Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1542

In the bottom of Jingxi's heart, there is a glimmer of hope!

Li Zhi doesn't recognize Li Xiao this younger brother!

"You can get Li Xiao's hair or blood by any means. I'll help you with DNA identification. If he's not your brother, everything in the Li family will still be yours."

Jing Xi's words, let Li Zhi some consternation: "are you willing to help me?"

She and Jing Xi are basically enemies. She even offered to help identify Li Xiao's identity!

"Miss Jing, do you have any conspiracy? Li Xiao is not my brother. What's good for Jing family? No, no, I should ask, what's good for you? "

Li Zhi's thinking is quick, she can grasp a little bit of clues, so as to find out the truth.

Compared with her, Jingxi is a little tender.

Li Xiao is also able to work with her without showing any flaws.

Jing Xi already knew that her request was inappropriate, but she was eager to know Li Xiao's real identity, so she could only use this method.

"Of course I'm good, but you don't have to know!"

Jingxi retreated slowly and said faintly, "if you don't want to, it's all right. If you die, the king family has a little opponent. Maybe you can become an alliance with Li Xiao in the future."

Jingxi sees that Li Zhi is lack of help now. She wants to get rid of Li Xiao's control and can only rely on the power of the Jing family. No one can compete with the Li family except the Jing family.

She turned and walked away, her step was not slow, but actually she was still a little nervous.

Li Zhi soon chased up: "I promise you! But I'm not free now. Even if I get something, I can't give it to you. You can come to see me every day as my friend. If I get it, I'll give it to you! "

"Li Xiao is not such a careless person. You can see that he is wrapped up all over his body. It is not easy to take his hair and blood!"

Jingxi didn't look back, but said, "OK!"

She would like to come every day. The more times she sees Li Xiao, she can find more clues!

Although she knows that Li Zhi is using her, let her come every day, there must be a conspiracy, but she can not care so much, even if used, she will come!

Otherwise, Jing Xi doesn't know what kind of excuse to approach Li Xiao.

The banquet hall is not open to the public on the second floor, Li Xiao dressed in black, sitting in a wheelchair, watching Li Zhi and Jing Xi talking downstairs.

At the moment, standing behind him is no longer the old housekeeper, but two thin and capable men, both with guns in their hands, quietly hidden in the dark behind Li Xiao.

And this building periphery, also ambush innumerable such master.

The birthday party is not lively at all, except for the sound of music, there is no trace of happy atmosphere.

Many people left one after another. Li Xiao watched Jingxi taken away by Luo Feiyang and told his subordinates: "send someone to watch Miss Jing and report her position at any time. Don't let her have any more contact with Li Zhi. "

His chess game is huge and complicated. He has prepared hundreds of days and nights for this game.

His plan is so meticulous that few people can destroy it.

But Jingxi happens to have this ability.

Li Xiao had already prepared enough means to prevent Li Zhi from escaping with so many guests tonight.

Her original intention to escape is also very obvious, but after a few words with Jingxi, she did not escape!

Obviously, there's some kind of agreement with her.

Under the mask, Li Xiao's pale face showed a sneer. He didn't need to guess what they were plotting.

Li Zhi's personality, work style, he is clear.

As for Jingxi, Li Xiao knew her purpose very well.

After leaving the Li family, Luo Feiyang and Jingxi live in the best hotel in w City. Jimo Xuan and Wu Wei also stayed together.

Four people, four rooms, Luo Feiyang would like to talk with Jing Xi again, ask her exactly what is going on.

From the beginning of hearing about Li Xiao, Jing Xi became a little abnormal, but Luo Feiyang could not see that Li Xiao had any doubts.

But Jingxi didn't have any idea to talk to him. She went into the room, took a bath, didn't eat anything, and lay in bed and fell asleep.

Night dew heavy, hotel 16 floors, long corridor, a tall and straight man walking slowly.

He was wearing an ordinary black sportswear and a black baseball cap with a very low brim. He lowered his head and revealed only half of his white chin.

The hotel is very quiet at night.

The man went to a room door and brushed the door card.

A clear sound of electronic access control sounded, the door opened, and he walked in.

The bright figure in the room is not shining through the window.

Lou Ziling sits by the bed, making sure that the medicine has worked. Jingxi won't wake up and gently caresses her delicate face.She is twenty years old. She has faded from the girl's green and ignorant, and added a trace of cool and beautiful.

In the moonlight, she looks like a sleeping beauty in legend, waiting for the prince to kiss her awake.

Lou Ziling is not ready to be the prince who will accompany her all his life, but he still lowers his head and kisses her soft lips.

It was the last time, he told himself.

By the moonlight, he raised Jingxi's right hand, took out the alcohol cotton ball and ointment in his pocket, disinfected and drugged her.

Really can resist, hands were broken glass into such a look, actually silent tolerance.

Luo Feiyang is how to take care of her, her palm bleeding, he did not know?

Lou Ziling carefully treated the wound for Jingxi, but did not give her bandage, afraid she found abnormal.

He sat by her side for a long time, until the effect of the overpowering drug was almost gone, and he slowly left.

The next morning, Jingxi woke up from her sleep, but felt a little dizzy.

It seems that she hasn't slept so well for a long time. She didn't even dream until dawn.

She got up, barefoot standing by the window, looking at the distance Li home that a large green towering pines and cypresses, a shallow smile on her face.

Perhaps, because she is getting closer and closer to Lou Ziling, does her sleep get better?

Jingxi opened the window and the fresh air came in in in the morning. She took a few deep breaths and turned her head to the bathroom to wash.

When washing her face, she suddenly found that the wound on the palm of her hand was much better.

There are some doubts in Jingxi's heart. Is recovery so fast?

After washing her face and brushing her teeth, she was still looking at the palms of her hands.

Maybe yesterday's puncture wound is very shallow!

Jingxi no longer tangled with the wound, out of the room to call Luo Feiyang Ji Moxuan to have breakfast.

Luo Feiyang is OK. He is used to getting up early, and he has cleaned himself up early in the morning. Ji Moxuan is not well dressed and refuses Jingxi.

"Cut, it must be that I played with Wu Wei again last night. I'm over indulgent!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!