou Ziling suddenly suddenly said, "it was bought for me. I thought it was for you. I put it in my bag and forgot to take it out!"

Jingxi gets up, goes to the bedroom, opens Lou Ziling's black handbag and searches inside.

She quickly found a beautifully wrapped gift box, but in addition to this, she found a jade pendant in Lou Ziling's bag.

It is the jade Avalokitesvara, which she once sent to louziling and disappeared later!

Jingxi took two things, ran to Lou Ziling and looked at him in surprise: "why is this jade Avalokitesvara here?"

Lou Ziling gently smile: "I found someone to steal from you! This is the only thing you gave me. I don't think I'll see you in the future. I'll leave the jade by my side. "

Hearing the speech, Jingxi's eyes turned red.

She buried her face in Lou Ziling's arms and said in a low voice, "fool, you liked me at that time and you had to leave me. What's the use of a piece of jade? Keep me by your side and you'll have as many jades as you want. "

"It's different. You carved the jade by yourself. I've carried it with me for a long time. I'm not used to it when you take it away. It's much better when you steal it back. If you hold the jade in your hand, you will feel closer to you."

Jingxi unwrapped her gift and took out a tie clip with a diamond.

In the casual clothes Lou Ziling is wearing today, Jingxi clipped his tie clip to his collar: "this is for you. It can be used for work tomorrow. I will give you a gift every year, so that jade is not the only one! "

Today, she found that she really didn't give Lou Ziling anything of commemorative significance. The jade was taken by him as a treasure, and she was still very important in his heart.

Lou Ziling gave her a lot of things, rings, necklaces, watches, etc.

Lou Ziling realized the feeling of Jing Xi. He picked her up with a smile and went into the bedroom: "now even you are mine. It doesn't matter whether you send or not."

In the past, because he couldn't touch Jingxi, he always liked to touch that jade.

Now no jade can compare with Jingxi!

He slowly stripped Jingxi, looking at her bright white skin under the light. Her eyes were deep and her voice was low: "I think you look much more attractive than that piece of jade!"

Although she is close enough with Lou Ziling, Jing Xi is still embarrassed to be naked in front of him. She covers herself with a red face and stares at Lou Ziling with Yingying eyes, as if she is inviting him silently.

Lou Ziling turned off the headlights, leaving only a weak light floor lamp, the atmosphere in the bedroom suddenly ambiguous.

When the light is too bright, Jingxi always can't put it on and is always shy.

Only when the light is dim, she will be more daring. Sometimes she is bullied by Lou Ziling, and she will turn passive into active. She will ride on Lou Ziling and keep him from moving.It was another night, and it was already noon when Jingxi woke up the next day.

It's not a good thing for a man to be too strong. She is physically good, but she can't bear the pressure of Lou Ziling.

Time always flies when we are happy. Summer passes in a twinkling of an eye. When autumn comes, w City is still warm.

Lou Ziling and Jing Xi set foot on a flight to the United States.

Now everything is stable, without Li Zhi, others even doubt Lou Ziling's identity is useless.

He can take Jingxi home.

They are all about to get married, but he hasn't brought Jingxi to see his parents formally.

Lou Ziling didn't know whether he would be popular, but he was sure that Jingxi would be warmly received by his parents.

She is more like Lou Mingyang's own than him.

After getting off the plane, the person who came to pick up the plane was Luo Feiyang.

His face was no longer bold and domineering in the past, and became much more calm, but his face was not very good-looking.

Jingxi was a little strange: "did someone annoy you? It seems that you are the one who provokes others here. No one dares to provoke you? "

Luo Feiyang shakes his head and looks at Jingxi holding Lou Ziling's arm and loving each other. His brow frowns deeper: "my family doesn't agree with my marriage with Ruyi. Do you remember that pink diamond ring? Ruyi stole the ring, which was found out by my friends. "

Jingxi's eyes widened: "do you still think the ring was stolen by Ruyi?"

"Of course not. I know her. She can't steal. My family is in a mess, and there are people who say that my sister-in-law's child is not my brother's

Lou Ziling looked cold: "what do you say?"

"Don't be angry, the child must be my brother's, so similar to my brother's, you don't need to do paternity test. It's someone behind the scenes. My brother and I have been looking for this man recently. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!