Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1533

Wu Shen said with a wry smile: "president, President Jiang has called you. You have been in a coma. I answered the call. He said You can compensate us for the penalty, but you won't cooperate with us. "

Lou Ziling's eyes were cold.

Li Zhi again!

This woman is haunting, cruel and powerful. Should he first get rid of this woman if he wants to become powerful?

Lou Ziling has never done anything to kill people. He is not sure whether he wants to let his hands covered with blood for such a woman.

But if Li Zhi does not remove, all his will be destroyed!

Lou Ziling's face was gloomy. He was not hospitalized and left immediately after the infusion.

His mind was on the company's business, and he didn't notice a piece of jade slipping out of his trousers pocket.

The nurse came to clean up the ward and found the jade.

She took the jade and looked at it for a while. She saw that although the knife work was relatively poor, the jade was of excellent quality. She felt that it must be valuable. As soon as she was about to give it to the head nurse, a girl rushed in. She was stunned to see the jade in her hand, and then snatched it away.

"Miss, this jade belongs to a patient, you still..."

Jingxi interrupted her: "what's the patient's name?"

The nurse looked down at the form: "Lou Ziling."

He is indeed!

Jingxi was worried about Lou Ziling's physical condition. She called Lou Ziling early in the morning, but he didn't answer. She called Wu Shen, and she knew Lou Ziling was in the hospital.

Jingxi clenched the jade Guanyin in his hand and asked anxiously, "what's wrong with him? What's wrong? Where are the people? "

"He just had a high fever. He was in a coma. He just woke up and left. He didn't listen to any advice. Are you his friend? "

Jingxi nodded: "girlfriend!"


The nurse was puzzled and didn't look very like her. Although the girl in front of her was dressed up and looked mature, she was too young to look at it.

She is still hesitating whether to return the jade to wait for Lou Ziling to pick it up. The door is pushed open again, and Lou Ziling returns.

The nurse said with a sigh of relief: "Sir, are you coming back to look for Yu? It's in your girlfriend's hands

Lou Zi Ling nodded indifferently: "OK, you go out first!"

Some of the nurses reluctantly left, it is rare to meet such a handsome patient, she did not see enough!

The nurse left, the ward only left Lou Ziling and Jing Xi two people.

Lou Zi Ling Chao Jingxi stretched out his hand: "take it!"

"Didn't I throw this jade away? Why do you keep it? "

Jingxi clearly remembers that she dislikes the jade ugliness and throws it from the window of Lou Ziling's house.

He's got it back!

And it seems to have always been close to the body!

He must have left the hospital and found that Yu Guanyin was lost. He came back to look for it. It can be seen that he attached great importance to the jade.

"Yes, you threw it away, so it's mine now. Take it!"

"Don't you like me any more? Why do you keep what I gave you?"

Lou Ziling stares at her for a while, and finally says, "that's good. Don't leave it. Everything will return to its original owner."

He said, without hesitation, turned around and strode away.

Jingxi stomped his feet in anger. How could he be more and more impatient! Can't you say something nice?

She was anxious to chase out, but saw that Lou Ziling had already got on the car and left.

Jingxi stands there, holding the jade Avalokitesvara, which seems to have the body temperature of louziling. His heart is empty.

When she threw the jade, he didn't stop it or say anything, but then he picked it up.

He should like her!

Otherwise, how could he have been carrying this piece of jade Avalokitesvara with rough craftsmanship.

Now, however, he did not want this jade.

Did he decide to give up on her?

Jingxi was suffering when he heard someone whispering behind him:

" Is she the one who was exposed online? Song Xin's mysterious girlfriend? Don't make a mistake... "

"No mistake! She's all sleeping with Song Nan Shen. I know fox spirit and ashes

"Well, let's go together and disfigure her!"

"Yes, disfigurement. In this way, the male god of song must not like her!"


When Jingxi looked back, she saw 89 girls staring at her with hostile eyes, with knives and stones in their hands, and transparent glass bottles in their hands.

Sulfuric acid again!

Does Song Xin's female fans teach each other how to disfigure? So fond of sulfuric acid!

Jingxi was in a bad mood. She not only lost Lou Ziling, but also caused a lot of trouble. Every day, she was followed and abused by some boring women.

I don't know who took the lead. Xiaoshi hit Jingxi like crazy. Some people rushed up with a knife to scratch her face, while the one with sulfuric acid was waiting for an opportunity to splash it on her face.Jing Xi suddenly angry, she instantly shot, a foot to take two sulfuric acid first kick out.

Sulfuric acid splashed on their faces, and the two girls screamed: "help! The fox spirit is going to destroy our faces

No one cares about them. One by one, their companions are kicked to the ground by Jingxi. After a while, they all lie on the ground and wail.

Jingxi is also a bit embarrassed. These people throw too many small stones, and she can't avoid it. Blood stains have been smashed on her face and hands.

Her angry face turned white, and she said angrily, "I have nothing to do with Song Xin. You are all full to find death?! If I dare to come again in the future, I will not let go of any of them! "

Jingxi touches the wound on her face and turns to enter the hospital again, looking for Musen to deal with the wound for her.

Musen just came out of the operating room and came back to the office to see Jing Xi injured. He was shocked and said, "do you dare to be hurt? Don't want to live? "

Jingxi was a little bitter and said, "it's Song Xin's fan..."

"His fans are really crazy. You should keep a low profile in your love with him to avoid being attacked."

Jingximeng stood up and said in a loud voice, "brother mu, I didn't fall in love with Song Xin! You have to believe me

Musen helplessly patted her: "I believe, I believe it, you quickly sit down, I give you medicine, you do not move."

His tone was obviously a little to coax the child. Jingxi sat back on the chair and sighed: "well, how come you don't believe me? I just think his plays are very good, and they are very beautiful. I just had a few meals together

"It doesn't matter if you like him. He has tens of millions of fans. You are just one of them."

"You are still young, so you will have the passion of chasing stars. When you grow up and mature, there will be no more! It's normal for everyone to like this one today and that one tomorrow. "

Jingxi doesn't like to be said that she is small. She always feels that she is quite different from her peers and that she is very mature.

But now, she realized that, perhaps in other people's eyes, her behavior has always been like a child!

Is this the fundamental reason why Lou Ziling gave up? , the fastest update of the webnovel!