Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1534

Leaving the hospital, Jingxi went to find Song Xin.

Song Xin saw her face with bandages on her hands and asked, "are you hurt? Why not be careful, the scar on the face is not good-looking. "

Instead of Lou Ziling, he would never say such a thing. He would only ask, "who hurt you!"

And then I'm going to clean up the culprit for her.

I'm afraid he doesn't care if there's a scar on his face.

Jing Xi's heart a pumping pain, light way: "is your fans throwing stones at me, scratches, I come to you to compensate."

"Fans? It's impossible. They are all very understanding girls. How can they hurt you? "

Jing Xi's eyes were angry: "I need to lie?! Immediately make a statement to clarify our relationship! I don't want to be black again

"Hi hee, don't be angry. I didn't say you lied. I mean you may have misunderstood me. Maybe the people who threw stones at you are not my fans. Could it be that you provoked someone and they would retaliate against you?"

Looking at Song Xin's perfect face, Jingxi suddenly wants to give him a punch!

Of course, she did the same!

Song Xin was caught off guard by her blow to the ground, for a long time did not return to God.

He thought he was very warm and didn't say a bad word about Jingxi, so he was beaten up?

Song Xingang to stand up, Jingxi took the coffee pot next to him, directly poured all the coffee on him.

The coffee was still hot. Song Xin screamed at once.

His assistant and agent heard the news, but Jingxi was not polite to the two people were kicked out.

"You don't listen to me when I'm good at talking. You have to force me to show my true shape! You don't think that my title as a little witch is for nothing? Want to use me to hype? Ha ha, are you too brainless or your agent too brainless? "

Jingxi rudely stripped Song Xin's clothes and left him only a pair of underpants. She turned a deaf ear to Song Xin's begging for mercy and fury.

Jingxi looked around, did not find the right rope, then pulled down the curtain in the room.

She did not know where she felt a blade as thin as a cicada's wings, tore the curtains into strips, then tied Song Xin, pulled one end of the rope, and walked out slowly.

Song Xin is scared. If he is dragged out by Jingxi, he will never be in the entertainment circle again!

"Jingxi, let go! I will make a statement immediately to clarify our relationship! This matter has nothing to do with me, it's all hyped up by the media! "

Song Xin's agent and assistant were all shocked and rushed to rescue Song Xin.

Jingxi simply beat the two men, and then tied them together with Song Xin: "you two must have a part in the hype, so I tied them together and sent them to the TV station. The four of us will broadcast them live together to explain the relationship between me and Song Xin."

Three people were tied up solid knot, how can't get rid of, and Jingxi dragged them on the ground, the skin was scratched by the ground!

"No, no, no, it's my fault, it's all my fault! Miss Jing, please let Song Xin go. I arranged everything. It has nothing to do with him! You're ruining his life in this way

The agent cried, and immediately took all the problems to himself.

Now keep Song Xin is the key!

She and Song Xin originally thought that Jingxi liked Songxin, so they could make a lot of hype by using Jingxi's identity, as long as Song Xin didn't admit to having a love affair afterwards.

I didn't expect Jingxi to be so rude!

How can anyone be so reckless?

Song Xin is an artist of Xingyao media. If his image is destroyed, it will be a great blow to Xingyao media and even implicate other artists. This entertainment company belongs to Jingxi family. Does she care?

The agent and assistant are all begging for help, and Song Xin promises that he will explain all the misunderstandings.

Jingxi finally agreed not to live on TV.

"For the sake of all three of you, I'll be soft hearted once."

Three people are relieved, but after knowing Jingxi's so-called "soft hearted", they almost spit blood and die!

She hung the three of them upside down on the big tree outside!

"Well, it's good. The curtains you bought are so strong that they're not broken by three people!"

Jingxi hung up, patted the ashes on his hands and walked briskly with a band aid on his face.

The entertainment headlines of the major media that afternoon were all occupied by Song Xin.

The photos and videos of him hanging upside down on a tree in his underwear are spreading wildly on the Internet. What's more shocking is that Song Xin has even published his photos hanging upside down on his social platform! He accused himself of his crime with tears and described himself as a scum!

At the moment, Song Xin, who had been rescued, went back to the hotel where he stayed, huddled on the bed and swore: "the devil! Witch! crazy! InsaneThe account number and secret of his social platform have been stolen. He can't log in at all. He can only watch all kinds of bomb like information coming out from it!

Don't even think about it. It must be jingxigan!

Had known this, he would not let the paparazzi take pictures of him and Jingxi eating!

As early as Jingxi's photos were published on the Internet, and then deleted soon, he should have thought that the king family is not easy to provoke!

But he looked at Jingxi's simple and kind-hearted appearance, and felt that he could make use of her love for him to make his career reach an unprecedented height.

He doesn't want to be confined to the narrow scope of idol dramas. He also wants to go to the big screen, go to the international arena, get more resources and receive more endorsements.

He thought that Jingxi's vicious lunatic was just a rumor!


Jingxi is very good at this kind of thing. She actually gives Song Xin a way to live. Song Xin is only famous in China. Who knows him when he goes abroad?

He has no lack of money in his hand. He wants to live a leisurely and comfortable life, which is still easy.

It's just that it's hard to be a star again.

But punishing Song Xin didn't make Jing Xi happy because she couldn't find Lou Ziling.

Lou's group is declining at an alarming rate. No matter when Jingxi goes, louziling will never be there.

Wu Shen's reply is always: "the president is on a business trip!"

Jingxi went to Lou's group for a month, and Lou Ziling was on a business trip!

Another month later, Jingxi went to louziling's villa for the nth time to look for him, but found that the villa had changed its owner!

Asked only to know, a month ago, he sold his own villa, car also sold.

Soon, even the grand villa of the Lou family was sold, and Lou Mingyang and his wife did not know where to move to live. , the fastest update of the webnovel!