Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1525

Jing Xi was full of apology: "sorry, brother mu, you are a disaster free, all blame me."

Musen reached out and wanted to touch Jingxi's head. Halfway through, he suddenly remembered the chilling eyes of Lou Ziling and took it back stiffly.

Musen knows something about the association between Jingxi and louziling. This rumor has been spreading in city a for a while. However, she didn't expect that louziling was so jealous and violent when she came up.

"It's OK. It's none of your business."

The words touched the corners of his mouth, and Musen's painful forehead was covered with sweat. He thought that he must keep a distance with Jingxi in the future, otherwise his life would be lost!

Lou Ziling doesn't look like his sister at all. Lou Ruofei is gentle and dignified. He talks softly and never acts impulsively.

Thinking of Lou Ruofei, Musen has some helplessness. It is useless to think about it any more. He can only blame him for his lack of persistence and firmness, and he has not formally pursued her. Now she is married, married far away to the United States, and has become the young lady of the Luo family.

It's good luck for Luo Fei to plunder!

Mu Sen suppressed the confused idea in his heart and went to the bathroom in the ward to wash the blood on his face.

But Jingxi was still angry in the ward: "what kind of person? Come up and hit people. It's amazing to hit people! Thanks to brother Mu's good temper! Luo Feiyang, how could Lou Ziling come here? "

Luo Feiyang said bravely: "I called him to come. His cousin was hurt. I want Lou Ziling to send Tan Ruyi home..."

He didn't expect that Lou Ziling would hit people when he came!

Well, not only offended Jingxi, but also Lou Ziling didn't care about Tan Ruyi.

Is this a cousin? Why is Tan Ruyi hurt? Lou Ziling doesn't pay attention to it at all. She is still jealous!

After washing his hands, he came out of the bathroom and said to Jingxi, "I'll help your friend see the situation first."

Jingxi nodded and asked Tan Ruyi, "Ruyi, let him show you again. His name is Musen. He is my cousin and the future successor of this hospital. His medical skills are top-notch."

Mu's hospital is so famous in a city that the surname Mu has already become the pronoun of "miracle doctor".

Tan Ruyi immediately understood that the doctor in front of her was the descendant of the wooden family and the only son of the president.

She was so excited that she said thanks again and again.

Wood family, not everyone can let them to cure, Jingxi is really good to her!

Musen took the stethoscope for auscultation. Tan Ru thought that his cheek was swollen, but he still looked at her carefully. He was moved and said, "doctor mu, I'm ok. Your face is injured. Go to see a doctor quickly."

After she finished, she realized that he was a doctor. She felt as if she had said something wrong and looked embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter. It's not bad for a while. Don't talk or be nervous. Keep your breath steady."

Tan Ruyi immediately nods, a face is clever, the eye is bright, adoring looking at the wood Sen.

Jing Xi didn't feel anything, but Luo Feiyang felt stabbing at the side!

This Musen is a man of disaster!

Only three or two words, the first meeting of Tan Ruyi captured! It's not scientific!

You can't look at him like a wooden model! His appearance is the most beautiful man who can score 100 points!

What's more, the name of mulson

Is this the doctor who once pursued his sister-in-law?

Listen to his brother said, Lou Ruofei used to come to Musen to treat headache!

Luo Fei plunder private also because of this jealous, Luo Feiyang has been taking this ridicule, he can not compare to a doctor.

"Hello, mu, are you trying to hook up with women everywhere?"

In the past, Lou Ruofei, a patient, didn't talk about it. Just now, she was holding Jingxi, and now she's a white paper Tan Ruyi!

Luo Feiyang suddenly felt that when Lou Ziling hit people just now, it was too light!

Musen was almost puffed up by Luo Fei. Before he could speak, Jingxi was not happy: "what are you talking about? Brother Mu is not like that! You're the kind of playboy who's going to hook up with girls everywhere

Luo Feiyang stares: "how can I talk nonsense? You and Tan Ruyi, such a young girl, can't see through! I am a man, I only know men's mind and dirty mind! He didn't want to hug you just now. I didn't mean to hold you! Take a look at Tan Ruyi again. I wish I could stick to her like that! "

Jingxi: Luo Feiyang, shut up

Tan Ruyi: "Luo Feiyang, you are sick!"

Mulson: Oh, so your name is Luo

No wonder he's not very pleased with him. It turns out to be Luo feiran's younger brother!

"Yes, my name is Luo. Luo feilou is my brother. Lou Ruofei is my sister-in-law. What's the matter with you?! If you have any opinion, Lou Ruofei is also my sister-in-law. She is very fond of my brother and very happy! "

Luo Feiyang's arrogant words hurt the heart of Musen.The smile on Musen's face became pale and said faintly: "no opinion. If Fei has a good life, I will bless her. She is a good girl and should be happy."

Jingxi suddenly remembered that Musen used to like Lou Ruofei. This is not to sprinkle salt on his wound!

"Luo Feiyang, stop talking and get out! Don't affect the doctor to see Ruyi! "

"I paid for the ward. Why should I go out? I went out. If Tan Ruyi is bullied by this unscrupulous doctor, what can I do when I go back to louziling? I'm not going out! "

Tan Ruyi looks muddled. I don't know what's involved. She just feels that the atmosphere is not right.

She tried to reduce her sense of existence, so as not to be scolded by Luo Feiyang.

Muzen roughly finished her examination, said "no problem, have a good rest", and then left the ward.

As everyone can see, Musen's mood has cooled down.

Jing Xi Qi's brain ren'er is in pain: "what's the matter with you and Lou Ziling? How do you find brother Mu's trouble? He has offended both of you? "

"This only shows that Lou Ziling and I have brains. You and Tan Ruyi are confused by your wooden brother! It's really strange. I've only heard the saying that beauty is a disaster. It turns out that blue can be a disaster! "

"You are in trouble! Brother Mu is a doctor. He treats Ruyi. Should Ruyi be grateful to him? He doesn't even take a cent. Shouldn't he receive a little favor? "

Jing Xi is angry. In her heart, Musen has always been very good, excellent and warm. She is a person without any defects.

He has never been ambiguous with others. In addition to liking Lou Ruofei, there are no women around him in recent years, and he has been busy treating patients.

Tan Ruyi said weakly: "yes, I am very grateful to Dr. mu. He and he A good man... "

"Is it good or bad? You can see it at a glance?"

Luo Fei Yang is angry and comes out. Jing Xi and Mu Sen are close to each other. They are cousins. What's the matter with Tan Ruyi? , the fastest update of the webnovel!