Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1507

Jing Xi's eyes flashed a little surprised: "is this restaurant yours?"

"Well, mine."

Lou Ziling looked calm and focused on the girl in her arms.

He always knew she was good-looking, but now he found out how beautiful she was.

The midday sun penetrated through the window and sprinkled on her face. Her white skin was dyed with a layer of soft light. Her blue blood vessels were almost visible.

She is a goose yellow long sleeve knitted dress, long hair shawl, beautiful and soft, do not speak, is a full ten big girl, no one would have thought that when she was angry, she would be like a angry little lion, biting and hitting people more ruthlessly.

She has perfect facial features, eyes like a spring, and seems to be able to speak. Even her fingers are delicate as jade. She is a little princess with a good family background.

Lou Ziling has been in the mall for such a long time and has known countless women.

Apart from other things, he has seven nominally girlfriends, each of them is a daughter of gold, always dressed up very well.

However, no one can compete with Jingxi.

Lou Ziling felt that she could never find a better girl than Jingxi.

He felt a little uneasy in his heart and asked, "Xi Xi, will you regret it when you grow up?"

"Regret what?"

Jingxi raised her head and looked at Lou Ziling with clear eyes. Her voice was soft, like being coquettish and whispering: "I've grown up. Are you afraid I regret liking you? I always like you, don't you know Don't think of me like that. I'll be sad

"I don't have much money and my foundation is very shallow..."

She leaned her face against Lou Ziling's chest and whispered, "you've got a lot of money, and I don't lack money. As for the foundation, what should we do so deep? Are you still afraid that I will rely on the power of the king family to bully you? "

She deliberately misinterpreted his meaning. Lou Ziling felt a little warm in his heart. In fact, he knew that Jingxi didn't care about these things. He always cared about these external things.

Her love is more pure than him.

The waiter brought in the meal and saw Jing Xi sitting on his boss's body. He almost lost his chin. The boss had brought women to dinner before, but he never entered the elegant room. He ate outside. Moreover, he was always cold and intolerant. He didn't care to see anyone. How could he hold a girl in the elegant room so Intimacy?

Surprised to return to surprise, the waiter did not dare to look at Jingxi, which restaurant has no reason to stare at customers, let alone the customer may be the boss's woman.

The waiter set up the food quickly, almost like flying out of the elegant room.

It's not that she's timid. It's Lou Ziling's eyes are so fierce that her legs and stomach are shaking!

It's no wonder that when the boss came, there were no waiters in the restaurant willing to deliver the food. They all knew that he was too scary!

She had thought that the boss was so handsome, so young and rich, why did no one in the restaurant have any idea of him? This is too illogical, too curious.

But today, she seems to understand.

When she was staring at Lou Ziling, she felt that she had been seen through by him. She couldn't hide any thoughtfulness. Her eyes were as cold as a knife. She felt numb and wanted to stay away from him.

The girl sitting in his arms has a strong psychological quality and can resist his fierce momentum!

However, Jing Xi, who has a strong psychological quality, doesn't feel that the building is fierce at all. She only thinks that he is very gentle now, coaxing her like a child and doting on her.

"Open your mouth."

"I don't want this. I'll get fat."

Lou Ziling handed the spoon to Jingxi's lips, and said faintly, "as long as you are, I like it. You are not allowed to diet in order to lose weight. If you lose weight, you will not look good, and you will not feel it."

Jingxi opened his mouth and ate the meatballs in the spoon, and gently "hum" a sound, pinched the meat on the floor Ling waist and asked, "is the last sentence the point?"

Lou Ziling showed a faint smile and naturally kisses Jingxi: "I am lack of experience in this area. I will try more later. If you are fattened, I will feel more successful."

In fact, he doesn't care whether Jingxi is fat or thin. He just wants to feed her.

He wanted to do this a long time ago, but he felt that he was crazy. He kept on pressing and never let Jingxi know.

So holding her and feeding her food made Lou Ziling feel like a dream.

She's in his arms. This is his girl. That's great!

He ordered all the dishes that Jingxi loved. She was not very picky, she was easy to raise, but preferred meat.

In the past, Jingxi was always afraid of eating too much and being too fat. In order to be slim, she would push all the food to Lou Ziling.

At the moment, Lou Ziling only fed her, but she didn't eat. Jingxi stopped: "why don't you eat? I can't grow meat by myself. You have to accompany me to grow up together."She sat on Lou Ziling's body, shaking her legs, happily to Lou Ziling with vegetables to eat.

Lou Ziling was originally a picky eater, but Jing Xi fed him, and he refused to refuse. She cured her picky eating problem.

This is the most full meal and the longest time in the history of louziling.

He remembers the lesson. He can't order so many dishes when he has dinner with Jingxi next time!

She didn't like to eat more, she didn't like to waste, and she especially liked to feed Lou Ziling. Lou Ziling was glad that every dish in his restaurant was very small!

Such a way of eating, Jingxi is not fat, but he is going to put on ten jin first!

Out of the restaurant, a couple came face to face.

The man's big belly, fat walk are panting, hair also lost a few, and his side of the woman, thin and slender, elegant and beautiful, took his arm to call "husband", smiling and talking to him.

I don't think it's too much to eat!

If Jingxi wants to keep fit, he needs more! He is seven years older than Jingxi!

Lou Ziling was thinking about it, and his arm hurt suddenly.


Lou Ziling took a cold breath: "Xixi, if you don't have enough, you can eat something else, don't tear my meat to eat?"

Jingxi snorted coldly: "who let you see beauties blindly? I stand next to you and you dare to look. If I'm not here, do you want to go up and ask for the phone number? "

Lou Ziling couldn't laugh or cry: "that woman has a husband!"

"Oh, you can watch without a husband?"

Jingxi's eyes were a little dangerous. Lou Ziling didn't hesitate for a second and immediately admitted his mistake:

"no, what's good about that girl! My husband didn't see her just now! You're right. I only watch you , the fastest update of the webnovel!