Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1543

Although Wu Xijing and I are not beautiful, they don't like it

"What's the use of being beautiful? After she entered the entertainment industry, she did not know how many men had slept with! Ji Moxuan is not disgusted with nausea, nor is he afraid of getting sick! "

Luo Feiyang is very angry, as if Wu Wei robbed his boyfriend.

"Forget it, don't say it. He will always regret it. The Ji family will never let him marry such a woman. Let's go back to city a today. I've already reserved my ticket! "

"You go back first. I'll stay here for a few days."

Luo Feiyang was shocked: "why? Because of Li Xiao? No, he's not only lame, but his face is disfigured. Do you like him

Jingxi shook his head: "no, I just want to play here for two days. The old house of Li family chose this place because of its beautiful scenery, which is suitable for pension and living."

"Well, I'll go back first."

Luo Feiyang is eager to return home. He especially doesn't like the gloomy place of the Li family. It's better for a city. It's close to the mountain and the sea. It's prosperous and prosperous. The autumn is clear and the sun is bright.

The weather in W city is always gloomy and depressing.

More importantly, Luo Feiyang has found that he always feels a little bit missing when he can't see Tan Ruyi when he leaves a city.

After breakfast, Luo Feiyang went to the airport.

Jingxi took a taxi and went straight to the Li family.

Different from yesterday, the door of Li family manor is closed, and the appearance of a closed door to thank guests.

There was no gatekeeper in such a big manor. Jingxi couldn't find anyone to pass the news.

She just climbed over the wall and climbed in.

A person walking in the thick tall pines and cypresses, thick fog around, Jingxi whole person is tight.

It's not that she's afraid of ghosts, it's that she's worried about someone plotting.

However, yesterday can find the way, today walk again, unexpectedly can not find!

She always has a good sense of direction, but she got lost here.

After walking for a long time, Jingxi still couldn't go out. She could only shout: "is there anyone? i'm lost! Li Zhi! Li Xiao

She yelled many times without paying attention to her, just when she wanted to climb to the top of the tree to identify the direction, a wheelchair slowly appeared in front of her.

With a black suit and a dark gold mask, Li Xiao's voice was cold and cold: "Miss Jing, do you want me?"

Jingxi's answer was right: "your house is too big, I'm lost, you take me out! I'm looking for Li Zhi! "

"If you break into a private house, I can call the police."

"Then you report it!"

Li Xiao's deep blue eyes looked at Jing Xi: "you are so unscrupulous, it's a miracle that you can live to this day."

Jingxi looked at Li Xiao's short hair and thought about how to get close to him. He took one of his hair.

Unfortunately, every time she approached Li Xiao, his wheelchair would step back and keep a distance of five or six meters with her.

Jingxi was a little annoyed that he was too anxious yesterday and pulled off his mask, so that he was already on guard against her.

But the wheelchair can't run away from her, can't she?

Jingxi fiercely rushes forward, fast approaching Li Xiao.

Li Xiao didn't expect that she would suddenly rush over like crazy, she always didn't play cards according to the routine, which made him a daze.

Just when he was stunned, Jingxi had already rushed to him.

Huge momentum, resulting in Li Xiao even wheelchair balance can not control, two people fell to the ground together.

Li Xiao in the next, Jing Xi in the upper, the posture is very ambiguous.

At the right time, Jingxi quickly Yanks his hair from Li Xiao's head.

But Li Xiao's hair is too short, and in a hurry, her strength has not been mastered well, pulling Li Xiao's scalp numb, but not a hair pulled out!

Li Xiao's mask was knocked off by her. His nose was sore and his scalp was hot. He was so angry that he almost vomited blood!

He slapped Jingxi's buttocks and roared angrily, "don't make trouble, get up!"

The buttock was hit, numb, Jing Xi was stunned!

Moreover, why listen to Li Xiao's tone, so familiar!

She stares at Li Xiao miserably no one color pale face, raised hand "pa" gave him a slap in the face, red eyes way: "who let you touch my buttocks?"

She would like to fight again, but both hands were held by Li Xiao: "go away!"

Jingxi tried to get rid of Li Xiao's hand, and then took off his clothes like crazy. There was a tooth mark she bit on Lou Ziling's chest. She didn't believe that she couldn't find the evidence!

However, Li Xiao looks thin and weak, a pair of critically ill disabled appearance, but the strength is very big, push Jingxi away.

Two men in black jumped down from the tall pine tree. They helped Li Xiao up and let him sit in the wheelchair again.

Jingxi slowly got up from the ground, staring at Li Xiao, word by word: "Li Xiao, your face is fake!"Li Xiao put on his mask again and said in a low voice: "after that, you are not allowed to step into Li's house any more! If you don't listen to my warning, don't blame me for not saving face for the Jing family and directly imprison you! "

However, Jingxi seemed to have never heard his warning and said to himself:

"I just slapped you on purpose. Under normal circumstances, your face should be reddened, but it is not. Your face is still pale. Are you a dead man? So the blood doesn't circulate and there's no redness or swelling after being hit? "

"And, if you're not guilty, why don't you let me undress?"

"Because the face under your mask is still a mask!"

There was no sound around, only Jingxi's voice echoed in the forest.

For a long time, Li Xiao said indifferently: "it's my business whether I wear a mask or not. I don't like to be stripped of clothes by a madman. Do you still like to be undressed?"

"It depends on who undressed me."

Jingxi patted the dust on his clothes. "If you want to see it, I'll take it off for you."

As she said this, she began to unbutton her clothes. In a short time, she took off her coat and threw it on the ground. Then she began to take off the shirt inside.

Button just untied to the third, the chest of spring light looming, Li Xiao on angry roar her: "put on the clothes!"

Jingxi suddenly laughed and said, "I didn't take it off for you to see. You two men look like jade trees in front of the wind. They seem to have good skills. Can't I take them off to see them?"

She said, neatly untied the third button, revealing her white underwear inside.

Li Xiao can't bear it, and angrily drinks back two of his subordinates.

Then, he fiercely got up from the wheelchair, strode to Jingxi, and tied the buttons for her.

Jing Xi stares at his dark blue eyes, tears "Bata" suddenly fell down.

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